At UniSA, people are the core of our success. Our students are clever and creative, engaged in their pursuit of excellence and ready to make their mark in their future careers.

We are committed to equity and access to education, and have helped students from a variety of backgrounds access opportunities that have changed their lives. With your support, a student’s journey to achieve their dream becomes a lot easier.

Scholarships and other philanthropic gifts can reward hard work and dedication, boost motivation and self-confidence, ease financial loads, or enhance employability through internship or exchange programs.

The Enterprise Hub can provide you with opportunities to invest in the next generation of leaders, or guide you towards other ways to help people achieve their potential.

Learn more about sponsored scholarships and current engagement initiatives, or contact us to discuss the possibilities.  

Contact us

A group of people meeting around a table

Building the future together

Today’s students, tomorrow’s career-ready workforce

Build the intellectual and professional skills of our community

A catalyst for change

Support research ambition and nurture a thriving knowledge community

Maximise the benefits of engagement

Support innovative thinking while gaining access to a pipeline of talent

Every dollar makes a difference

Your philanthropic donation or corporate sponsorship goes directly to supporting research

Discover ways to guide future leaders toward success

Corporate Named Scholarships

Two people in front of a whiteboardUniSA has always been the go-to university for those who strive to make the most of their talent, no matter their background. Many of our students are the first in their family to attend university, and many come from socially or economically challenged backgrounds. Nevertheless, the high employment rate of our graduates shows that the right education can help you achieve your goals, regardless of your background.

Your generosity in the form of a scholarship or a grant could help students focus on their studies and enable them to become the best they can be, creating highly skilled and job-ready graduates.

By supporting a scholarship, you will be playing an important role in providing access to higher education for our deserving students and helping them to achieve their greatest potential. You will also be building the intellectual and professional skills of our community – a crucial investment in the future.

We know this is a deeply personal choice and will work with you to tailor an award that is unique to you or your organisation. You may also choose to pair a scholarship with a paid internship within your company or organisation, helping you to identify potential new recruits.

Find out more

Support the Innovation & Collaboration Centre

A team of people meeting at a tableUniSA’s Innovation & Collaboration Centre (ICC) embodies our ingrained culture of innovation. The ICC supports the generation of new startups and the growth of existing companies in South Australia by providing funding, mentoring and access to commercial expertise, and in turn has inspired the formation of the ICC Enterprise Circle.

Take the opportunity to share your wisdom and guide the next generation of founders and entrepreneurs. Using your exceptional business acumen, you will steer these talented leaders towards success in their careers. In turn, you will be increasing local revenue and strengthening South Australia’s economy.

Your philanthropic gift or corporate sponsorship could support:

The ICC Enterprise Circle

Chaired by Tony Maiello, the ICC Enterprise Circle is a gathering of benefactors and entrepreneurs who lend their philanthropic support and business connections to support the ICC’s Venture Catalyst programs. Members have the privilege to become an important link in the development of new and emerging companies critical to growing the South Australian economy. Membership is by invitation only and is supported by a philanthropic gift.

ICC Enterprise Circle Endowment

The ICC’s Venture Catalyst programs are funded by UniSA and philanthropic contributions from the ICC Enterprise Circle. In addition to these contributions, the University is seeking to establish an endowment fund to provide an annual prize to the most innovative company emerging from the Venture Catalyst program. This endowment could also be achieved from a single individual donation or a consortium of donors.

Project-based PhD Scholarships

A person using a VR systemThe University has a wide range of PhD projects that you may choose to sponsor. Visit the Research Projects page to view a list of current research projects. Alternatively, you can contact us to discuss your business challenge that could be addressed by a thorough and impartial research project or by supporting a UniSA PhD scholar.

These project-based research degrees provide an insight into the breadth of research being undertaken by UniSA researchers. You may discover a project that aligns directly with your needs, or you might be inspired a project that you feel will serve your corporate objectives.

An investment in a UniSA Project-based PhD Scholarship can create a vital catalyst for change across industry and the wider community.

Individual Research Scholarships

A researcher in a labUniSA’s emerging researchers are creating new knowledge through a range of PhD research projects. By funding a PhD scholarship, you can invest in big ideas and contribute to building a brighter future.

PhD scholarships designed to support Aboriginal PhD candidates are especially welcomed.

Your philanthropic gift or corporate sponsorship could support:

Enterprise Hub PhD Research Scholarships

UniSA will work with industry or individuals to develop a relevant research project that aims to create new knowledge and significant change. The project will also be suitable for publication in leading peer-reviewed journals.

Enterprise Hub Research Top-up Scholarships

Industry and individuals are invited to consider the provision of top-up grants to encourage a specific research focus, or to encourage individuals to strive further.

Related services

Key Contacts

Imogen Bielby
Manager: Advancement Operations and Alumni Services, Advancement Services
CS5-08, City West Campus
Monique Littlejohn
Senior Philanthropy Manager (Major Gifts), Advancement Services
CS5-08, City West Campus

Contact the Enterprise Hub

Get in touch with us to find out how we can support your business needs.

Make an enquiry online or call us to discuss your idea