Campus Initiatives

Funding and Support Details

Organizers whose applications are successful will work with the UTSU’s Campaigns & Outreach Committee to see their initiative succeed. The maximum cash allocation under this fund is currently $1000, and can also be supplemented by other resources as determined by the Campaigns & Outreach Committee.

This fund is not accessible to UTSU-recognized clubs at this time, and is reserved for newly-established student groups seeking to lead specific community impact projects. It is not intended as a substitute for long-term or recurring funding.

Who’s Eligible to Apply

Campus Initiatives supported by the UTSU must meet the following requirements, and are subject to the UTSU’s Code of Conduct. Student groups who make use of this policy:

  • Must be led by, and primarily or entirely composed of, UTSU members

  • Must seek to make a positive contribution to the University of Toronto community

  • Must operate completely on a not-for-profit basis, and return all unused UTSU resources

  • Must not impede on the legitimate and lawful activities of University of Toronto students

  • Must not interfere with or duplicate the mandate or activities of existing campus groups, and

  • Must not discriminate on the basis of a protected ground in a protected social area, as defined in the Ontario Human Rights Code, R.S.O. 1990, c. H.19.

Applicable student groups who make use of this policy are expected to act in full accordance with the University of Toronto Policy on Open, Accessible, and Democratic Autonomous Student Organizations.

Representative student societies and service groups may not make use of this policy.

Application Process and Approvals

Groups or individuals who seek UTSU support for initiatives collectively referred to in this policy as “organizers”, shall be governed by the following application process.

  1. Organizers of campus initiatives must first contact the UTSU and request an application form. This can be done by speaking with front desk staff at the Community Hub by email, phone, or in-person at the UTSU front desk.

  2. Organizers must then complete and return this form to the UTSU using the designated email address provided in the application. Applications will then be processed by the UTSU.

  3. The Campaigns & Outreach Committee will review eligible applications within fourteen (14) days of receipt. For applications that pass an initial review, organizers will be asked to attend a meeting of the Committee, where they will have the opportunity to speak about their initiative, and about how the UTSU can help.

  4. The Campaigns & Outreach Committee will review and approve applications by way of individual resolution items on the committee agenda. The results of the application review process will not take effect until achieving ratification by the Board of Directors. Applicants will then be notified about the result by the Chair of the Campaigns & Outreach Committee.