UTSU Student Census

Why a Census?

Our current data is old and uncool. The University of Toronto Student Census is an endeavor undertaken by the UTSU to create a holistic picture of the University of Toronto undergraduate student body, including their demographics and their concerns. Our hope is that we will be able to use the data collected in order to help improve student services and advocate for students’ needs more effectively.

Plus, enter into a draw for one of five prizes of $100 when you complete the census, made possible thanks to our friends at Meridian Credit Union.

Check out the UTSU Student Census

Privacy and Content Warning

The purpose of this census is to provide the UTSU with a means to understand the primary concerns of UTSU member students. All data collected is kept confidential and information will not be able to be used through responses in ranges to assure anonymity. The information that you provide may be used by the UTSU for other statistical and research purposes. Data presented to the public will only be made available in aggregate form.

Some of the questions ask for information which may be considered personal in nature. If you do not wish to answer a question, please feel free to skip it, however, note that the more data that we have, the more we can do to improve student services.

Songs That Make You Suddenly Like Data Analysis

You don’t need to have it be awkward while you complete the census. Get into the vibe with our official Student Census Spotify Playlist. If you disagree with our taste in music, nobody asked about that. We asked about a few other things but not specifically that.