Royal College of Nursing chief stands down in bid to become Sinn Fein MP

Pat Cullen ends union role in hope of becoming party’s candidate in swing seat of Fermanagh and South Tyrone

Pat Cullen led the nurses' strikes over pay, which began in 2022
Pat Cullen led the nurses' strikes over pay, which began in 2022 Credit: Andrew Crowley for The Telegraph

The chief executive of the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) has stepped down in order to run for Sinn Fein at the general election.

Pat Cullen is seeking to become the Irish republican party’s candidate in Fermanagh and South Tyrone, Northern Ireland. She was also the RCN’s general secretary and spearheaded nurses’ strikes over pay that began in 2022.

While nurses rejected a five per cent pay rise and lump sum payment that was accepted by other unions, they lost their mandate to strike because fewer than 50 per cent of members turned out to continue action.

They have repeatedly threatened to go back on strike since, including after consultants were given pay rises worth up to £20,000, but have yet to re-ballot members.

While the RCN remains in dispute with the Government, Ms Cullen will pass on the reins to a yet to be appointed successor.

Announcing her intention to become an MP, she said: “After much consideration, I have decided that now is the right time for me to step forward into the political arena to champion the issues and opportunities for the community I love, and that is what I am fully determined to do.

“I will be seeking nomination to stand for Sinn Fein in Fermanagh and South Tyrone in the Westminster election. It has been an honour to champion the rights of nurses as leader of the RCN. I am ready to lead as your MP, working to better the lives of workers, families and communities.”

Pat Cullen
Pat Cullen said it had been an 'honour to champion the rights of nurses as leader of the RCN' Credit: Alamy /Waldemar Sikora

Last week, Sinn Fein confirmed that Michelle Gildernew, the sitting MP, would not be standing again in Fermanagh and South Tyrone.

At the 2019 election, Ms Gildernew retained the seat by just 57 votes from Tom Elliott, the Ulster Unionist Party candidate. The swing constituency was previously held by the UUP between 2015 and 2017, and from 1997 to 2001.

Sinn Fein MPs do not typically take their seats in Westminster because they refuse to take the oath of allegiance to the monarch. Ms Cullen stands to earn the basic MP salary of just over £91,000 if she is elected.

She grew up in County Tyrone, Northern Ireland, qualified as a registered nurse in 1985 and went on to hold a number of senior roles, including director of nursing at the Public Health Agency.

In 2016, she joined the RCN and was appointed as Northern Ireland director in 2019 before becoming general secretary and chief executive in 2021.

The deadline for candidates to submit nomination forms in Northern Ireland to stand in the general election is June 7.

Paul Vaughan, who chairs the RCN Council, said: “Pat has been a tremendous leader for our profession and put the college on a journey to a brighter future. She has been fearless in rooting out longstanding cultural issues internally and speaking truth to power in the health service and politics alike.”

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