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  • Lucy Webster

    There should be over 100 disabled MPs, but there are barely any. UK politics has a huge accessibility problem

    Lucy Webster
  • InequalityNews2024pixie

    First Dog on the Moon
    It’s the inequality round-up with your host Fiona the unpaid intern (bettong)

  • Yachts in Monaco

    The Guardian view on taxing billionaires: we need to talk about the super-rich

    Editorial: G20 countries will discuss proposals to make the world’s wealthiest individuals pay more towards funding public goods. The debate is overdue
  • Composite image featuring cash in hands

    How payday lenders target Australia’s most vulnerable – and the ‘whack-a-mole’ fight to crack down on them

    Consumer groups say unlicensed lenders make promises of quick and easy cash – but high fees can drag borrowers into unsustainable debt
  • Kenan Malik

    The affluent can have their souls enriched at university, so why not the poor as well?

    Kenan Malik
    The latest Tory crusade over ‘rip-off’ degrees continues to stereotype students based on class
  • Gurpreet Singh and his wife Jasbir

    Living in a tent: the Melbourne family left homeless after a visa processing bungle

  • Alex Leung at The Purse Affair

    What cost-of-living crisis? Australians splashing the cash on luxury bags, health clubs and art

May 2024

  • General view of MEPs sitting in the European parliament plenary hall in Strasbourg

    MEPs’ lack of racial diversity has caused EU identity crisis, campaigners say

  • Alice Kuhnke speaks at a podium behind two microphones, with flags in the background

    ‘People ask me to use another door’: MEPs on bias, whiteness and rise of far right

  • Narendra Modi participating in a roadshow during an election campaign ahead of India's election

    The Guardian view on India’s election: Narendra Modi’s audacity of hate

  • Holding hands of an elderly person

    As a palliative care worker, I want a better conversation about health inequality

    Freia Lily
  • Observer letters
    It’s time to tackle the root causes of poverty

  • ‘Unlock the door or we’ll kick it down’: why South Africa’s youngest politician is in a hurry for change

  • Private school tax-break idea is a non-starter

  • Euro visions
    The Denmark secret: how it became the world’s most trusting country – and why that matters

  • America's dirty divide
    EPA announces $300m funding to clean up US former industrial sites

  • Social acceptance of food banks is a mark of Tory failure

  • A drop in global GDP would be good for the planet

  • At a festival for the super-rich, the argument for higher taxes couldn’t have been clearer

    Polly Toynbee
  • The Guardian Essential report
    The era of small government is ending. And Australians want to regain power ceded to the amoral forces of global capital

    Peter Lewis
About 9,184 results for Inequality