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‘He was my abductor and rapist, and I feared for my life’: Alleged Frank Stronach victim tells her story

Complainant says she tried going to Toronto police force nearly a decade ago. Billionaire businessman has denied all charges against him

6 min read
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Billionaire businessman Frank Stronach leaves Peel Regional Police 22 Division in Brampton, on July 2.

One of Frank Stronach’s accusers says she reported his alleged crimes against her to Toronto police nearly a decade ago, telling investigators that the billionaire businessman had sexually assaulted her when she was employed as a worker at his Aurora farm, when she was 20.

But after going to a police station to give a full account of a “terrifying” July 1980 night — which began with a birthday celebration at Stronach’s restaurant — the woman says she never again heard from Toronto police.


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