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Global development

  • Man cycling across a bridge over a river in desert landscape in Mexico.

    Southern frontlines: Latin America and the Caribbean
    ‘They’re waiting till we die of cancer’: 10 years on, Mexico’s worst mining disaster still poisons lives

    In the desert town of Ures, everyone lives under a shadow of ongoing sickness and hardship stemming from a waste spill in 2014. But they are losing hope of seeing justice
  • Empty plates laid out to symbolise the 733.4 million people living with hunger worldwide. The central message in red reads: End the global food crisis now. Round the edge is written: Millions of people have empty plates every day

    Africa to overtake Asia with highest number of hungry people by 2030, says UN

    Annual report says climate crisis, conflict and economic shocks leave the global food system ‘disastrously vulnerable’
    • ‘Life has come to a standstill’: the Palestinian refugees struggling to survive in Egypt

    • Inside the war on kush: The drug ‘mixed with human bones’ taking over Sierra Leone – video

    • Opinion
      I do not expect a free trial. But to give up means the end of journalism in Mongolia

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  • A young woman in a colourful headscarf with her face hidden

    ‘They turn our farms into rape centres’: Russian mercenaries accused of abuse in Central African Republic

    A rise in sexual violence means food prices have leapt in CAR as women and girls say they fear working in the fields
  • The sign outside the company HQ of Gilead

    Fair Access
    HIV drug could be made for just $40 a year for every patient

    Generic version of a drug already on the market, which can suppress and prevent HIV, would still yield 30% profit if the current price was slashed, researchers say
  • Two donkeys eating something from a pile of rubbish that includes plastic bottles and food wrappers

    The age of extinction
    Donkeys in Kenya are dying with stomachs full of plastic – and other animals are at risk

    With little grass for grazing on the island of Lamu, donkeys are rummaging through rubbish – and scientists now fear it is a global problem affecting many species
  • A nurse wearing surgical gloves pricks a person's finger to collect a blood sample

    Most new HIV infections occurred outside sub-Saharan Africa for first time – UN report

    African countries hailed for achievements, but UNAids says cases on the rise in other areas of the world
  • Thomas Devroy, of Arau village, looks out over the Essequibo region. The two countries' growing dispute over the oil-rich land has raised tensions across Latin America.

    Southern frontlines: Latin America and the Caribbean
    Tensions rise in Guyana as Maduro uses border dispute to build support ahead of Venezuela poll

    An old territorial claim to part of Guyana rich in oil and gold has proved useful for Hugo Chávez’s successor. But the land grab has sparked outrage among the Guyanese
  • Damaged structure of a burned out building with rubble lying around

    Rights and freedom
    Myanmar junta ‘bombing schools’, with 170 sites hit in past three years – report

    Analysis of imagery from conflict zones shows evidence of burned-out and flattened buildings, with long-term impacts on education
  • Two Arab men carry a crate of fish up a beach, as others wade into the sea to unload the catch from a fishing boat

    DIY artificial reefs are boosting fish numbers in Yemen. But there’s a catch

    Fishers have revived a traditional practice of building ‘scrap’ reefs to attract fish but are using plastic and tyres instead of rocks and branches, and not everyone is happy
  • A girl wearing a white dress and angel's wings stands in a room with supernatural light coming through cracks in the ceiling.

    Film honours 41 ‘heroines’ lost in Guatemala children’s home fire

    As their families await justice, Jayro Bustamante’s movie, Rita, highlights the bravery of victims of 2017 blaze, and the authorities’ failure to protect them
  • A composite of eight photos: a young blonde woman; a beetle; a singer in a winged green costume; a spiky orange sea slug; the former US president Barack Obama; a heart-shaped veined blue plant; Hitler; and a lizard on sand

    The age of extinction
    What links Lady Gaga, Obama and Hitler? How famous people can give new species a bad name

    Some scientists want to stop naming new species after public figures, especially as it can threaten an animal’s survival, but others say it can be a helpful conservation tool
  • The emblem of Saudi Arabia – a palm tree above two crossed swords – on the pediment of its embassy in London, with a blurred fence in the foreground

    Rights and freedom
    UK ‘turning a blind eye’ to threats to kill Saudi activists living in exile

    Saudis living in the UK claim Riyadh is targeting them for speaking out on human rights and jailing of female activists
  • Graffiti reading 'PCC' is written on a yellow wall in front of a church building

    Southern frontlines: Latin America and the Caribbean
    Crisis at Tres Fronteras: how criminal syndicates threaten Amazon’s future

    At the lawless triple border between Brazil, Colombia and Peru, drug trafficking, illegal logging and gangs jeopardise the ecological and social fabric of the rainforest
  • A painting of a girl with her mouth sewn shut and an old women

    ‘Why didn’t my mother prevent it?’: healing the generational trauma of FGM

    Art and counselling are helping women and girls in Kenya to process anger and forgive family members, who are often the ones who subjected them to genital mutilation
  • A view of children's feet standing in a row, some with blankets around them

    Children missing from Home Office hotels likely to have been trafficked, report finds

    Exclusive: Findings spark new calls for public inquiry into ‘scandal’ of missing migrant children in UK
  • Rwanda's president, Paul Kagame, casts his vote in the election in Kigali on Monday.

    Rwanda's Paul Kagame cruises to crushing election victory

  • A dark-haired young man in a suit jacket poses on a sofa

    Rights and freedom
    Iranian TV presenter stabbed in London moves abroad for safety

About 24,684 results for Global development