Blair Sabol

Investigative Reporter
Charleston SC
Blair Sabol

Blair joined the Live 5 News team in November 2021.

Professional Experience: KCBD/KJTV (Lubbock, TX) Reporter/MMJ, WRNN-TV(Rye Brook, NY) Producer

News Philosophy: Information can be more powerful than anything else in this world and no one understands that better than the journalists who pursue it every day. We're entrusted with the mightiest tool to keep everyone informed, elected officials honest and to document the first rough draft of history. It's a responsibility and a passion I don't take lightly.

Hometown: White Plains, New York (30 minutes north of New York City)

Education: Media Communications B.A. from the University of Delaware, with minors in political communication and Spanish

Family: I've got folks spread across the country, from New York to Austin, Texas to California's Central Valley. I'm quite positive I'm the first to settle in Charleston, but I can't wait for them to visit.

Hobbies and Interests: When I'm not in the grind of keeping up with the daily news, I'm big about turning off my phone and enjoying the great outdoors. I love hiking, yoga & digital photography. Plus, when I'm not feeling up to a new adventure, snuggling with my sweet cat Amiga makes me just as happy too.

Favorite Books/Music: Book: Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger; Music taste: Varies from Pop to Electronic Dance Music (EDM) and of course, you can't forget the oldies but goodies (passed down by my lovely parents).

Likes Best About the Lowcountry: The thriving culture and mix of people from all walks of life. I love that I have so many places to explore including (and especially) the beach!

Most Interesting Story I've Covered: In a classic David vs Goliath case, in 2021 50+ South Plains (Texas) grape growers filed a $560 million suit against Big Ag company Bayer-Monsanto blaming irreparable crop damage on years of chemical drift from its herbicide called Dicamba. They claim the company set aside millions for future legal action and was well aware that the herbicide, used specifically on GMO cotton (the area's largest cash crop), could vaporize in the extreme west Texas heat and affect other crops. It was remarkable to see the little guys (who are responsible for producing 80% of the grapes that support the state's burgeoning wine industry) take a stand in an area where "cotton is king."