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The gender perspectives of the financial crisis
Global Employment Trends for Women report, ILO 2009
Global Employment Trends for Women report, ILO 2009

Online Video: Economic Crisis, UNDP 2009
UNESCO Future Forum: The Potential Impact of the Global Financial and Economic Crisis on Women and Gender Equality
� UNESCO/Nina Levinthal
UNESCO Future Forum: �The Potential Impact of the Global Financial and Economic Crisis on Women and Gender Equality�
World Bank Brief: The Global Financial Crisis: Assessing Vulnerability for Women and Children
World Bank Brief: The Global Financial Crisis: Assessing Vulnerability for Women and Children
CSW 53rd session, emerging issue: �The gender perspectives of the financial crisis�
"The financial crisis is expected to have serious, widespread impacts on the real economy and particularly on the lives of people already in poverty. Historically, economic recessions have placed a disproportionate burden on women. Women are more likely than men to be in vulnerable jobs, to be under-employed or without a job, to lack social protection, and to have limited access to and control over economic and financial resources. Policy responses to the financial crisis must take gender equality perspectives into account to ensure, for example, that women as well as men can benefit from employment creation and investments in social infrastructure. 1

Sha Zukang, Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs
"The scale and impact of the current crisis is still largely unknown, but it is expected that women and girls in both developed and developing countries will be particularly affected by job cuts, lose of livelihoods, increased responsibilities in all spheres of their life, and an increased risk of societal and domestic violence. A systematic gender analysis of the current economic crisis is critical for developing viable solutions and upholding human rights standards." 2

Yakin Ert�rk, UN Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women
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UN resources on the gender perspectives of the financial crisis:

1 Statement by Mr. Sha Zukang, Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs to the fifty-third session of the Commission on the Status of Women
New York, 2 March 2009

2 Statement by Ms. Yakin Ert�rk, UN Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women, its Causes and Consequences on the occasion of International Women's Day
Geneva, 6 March 2009

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