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T&C Horoscopes: July 1—15

A bi-monthly look at what's to come for your sign courtesy of T&C's master astrologer, Katharine Merlin.

Headshot of Katharine MerlinBy Katharine Merlin


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July 1—15: Inspiration is the key word for the 2nd, and aspects on the 3rd offer a wonderful chance to clear up misunderstandings and heal wounds. Withthe new Moon in your birth sign on the 5th, startups of all kinds are accented, and while the 11th is all about getting on the right path and tuning in, don’t expect others to agree with your plans. Mars is urging you to follow your own lights on the 15th, so dare to be the individual you were born to be.


november horoscope 2021
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July 1—15: You can find the right strategy to get yourself on a more secure path on the 2nd and 3rd, and the 5th is a time to both take control of your circumstances and to honor your need for private time. The period from the 8th to the 11th is about getting all your ducks in a row and staying on top of various details, but with Venus opposing demanding Pluto on the 12th, it’s important to accept others’ limitations and trust your intuition.


november horoscope 2021
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July 1—15: Mutual understanding is in the spotlight on the 2nd, but the 3rd accents the importance of coming to terms with others’ opposing ideas. The new Moon of the 5th lights up an outgoing part of your solar chart, urging you to join up with others, and with highly harmonious aspects in play on the 8th and 11th, favorable agreements can be forged that offer a brighter future. Just don’t take a rigid stance on the 12th, when Pluto’s aspects are all about power plays.

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July 1—15: Your ability to tune into others will guide you to make the right moves on the 2nd and 3rd, although a fraught conversation will be difficult toavoid. With a powerful new Moon at the top of your solar chart on the 5th, be ready to launch new plans. The Sun is also shining on you, and Saturn is in your favor on the 11th, so dare to take charge. The 12th, though, is a tricky day when someone is not in sync with your plans, and the 15th accents the need to be independent.


december 2021 horoscopes
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July 1—15: New places and people will have an inspiring impact on you near the 2nd and 3rd, and it’s time to let go of old mindsets. The new Moon of the 5th intensifies your sensitivity and takes you on a journey of self-discovery. With jovial Jupiter beaming in your solar relationship angle, close relationships arein an expansive stage, though whatever crops up near the 12th will test your abilityto be generous and accepting.


december 2021 horoscopes
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July 1—15: The 3rd emphasizes more personal security, and also abrupt swerves in a fresh direction. Near the new Moon of the 5th, if you look beneath the surface to resolve important issues, surprising solutions will appear. On the 11th the Sun trines stabilizing Saturn at the base of your solar chart, so make new arrangements and don’t be thrown off course by others’ volatile behavior near the 12th and 13th

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July 1—15: The 2nd emphasizes understandings and agreements, but the 3rd brings both a feeling of emotional security and clashes of opinion. Feelings tend to be volatile close to periods of strong Cancerian energy, emphasized by the new Moon of the 5th. The period from the 8th through the 10th is harmonious and accents joint efforts, but with Pluto and Uranus in the mix, do your best to stay centered from the 12th through the 15th.


november horoscope 2021
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July 1—15: The period from the 2nd to the 5th culminates in a new Moon, which accents startups. Be ready to follow through and tap into your creative and entrepreneurial side on the 8th. You can achieve a goal on the 10th and 11th, but with Venus in conflict with Pluto on the 12th, others will be in the mood to issue ultimatums. The 14th and 15th are about being independent and true to yourself.


december 2021 horoscopes
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July 1—15: Focus on expressing your ideas and feelings on the 2nd and on strengthening close ties on the 3rd, although a volatile aspect does indicate that disagreements may arise. The new Moon of the 5th lures you out and stimulates your creativity, and the 8th and 11th hold promise around pleasurable pursuits of all kinds, but with Pluto center stage on the 12th, power plays can disrupt both personal and professional relationships.

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July 1—15: Something that falls into place with ease will guide you toward the right decisions near the 2nd. You may run into unanticipated interference on the 3rd, but the new Moon of the 5th is all about positive personal changes. The 9th and 10th will shed light on the path ahead, and it’s time to put yourself forward and let others know where you stand, even though some turbulence will be in the air from the 12th until the 15th that demands self-restraint.


november horoscope 2021
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July 1—15: While you may feel in sync with everyone near the 2nd, the3rd will be a different story. Don’t be a stubborn Taurus; try to let go. With a new Moon in Cancer, reach out and launch new plans on the 5th. Aggressive Mars well aspected in your sign is giving you more power, and the 11th is the time to sign agreements. The 12th holds personal challenges, and the 15th stresses independence.


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July 1—15: While you might feel a bit tense near the 2nd and 3rd, you will also be able to achieve what you set out to do. The new Moon of the 6th intensifies your craving for more security and emphasizes financial arrangements, as do aspects happening on the 11th, which help to bring more stability your way. Try to sidestep others’ petty concerns on the 12th, and give yourself a break to unstress near the 15th.

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