Spectators Make a Joke Out of Protest Ban at Olympics

Even though the ban against political protests has been suspended at the Games in Rio, spectators continue to invent creative and unusual manifestations during the Olympic competition.

Fans have shown up with posters written "Out with You Know Who", "Vaza, V�i" (regional slang for 'Out Brother') and even "Out with Temer" written in Japanese.

But the protest that has been the most popular on social networks was set up by friends Luis Namer, 41 and Naiana Leone, 29.

On Wednesday (the 10th) the day of the soccer match between Brazil and Denmark, they took two posters to the Fonte Nova Arena in Salvador: One poster had written (in Portuguese) "FOr�a Brasil, TE amo!" while the other had "RA�a o povo MERece".

When the posters were folded and placed together the phrase "FORA TEMER" (OUT with TEMER) appeared. The video quickly spread virally and has more than 580 thousand views on Facebook.

"We think it's absurd that we can't protest. Call in the shock troops because of paper?", said Naiana.

"So we decided to protest not only against the interim government, but also against censorship itself. And to make a joke. We thought: We are going to protest and they won't even realize it."

Naiana said that personnel from the Games organizers saw their ingenious poster and didn't do anything. Among spectators, the camouflaged protest was popular. Many people stopped to take photos.

Protesters are prohibited by the Olympic law, which was approved for dealing with subjects related to the organization of Rio-2016 and by internal competition rules.

But on the day after 12 spectators who were protesting were removed from the Miner�o stadium last Sunday (the 7th), an injunction was issued by Rio's Federal Court, which determined that the prohibition of protests violated the right of free manifestation.

The Rio-2016 Committee appealed the decision and lost on its first appeal. Political protests continue to be freely permitted.

Translated by LLOYD HARDER

Read the article in the original language
