There may be as many versions of the Cuban sandwich in Florida as there are Cuban sandwich shops — a lot of them! Depending on where you land in Florida this sandwich might take a different shape. Most agree on the basics: roast pork and sweet ham, Swiss cheese, pickles and mustard on Cuban bread.

From there things vary. Tampa — who claims the Cuban as their city sandwich — adds salami, but if you told a Miami Cuban purist you wanted salami you would be thrown out of the joint. Mayo, a big no-no to some purists, is widely used in Miami and Ybor City. Key West says Cubans were first made there for the cigar factories, and lettuce, tomato and red onion are often added.

USA TODAY 10Best and Sandwich America asked readers to help crown the best Cuban sandwiches in the state of Florida. Voting took place over the course of four weeks, and now the results are in.

The top 10 winners in the category Best Cuban Sandwich in Florida are as follows: