Amenorrhea – loss of periods – can be troubling. Sure, your regular monthly bleed can be a bit of a nuisance when it strikes, but periods that go AWOL for months at a time can cause some serious health anxiety.

Irregular periods can be fairly common – a 2019 study found that over 14% women aged 19-54 reported irregular cycles – and may be nothing to worry about. However, persistent amenorrhea could be the sign of a more serious underlying health condition.

Here's everything you need to know about missing periods, and whether yours should be cause for concern.

What is amenorrhea?

Quite simply, amenorrhea is the rather nasty sounding term used when women don’t have periods. There are two types: primary amenorrhea – i.e. you’ve never had a period in your life, and secondary amenorrhea – when you’ve had periods in the past but for some reason they’ve stopped.

It’s often associated with menopause symptoms but it can affect women at any time of their life, for other reasons. In this article, we'll talk secondary amenorrhea specifically.

Amenorrhea symptoms

Generally, you're considered to have amenorrhea if you haven't had a period for:

    • 3 cycles if you were regular before
    • 6 months or more, if your periods were irregular before

    ‘If you’ve had periods in the past but they have stopped, and it’s not because of the menopause or because you're pregnant, it is important to see your GP,’ says Shirin Irani, a consultant gynaecologist at Spire Parkway Hospital.

    Amenorrhea is often a symptom in of itself. ‘Your period is an excellent barometer of your health,' says Dr Nicky Keay, a sports and dance endocrinologist. ‘It’s normal to have fairly regular periods – at least 9 a year. If you don’t, there is likely something else going on in the body that needs your attention.'

    What are the dangers of amenorrhea?

    Anyone who's every been caught tampon-less on D-day may be tempted to agree: not having been periods might seem pretty convenient. However, amenorrhea comes with a host of other health problems that could catch up with you down the line.

    Most notably, oestrogen levels are needed to maintain calcium content in bone. This means that without the oestrogen spikes of your cycle, your bones can become progressively more porous, resulting in osteopenia, and eventually, osteoporosis.

    Unsurprisingly, a lack of periods will also mean that it's tough (but not impossible - more on that below) to fall pregnant.

    Can you still get pregnant with amenorrhea?

    It's not impossible to get pregnant with amenorrhea says Kay Ali, a nutritional therapist and functional hormone specialist. 'There are methods we can use like IVF to help,' she says. 'However, since you need to experience ovulation in order to get pregnant, it's unlikely someone with amenorrhea will conceive naturally.'

    How is amenorrhea treated?

    There are a plethora of ways to treat amenorrhea, all very dependent on the root cause. For example, loss of periods as a result of premature ovarian failure or PCOS can be treated with medication, while lifestyle changes may help combat loss of periods caused by being overweight, underweight or energy deficiency.

    Read on to find out the most common causes of amenorrhea and how they're treated.

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    Amenorrhea causes: why your periods may have stopped

    When it comes to why periods might unexpectedly stop, the answer is different for everyone. However, here are some of the most common causes.

    1/ Pregnancy

    No surprises here. A fertilised egg requires a nice, thick uterine lining – which is what you'll shed in a regular period. If you suspect your may be pregnant, it's worth checking out these 7 Early Signs of Pregnancy That You Need to Be Aware Of.

    2/ Premature ovarian failure

    If your ovaries call it time before you hit 40 then you’ll likely be diagnosed with premature ovarian failure (aka premature menopause).

    Your periods will stop because you won’t have any more eggs to release and you’ll likely show other menopause symptoms such as hot flushes, vaginal dryness and mood swings.

    The reason? Because your ovaries won’t be producing oestrogen as they once were, your whole hormonal cycle will be all out of whack. It’s a key condition to get diagnosed.

    ‘If left unchecked, premature ovarian failure can cause oestrogen deficiency, which in turn can increase a woman’s risk of having weak bones as they get older,’ Irani says. Premature ovarian failure can also raise your risk of heart disease, dementia and depression.

    Amenorrhea treatment

    The condition can be managed through hormone replacement therapy, as well as other lifestyle changes – so if your periods stopped for this reason, all is not lost.

    3/ Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

    In PCOS, the cyclical hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle don’t do what they are meant to do. Instead of maturing one ovarian follicle and releasing an egg into the fallopian tube, multiple follicles develop immaturely.

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    The result? Amenorrhea. However, without a monthly bleed, the lining of the womb can thicken, which, over time, could encourage abnormal cells to develop and lead to endometrial cancer.

    However, a loss of or irregular periods are not the only symptom of PCOS, says Ali. 'If you've diagnosed just on this basis, I encourage you to ask for have your hormone levels tested with a blood test.'

    Amenorrhea treatment

    PCOS symptoms can be treated with medication but also changes to the food you eat and the ways in which you break a sweat.

    Lifestyle changes have helped many women manage PCOS. Following a PCOS diet and plan for PCOS weight loss can also help. ‘Blood sugar control is important for women with PCOS as it is often this dysregulation of insulin that causes the other reproductive hormones to go haywire,’ says nutritionist Melanie Brown.

    ‘This can be done by eating foods rich in protein and fibre, plus complex carbohydrates, all of which take longer to break down, slowing the release of energy into the blood stream and preventing any sharp releases of insulin.’

    4/ Being overweight

    ‘If you’re overweight, you will have more oestrogen floating around in your body, a condition described as hyper-oestrogenic,’ says Irani.

    ‘This is because not only is oestrogen produced by the ovaries; it can also be created in fat tissue.’ It’s all very complex but the long and the short of it is that too much excess oestrogen equals periods stopped.

    Amenorrhea treatment

    The obvious answer is to lose weight. Here's how to lose weight well. Your GP may also prescribe progesterone to encourage a fake bleed, which is important to relieve any thickening of the womb lining that could, left unchecked, could develop into endometrial cancer.

    5/ Being underweight

    The cause: as being overweight can cause your monthly bleed to go AWOL, so too can being underweight. Why? Body fat acts as a store for oestrogen. ‘One of the most common reasons for a woman’s periods to stop is simply not having enough body fat,’ says Brown.

    ‘We need a certain level of fat to maintain a pregnancy and if this falls below our own particular set-point, our pituitary gland will stop instructing our reproductive organs to produce the hormones needed for menstruation.’

    It’s known as being hypo-oestrogenic and is a key player in long-term bone health. ‘If you have no periods because you are underweight, you’re at risk of osteoporosis – regardless of your age,’ Irani says,

    And before you think you’ve dodged the bullet because you’re super lean but still having periods, take note: ‘It has been shown that being underweight – whether you are having periods or not – lower the “potency” of reproductive hormones,’ says Brown.

    ‘Think of it like the difference between full fat robust creamy milk and watery skimmed milk. When it comes to oestrogen and progesterone, full-fat is best.’

    Amenorrhea treatment

    ‘Put some weight on you,’ Irani says. An excuse to scoff Krispy Kremes that is not.

    ‘Follow a Mediterranean Diet,’ recommends Brown. ‘And never skip meals. Weight gain requires both nutrient- and calorie-dense foods – think plant fats, full-fat dairy products, complex carbohydrates such as sweet potato, brown rice, seedy wholegrain bread with peanut butter, fresh fruit with cheese or nuts, and a good whack of extra virgin olive oil over everything.’

    6/ RED-S

    Exercising regularly and monitoring your calorie intake? Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S) occurs when you’re not getting enough energy to sustain you. 'You may be overexercising, under-fuelling, or a combination of both,' says Dr Keay.

    ‘Think of it as your body going into low battery mode – effectively switching off non-essential apps to conserve enough energy to keep you switched on,’ Dr Keay says. ‘One of the first things to go is the female reproductive hormones.’

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    In the past, this was a condition only really associated with serious athletes, but Dr Keay often treats regular gym-goers who have amenorrhea as a result of RED-S. 'Often, these women are not noticeably underweight, or training more than once a day,' she says. 'Every one has a different healthy set-point.'

    Amenorrhea treatment

    If you think you may fall into this category, you can try troubleshooting this yourself. Dr Keay recommends a minimum of three meals a day, all featuring a decent serving of protein, fat and carbs. Add to that a carb-based snack like a cereal bar or a banana before exercise and a snack that contains protein and carbohydrates within 30 minutes of your workout.

    Or, she suggests decreasing intensity, like swapping your go-to HIIT workouts for strength and conditioning, and cutting out fasted cardio. Important: it could take a few months before you see that tell-tale spot of blood again, so don’t be disheartened if it doesn’t happen right away. If it doesn’t come back within a few months, it’s time to visit your GP or a specialist, Dr Keay says.

    7/ Your contraception

    ‘Long-acting contraceptives can suppress the body’s mechanism of ovulating,’ says Irani. ‘Even after you stop using them. You may find you experience amenorrhea for a while before the complex hormonal mechanisms that trigger a bleed return to normal.’

    Amenorrhea treatment

    In most cases, your periods will return to normal so, if you’re not trying to get pregnant, you don’t really need to do anything.

    If, however, you are wanting to start a family, or are considering an alternative form of contraception, read our guide to coming off the contraceptive pill, first.

    8/ Stress

    Think back to our ancestors for a second – living in the wild, fighting for survival on a daily basis. How awkward would it be if, while outrunning a bear, say, you find yourself saying hello to Aunt Flo.

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    Fortunately, the body is designed in a way that means that shouldn’t happen. ‘When faced with fight or flight danger, the body will release chemicals – such as cortisol – that will stop your menstrual cycle because the last thing it wants you to do at a time of strife is to reproduce,’ Irani says. Makes sense, right?

    Today, you may not likely come fact-to-face with bears on a regular basis but there are other high-stress events that can frequently set your body on alert. That job interview, perhaps, or a big move to a new house or a bereavement. ‘Stress is a huge driving factor for amenorrhea that shouldn’t be overlooked,’ Irani says.

    Amenorrhea treatment

    Try to take the stress out of your life. Stretch off stress with the ultimate yoga poses for relaxation. Feeling anxious? Try these 5 simple ways to switch off anxiety.

    Amenorrhea: the takeaway

    Remember, when it comes to periods, the base line is to know what’s normal for you. A good way to do this is to use a period tracking app that will show you monthly cycle stats.

    But if you’ve gone for more than six months without a bleed, it’s time to consult your doctor.

    ‘It’s not necessary to have one every month but it can be dangerous to go too long without one,' says Irani. 'Think of periods as the body’s way of flushing itself out, which is important.’

    And a word on contraception. Just because you’re not having periods, it doesn’t always mean you’re not ovulating – so you could still get pregnant. Find out how each form of birth control affects your period.

    Swatting up on your female health? Read our guides to excessive discharge, female hormones and spotting between periods.

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    Emma-Louise Pritchard
    Membership Director, Country Living UK & House Beautiful UK

    Emma-Louise Pritchard is the Membership Director for Country Living UK & House Beautiful UK, previously Executive Digital Editor for Country Living UK. Emma-Louise is a digital expert specialising in content strategy, social media and newsletters. Her topics include sustainability, homes and interiors, gardening, health and wellbeing, pets, travel and countryside news. She has previously written for Good Housekeeping and Cosmopolitan and has won several awards, from AOP Digital Editor of the Year 2019 to PPA 30 Under 30. Emma-Louise studied at Cardiff University where she completed an MA in Magazine Journalism. 

    Headshot of Kirsti Buick

    Kirsti is a health and fitness journalist, a personal trainer and tech junkie. She’s a South African journalist who followed her passion for health and fitness all the way to the UK, where she now spends her days sweating it up and perfecting her form in gyms all over London.