After 30 years, Augusta University graduate finishes college

Published: May. 10, 2024 at 5:01 PM EDT

AUGUSTA, Ga. (WRDW/WAGT) - Walking across the stage at graduation is an accomplishment for many.

Augusta University welcomed its newest class of alumni on Friday.

For a lot of the four-year graduates, it’s their first graduation ceremony due to their high school graduation getting canceled during COVID.

For one graduate, who also happens to be a mom of seven, she’s waited 30 years for this moment, proving you can finish what you started.

“30 years. I did my first half of school in the early 90s at Augusta College,” said Paige Boutwell.

Then life happened.

“Went into labor with my first child at 24 weeks and ended up in the hospital and on bed rest. My incompletes turned to zeros, which affected my GPA,” she said.

As her family grew, Boutwell decided home was where her heart needed to be.

“I have a very well-educated family. And it was not in the plan for me not to finish school,” said Boutwell.

But life has a funny way of working out.

“Fall of 2021, it hit me about Thanksgiving. It was one of those things where you make a decision, and you don’t look back,” she said.

It brings her here, graduating with a degree in sociology and joining thousands of other AU alums, including two of her daughters.

“I guess it was kind of my fault that she didn’t get to graduate or finish school almost 30 years ago,” said Raleigh Hornung, Boutwell’s daughter. “I’m glad that she’s actually gotten to fulfill this dream of hers. Despite all of that pain that she went through 30 years ago for me,” said Hornung.

If you ask Boutwell, every kick turned into a boost.

“I’m glad to have that behind me and that chapter closed,” said Boutwell.

Friday marks the beginning of a new chapter in her life.