Protect our salmon from poachers, volunteers demand as they say river deserves funding as it beats 58 others for yields 

An Atlantic salmon Credit:  PA

Volunteers are pushing for a Yorkshire river with a flourishing salmon population to be recognised as a “principle river” by the government so they can protect the fish from poachers.

Despite the fact England's salmon stocks are among the lowest on record, the River Ure in Yorkshire has enjoyed a boost in its salmon population over the last five years - even outperforming the rivers in Scotland.

This is thanks to the efforts of the Ure Salmon Group, who tend the habitat, remove blockages to the river so fish can swim in and run a stocking scheme.

However, the Government has labelled the river a “recovering salmon river” rather than giving it principle salmon status - meaning it will not receive much-needed funding to maintain the increased salmon population and protect it from illegal fishing.

David Bamfort, a biologist who runs the Ure Salmon Group, said the river has outperformed 58 of those on the principle salmon list in terms of rod catches, yet has been denied the status and funding.

He told The Telegraph that 2018 is set to be a particularly good year for the river, explaining: "Improvements in water quality in the Yorkshire areas and the Humber have meant there are more salmon there than there were 20 years ago, which was done by the Environment Agency.

"But we have improved fish passage by removing barriers to migration and weirs, improving habitat work and targeted stocking.

"All those things cumulatively have meant there are now more salmon.

"The River Ouse is bucking the trend really, and the Ure, as the rivers in Scotland are in decline for salmon population, while ours are recovering.”

Mr Bamfort said the group is lobbying to be on the list, and pointed to the recent seal spotted nearby, 50 miles inland, as proof that the rivers are teeming with fish. He said: "Seals don't come up for no reason- they're following salmon upstream, it's a sure sign there are more salmon."

Businesses near the Ure have enjoyed the revenue that comes from being near a salmon fishing destination as the fish return to the waters.

Paul Klein, who runs the Blue Lion Inn nearby told the Telegraph that they are reaping the benefits of the renewed fish population - but that principle status would bring in even more revenue.

He said: "We're just starting to see the benefits - a lot of people now are coming to stay, and it's increasing. The more fish we've got in the Ure then the better.

“Over the last two or three years we have had people coming to stay specifically for the fishing.

“I think the principle salmon fishing designation would be incredibly important and very good for tourism, people coming fishing and staying in the pub, spending money.

“From the hospitality point of view it's going to be great, it'll just get better and better, especially if we get principle salmon status.

“I know that salmon fishing is going to be a very big thing soon for Yorkshire, definitely.”

Jim Battersby fishing for salmon on the River Ure in North Yorkshire 
Jim Battersby fishing for salmon on the River Ure in North Yorkshire  Credit: Charlotte Graham/CAG Photography Ltd

The Environment Agency responded that although there have been dramatic improvements to water quality in the River Ure, and that salmon are making a “healthy return”, it cannot be sure the numbers are stable and constant. It said the Ure is seen as a promising candidate for principle salmon status.

Heidi Stone, Salmon Programme Manager, Environment Agency added:

“It’s encouraging to see the return of salmon to the River Ure but numbers are not yet stable. The Environment Agency and our partners will continue our work to improve fish passage and are monitoring numbers closely.

“Nationally, we are proposing new measures to protect salmon stocks across England, which are now among the lowest on record."

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