Anger at poor little rich kids of Tehran

The unabashed celebration of life among Iran’s nouveau riche is a world away from the common view of Iran abroad
The unabashed celebration of life among Iran’s nouveau riche is a world away from the common view of Iran abroad

A new Instagram account showcasing the lifestyles of wealthy young Iranians has provoked both amusement and anger in Tehran, lifting the lid on a rarely seen side of the Islamic Republic.

With its parade of women sporting identical nose jobs and men in European supercars, “Rich Kids of Tehran” has attracted more than 20,000 followers in a month.

The unabashed celebration of life among Iran’s nouveau riche, many of them children of the country’s ruling elite, is a world away from the common view of Iran abroad.

While the country’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, took a swipe at the perfidy of Israel and America this weekend, the rich kids of Tehran spent their time by the pool or at the usual house parties where