U of T Service Groups

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U of T Blue Sky Solar Racing

Blue Sky Solar Racing is a student-run design team specializing in designing, building and racing a solar-powered car. We provide students with opportunities to grow outside of the classroom.

The team promotes sustainable technology and creates innovative products. They recently participated in the 2019 Bridgestone World Solar Challenge, a 3K km race across Australia.

The team has the opportunity to represent the U of T on the global stage!


Bikechain is an on-campus educational bicycle shop offering a wide range of services including: Free bicycle rentals for students A do-it-yourself shop where students can learn to fix their own bicycles with the aid of experienced mechanics.

Workshops and seminars on bicycle safety and maintenance

Leadership, employment and volunteer opportunities for students

With the support of students, we have taught over 35,000 people how to fix their bikes and ride safely since 2005


LGBTOUT is the oldest university-based LGBTQ student advocacy organization in Canada and has served the U of T community for almost half a century (since 1969).

Today, LGBTOUT provides a safe and inclusive space, resources, and programming for LGBTQ students, staff, faculty, and community members at U of T.

The volunteer-run Drop-In Centre (DIC) is our main hub at which folks can access resources and supplies, peer support, and even fun books for their reading enjoyment!

University of Toronto International Health Program (UTIHP)

The University of Toronto International Health Program (UTIHP) was established in 1988 as a student group by two U of T medical students in response to an increased interest in global health on campus. Since, the identity of the group has constantly evolved, uniting undergraduates and graduate and professional students across all three campuses. Our initiatives are always changing, depending on student interest and in response to the changing global health landscape.

Cinema Studies Student Union (CINSSU)

The Cinema Studies Student Union represents the voice of undergraduate students enrolled in the Cinema Studies programme at U of T while promoting and celebrating cinema across the campus through a variety of screenings, events, and academic journals. Run entirely by dedicated undergraduate students who volunteer their time, CINSSU is the centre of cinema on campus.

Downtown Legal Services

DLS provides U of T students with free legal advice and support on housing matters (repairs, rent disputes, safety concerns, etc.), employment matters (unpaid wages, wrongful dismissal, etc.) and academic offences & appeals. In addition, we can help with some criminal, family and refugee law matters. We also provide free notary and commissioning services for students (certified true copies, OSAP affidavits, applications for professional licensing exams, etc.)

UTAT Innovation Fund

UTAT is an interdisciplinary design team for U of T students. The world’s only student-funded space program, UTAT will launch the world’s first student-funded satellite in 2020. All U of T students can submit ideas for the payload of UTAT’s next satellite, giving the student body unprecedented access to space. UTAT also builds drones & rockets, advocates for STEM education with outreach events, and contributes to policy to make aerospace accessible and useful for all.

Students for Barrier-free Access

SBA is a disability justice organization. We advocate for accessible post-secondary education and the removal of barriers. SBA has been instrumental in advocating for improved services for students with disabilities. We run a community drop-in centre and accessible computer lab that can be used by all students. We offer free workshops and programs for all students including Accessible Event Planning, Accessible Graphic Design, Peer Support and Active Listening workshops, ASL classes

The Centre for Women and Trans People

The Centre is a gender equity organization that offers free events, programs, training, mental health services and volunteer opportunities for students in a family-friendly and trans-inclusive space. We have free wifi, couches, a full kitchen, a food bank, Dr. Chun Resource Library, computers, a nursing corner and health supplies. We host free community cooking, lunches, peer support groups, book clubs, exam de-stressors, self-care workshops, socials and more.

University of Toronto Sexual Education Centre

UTSEC is a not-for-profit, volunteer-run student group that provides safer sex supplies and services free of charge to the U of T community. Our services include confidential and non-judgemental one-on-one peer and phone support, access to the UTSEC library and resources, referral services, educational presentations, high school talks, and more! Our mission is to provide access to information on all aspects of human sexuality in a comfortable, inclusive and sex-positive environment.

Centre for Social Justice - OPIRG Toronto

OPIRG is an intersectional social justice group directed by Undergrad/Grad students at U of T. We seek to empower, educate and engage students by providing free accessible skills-based workshops, research opportunities, access to emergency funds, clothing bank, publishing opportunities, social and environmental justice advocacy, multi-disciplinary learning, and a space to work cooperatively for social change within academia and the wider community.

University of Toronto Environmental Resource Network (UTERN)

The University of Toronto’s Environmental Resource Network (UTERN) is a levy organization that operates as a funding body and networking hub for any person, group or club within the university community interested in sustainability and environmentalism on campus. UTERN membership is open to all students, faculty, staff and alumni from any of the three campuses at the University of Toronto.