6 Ways to Support Public Libraries

They may be in jeopardy, thanks to Trump's budget outline.
Image may contain Indoors Room Human Person Library Book Daniel Radcliffe Furniture Bookstore and Shop

Public libraries may be in jeopardy. In mid-March, Donald Trump’s “skinny budget” outline was released, which included cuts to the National Endowment of the Arts and National Endowment of the Humanities, among other agencies. The cuts included an extensive $230 million cut for the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), which directly affects public library funding. The IMLS also receives funding from other agencies subject to termination or budget cuts, such as Innovative Approaches to Literary program through the Department of Education.

“Our initial assessment of [Trump’s] ‘skinny budget’ puts us at over $300 million in cuts, and when we assess individual programs, we’re looking at many more millions,” Julie Todaro, the president of the American Library Association, tells Teen Vogue. “[This budget] cuts across all the agencies who regularly fund our initiatives based on, in some cases, 75 years of partnership.”

In addition to promoting literacy and equitable education for all, libraries provide crucial community resources like access to academic databases, ESL classes, and computer classes for all ages. Librarians also serve as your local experts for the questions a Google search couldn’t answer. In the era of fake news and digital surveillance, libraries both provide media literacy and data privacy. Here are just a few quick ways to support your local branches at this very moment.

1. Check out books. Right now.

A passive way to promote your library’s services is to use them regularly. In order to distribute public funds to libraries, the government needs to know they’re needed. When constituents frequently check out materials, it shows a library is well-used.

“We’re one of the few places you go to for free,” Julie explains. “Libraries are paid for by aggregated public tax dollars, so we don’t charge you at the door or every time you check out a book.”

If you haven’t already gotten one, sign up for a membership card. Check out books, back issues of magazines, movies, e-books, and more. Check out materials written by marginalized authors like Roxane Gay, Angie Thomas, Brit Bennett, and Esmé Weijun Wang, to name a few. Use Overdrive to check out e-books and other electronic materials. If your library doesn’t have a book you want to check out, request the title. If your request is urgent, submit an Interlibrary Loan request through WorldCat, a global catalog that connects over 72,000 libraries with over 2 billion collective library materials.

2. Join your local Friends of the Library.

Many branches offer a Friends of the Library program. According to the ALA, these library lovers advocate on behalf of libraries in their communities by organizing fundraisers, sponsoring events, and hosting book sales. Raising money, for instance, can make or break if a library gets a new iPad for its patrons. Plus, friends programs help you connect the surrounding community with its library branch, so more people can take advantage of these free resources.

3. Participate in the National Library Legislative Days.

May 1 and 2 are this year’s National Library Legislative Days (NLLD). Every year on these days, the American Library Association, promotes countrywide advocacy by bringing hundreds of library advocates to Capitol Hill to meet with members of Congress in support of library funding and policies. By showing up at representatives' offices in Washington, D.C., patrons can share stories about the library in person.

“We're making sure people on the Hill understand the impact of [these cuts] as well as the impact of what the money has provided in the past,” adds Julie. “We’re literally asking money for our constituency.”

In addition to supporting library funding, the ALA also encourages advocates to push for privacy and surveillance reform, copyright modernization, access to government information, affordable broadband access, and net neutrality protection. The event will also train participants to prepare them for meetings with congressional representatives. To learn more, contact your NLLD state coordinator and visit the NLLD website.

There will also be a Virtual Library Legislative Day, which you can participate in at home by registering online.

4. Contact government representatives directly.

Library advocates can contact their municipal, state, and national government representatives directly to support library funding. Call, text, email. Mail letters and postcards. Show up at their offices, town halls, public meetings, and other events. (There’s even an app that turns your texts into faxes to elected officials.)

While voicing your support, stress that libraries not only provide free books, but valuable economic resources to those looking for employment or wanting to start their own businesses.

5. Tweet.

#SaveIMLS is a hashtag promoted by the ALA to fight against budget cuts of the IMLS. Ever since the hashtag was introduced it has helped rally online support for libraries on social media. Take a selfie with your library card and share why libraries are so important to you. Tell everyone you know to do the same to , so the hashtag has the potential to trend.

Fortunately, the funding cuts aren’t a done deal and the new proposed budget still needs to undergo approval. In the meantime, the ALA’s Washington office is gathering #SaveIMLS messages through TAGS, a Google sheet that archives tweets, to show how much support there is for public libraries and other institutions threatened by recent budget cuts. That way, IMLS and its advocates have firsthand stories from constituents at their disposal.

6. Donate your time.

Volunteering is a great way to physically show up for libraries. Express interest to your local librarian and ask about the many ways you can get involved: stacking books in the shelves, helping out with story time, donating books of your own, etc. Volunteering can help boost your skill set (and college application resume) by working with children, providing customer service, and organizing books through the Dewey Decimal System.

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