Florence Neighborhoods

Campo di Marte

Campo di Marte is known as "Quartiere 2" and represents the major sports centers of Florence. The...

Centro Storico

The city center of Florence holds all the goodies for every traveler. A small city as a whole, the center is mostly...

San Frediano

San Frediano is one of most popular neighborhoods in Florence. You enter through Porta San Frediano on the west end of...

San Lorenzo

San Lorenzo is one of the frequented neighborhoods. Perhaps having a grand market in the middle, Mercato Centrale. A...

Santa Croce

Santa Croce is a very popular area for tourists and florentines. In the piazza there are many typical leather shops which...

Santo Spirito

Located on the other side of the Arno River, the Santo Spirito neighborhood is a lively spot with plenty to see and...

Via Tornabuoni

Via Tornabuoni neighborhood is full of high class boutiques and ritzy cafes. Along this street there are many fashion...