One opened, more to go... Operation Clambake presents:

Kyle Thomas Brennan
April 2, 1986 - February 17, 2007

A mothers tragic loss of her son while he visited his Scientology father.

Kyle's obituary

Kyle Thomas Brennan

Kyle Thomas Brennan

Kyle Thomas Brennan

It is important for me, Victoria Britton - the mother of Kyle Thomas Brennan - to let all of the caring and concerned people know the truth regarding his life and death. Kyle was baptized into the Catholic faith at three months old and was eternally laid to rest as a Catholic on February 22, 2007.

The statement that my son died for Tom Cruise's Scientology beliefs is completely false. Kyle never practiced, adhered to, or believed in the doctrine of Scientology. He was sent literature from the cult by his father, an avid member of the so-called church located in Clearwater, Florida. I am refraining from using the many negative adjectives that Kyle used to describe their beliefs after reading the literature sent him, but absurd and ludicrous were two of his favorites.

I am uncertain as to what unfortunate events led to the tragic death of my dear son, who at the time was staying with his Scientologist father. I can say that his depression medication was not found on his person when the police searched the crime scene. I was also informed that when Kyle's father found him he waited forty-five minutes before calling for medical assistance. He called a fellow Scientologist first, and then waited for him to arrive on the scene before calling an ambulance or the police. The thought of this inhuman behavior will haunt me for the rest of my life.

There are no words to describe how a mother feels when she has lost a child. In many ways, I am able to cope by pretending he is still with us. Whenever I see a group of college-age young men, I look for my son's face among them hoping to find him. He looks back at me with his beautiful blue eyes. He's smiling . . . and he's wearing his favorite blue shirt.

Peace Be With You


Kyle Thomas Brennan

Brought to you by:
Operation Clambake