Things to do in Madrid


Get Your Bearings in Madrid

See & Do

Take It or Leave It: Look up to discover many of the city�'s interesting architectural details.


Caution: Inquire about soundproofed rooms or ask for an interior room if you�'re a light sleeper; the city can be noisy.


Be Sure to Sample: Spanish tapas, including hams and cheeses, washed down with red wine.


Hot Tips: Madrid gets going later than most cities.


Caution: Eat all the ham you want in Spain, but don't bring it back to the US. It will probably be confiscated.

Best Local Souvenir: Spanish clothes and shoes. A bottle of Spanish olive oil or red wine.



Madrid is known for...

Five of Madrid's most unique features and characteristics.

1. Art Museums:

Brimming with quality art museums, the city of Madrid is known as one of the best places – if not simply the best place – in the world to see European art or even art period. This recognition is in large part thanks to what is known as the Golden Triangle of Art. The privileged downtown slice of Madrid includes the Prado Museum, Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum and Reina Sofia Museum. The Prado’s collections include European art from the 12th to 19th centuries while the Reina Sofia focuses on contemporary Spanish art and the Thyssen on Spanish and European art collections that complement the other two museums.

2. Nightlife:

Despite all the talk about the aging of the Spanish population and the memory of the wild Madrid Movida movement, the party in the Spanish capital has not ended. Not even close! Madrid is still known for its vibrant nightlife, myriad bars and nightclubs, partying in the streets and the number of seemingly constant parties. Visitors are often pleasantly surprised that the city’s bars and nightclubs have their own timetables – closing as early as 2 am or as late as 7 am. 

3. Cafes:

Café culture, while a delicious legacy of the past, is still a strong, modern feature in Madrid. Beautiful cafes are everywhere and Madrid locals love to while away the hours over a cup of coffee and a newspaper or a round of beers in little cups with a group of their friends. The profusion of sidewalk cafes in the summertime especially feels like a blessing to locals and visitors alike. 

4. Street Culture:

People always seem to be out socializing in the streets at all hours in Madrid, especially during the warmer months. From children playing in the squares to young adults hanging out with their friends on street corners to senior citizens busy chatting on the many benches, you will never be alone in Madrid.

5. Late Dining:

The fact is that people just tend to eat late in Madrid. When most people around the world have long finished and forgotten about their meals, Madrid locals are just getting ready to eat. Lunch starts at 2 pm or even 3 pm and dinner at 10 pm. Most restaurants won’t even open for lunch before 1:30 pm or for dinner before 9:00 pm. Visitors to Madrid must be prepared to adjust their stomachs accordingly or keep a stock of their own food on hand.