Awareness: Education in the Black community, erasing negative statistics

Published: Jul. 18, 2022 at 9:16 PM EDT|Updated: Jul. 18, 2022 at 9:21 PM EDT

COLUMBIA, S.C. (WIS) - This week on Awareness we are focusing on education in the Black community. In an article by The Brookings Institution, the organization once wrote.

“Americans often forget that as late as the 1960s most people of color including African American students were educated in wholly segregated schools funded at rates many times lower than those serving white people and were excluded from many higher education institutions entirely,” that was in 1998. Now in 2022, 24 years later research shows disparities remain between white and Black students but gets a little more detailed. A recent article by Brookings says Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) reports show large, persistent gaps between Black and white students on educational outcomes such as school suspensions, uptake of AP classes, assignment to special education and gifted and talented classes, and grade-level retention.

However, the guests on this week’s show are working hard to erase those statistics.

Iya Kiaunte Infinite and Baba Amin Ojuok are educators at UASC International Learning Center. UASC educates and develops young Black scholars as scientists and engineers, addressing challenges that face the African community, both in America and globally. Starting in pre-school, students learn about cryptocurrency, stocks, the importance of a healthy diet and hands-on assignments that accompany daily tasks.

One of the most glaring challenges for Black students is reading. The latest research from the U.S. Department of Education, 85 percent of Black students lack proficiency in reading skills again that’s on a national level. In South Carolina, data shows that Black students had an average reading score that was 31 points lower than that for White students which is not a significant change from 1998 where Black students were behind by 29 points. Experts say one of the best ways to get over these humps, making sure students are reading not only in the classrooms but outside the classrooms as well. Kimberli Davis, a media relations coordinator with Richland County Library to tell us about a massive book sale hosted by the library on July 22nd and July 23rd.

As we know, reading is the key to unlocking your future goals, even possibly leading you to become the creator of the stories that are picked off of shelves for generations to come. Poet Laureate of Rock Hill, SC, Angelo Geter just released his debut book “More God than Dead” which features his poetry collection which centers on the death of his late wife and contends with learning how to find joy through the pain. To purchase Angelo’s book or book him for a speaking engagement, visit his website,

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