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Ex-Footballspieler O.J. Simpson

Seine Geschichte bleibt als tragischer Wendepunkt des Medienzeitalters in Erinnerung

Autor im Ressort Stil
FILE - O.J. Simpson and his friend, Nicole Brown, pose at party in the Beverly Hills section of Los Angeles on May 6, 1980. Simpson, the decorated football superstar and Hollywood actor who was acquitted of charges he killed his former wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend but was later found liable in a separate civil trial, has died. He was 76. (AP Photo/Nick Ut, File) FILE - O.J. Simpson and his friend, Nicole Brown, pose at party in the Beverly Hills section of Los Angeles on May 6, 1980. Simpson, the decorated football superstar and Hollywood actor who was acquitted of charges he killed his former wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend but was later found liable in a separate civil trial, has died. He was 76. (AP Photo/Nick Ut, File)
Simpson 1980 mit einer Ehefrau Nicole Brown Simpson
Quelle: AP
Mit dem Mordprozess gegen den verstorbenen Ex-Footballspieler O.J. Simpson verschwammen die Grenzen zwischen Realität und Fiktion. Jeder glaubte, was er glauben wollte. Das hat unsere Gesellschaft bis heute geprägt. Und sogar Einfluss auf Reality-TV rund um die Kardashians.

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