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July/August 2024

The Play issue

In this issue: Did you know you could surf in the desert? New pools make it possible–but at what cost? Learn how AI is bringing an unprecedented expansiveness to computer and video games and how high-tech supershoes are helping athletes run faster and more safely. Plus: Gamification was always a dubious concept–so how did it…

Supershoes are reshaping distance running

Kenyan runners, like many others, are grappling with the impact of expensive, high-performance shoes.

How generative AI could reinvent what it means to play

AI-powered NPCs that don’t need a script could make games—and other worlds—deeply immersive.

The cost of building the perfect wave

The growing business of surf pools wants to bring the ocean experience inland. But with many planned for areas facing water scarcity, who bears the cost?


This grim but revolutionary DNA technology is changing how we respond to mass disasters

After hundreds went missing in Maui’s deadly fires, rapid DNA analysis helped identify victims within just a few hours and bring families some closure more quickly than ever before. But it also previews a dark future marked by increasingly frequent catastrophic events.

What’s next for bird flu vaccines

If we want our vaccine production process to be more robust and faster, we’ll have to stop relying on chicken eggs.

Why Google’s AI Overviews gets things wrong

Google’s new AI search feature is a mess. So why is it telling us to eat rocks and gluey pizza, and can it be fixed?

The messy quest to replace drugs with electricity

“Electroceuticals” promised the post-pharma future for medicine. But the exclusive focus on the nervous system is seeming less and less warranted.

Astronomers are enlisting AI to prepare for a data downpour

Tailored algorithms will help filter a coming flood of astronomical observations, helping scientists make new discoveries about the universe.

That viral video showing a head transplant is a fake. But it might be real someday. 

BrainBridge is best understood as the first public billboard for a hugely controversial scheme to defeat death.

Five ways criminals are using AI

Generative AI has made phishing, scamming, and doxxing easier than ever.

How fish-safe hydropower technology could keep more renewables on the grid

Natel Energy is trying to design turbines that are safer for fish passing through.

A polyester-dissolving process could make modern clothing recyclable  

The new technique can help break mixed-fiber clothing back down into feedstock for future textiles.

AI is an energy hog. This is what it means for climate change.

How worried should we be about AI’s effects on the grid?


MIT Technology Review’s What’s Next series looks across industries, trends, and technologies to give you a first look at the future.

What’s next for MDMA

The FDA is poised to approve the notorious party drug as a therapy. Here’s what it means, and where similar drugs stand in the US. 

What’s next for bird flu vaccines

If we want our vaccine production process to be more robust and faster, we’ll have to stop relying on chicken eggs.

What’s next in chips

How Big Tech, startups, AI devices, and trade wars will transform the way chips are made and the technologies they power.

What’s next for generative video

OpenAI's Sora has raised the bar for AI moviemaking. Here are four things to bear in mind as we wrap our heads around what's coming.

What’s next for offshore wind

New projects and financial headwinds will make 2024 a bumpy year for the industry.

What’s next for robotaxis in 2024

In addition to restoring public trust, robotaxi companies need to prove that their business models can compete with Uber and taxis.

What’s next for AI in 2024

Our writers look at the four hot trends to watch out for this year

What’s next for AI regulation in 2024? 

The coming year is going to see the first sweeping AI laws enter into force, with global efforts to hold tech companies accountable. 

What’s next for the world’s fastest supercomputers

Scientists have begun running experiments on Frontier, the world’s first official exascale machine, while facilities worldwide build other machines to join the ranks.

What’s next for China’s digital currency?

China’s government has struggled to find uses for e-CNY inside of China. Now, it's hoping to use it to challenge the US-dominated international financial system.

July/August 2024

All the latest from MIT Alumni News, the alumni magazine of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Depression is different for women. One-size-fits-all drugs aren’t helping.

Briana K. Chen ’16 is out to change that—and is working on a one-time pill that could help prevent mental illness in women who’ve been traumatized.

Fighting fatphobia

In her first two books, philosopher Kate Manne, PhD ’11, tackled misogyny and male privilege. For her third, she took on what had long been a bane of her existence.

Stress test

Born just before the turmoil of the Warsaw Uprising, biologist Elizabeth Sajdel-Sulkowska ’67, SM ’69, ScD ’72, has returned again and again to the theme of stress.

Artificial reefs could protect coastlines and marine life

MIT engineers have designed a sustainable, modular structure that could dissipate more than 95% of incoming wave energy while providing space for fish to live.

SuperLimbs for astronauts

Wearable robotic limbs could make it easier to recover from falls on the moon.

Sweat may protect against Lyme disease

Most people’s sweat contains a protein that can prevent Lyme disease, researchers at MIT and the University of Helsinki have discovered. They also found that about one-third of the population carries a less protective variant that makes the tick-borne infection more likely. By running a genome-wide association study, the researchers identified three variants more common…

Drugs are more effective at certain times of day

MIT researchers find that circadian variations in liver function play an important role in how the body metabolizes medications.

Evaporation without heat

A surprising “photomolecular effect” could affect calculations of climate change and may lead to improved desalination and drying processes.

Sprayable gel simplifies surgeries

Applied during colonoscopies and other endoscopic procedures, GastroShield could help prevent complications such as bleeding and intestinal tears.

July/August 2024

MIT Alumni News

Read the whole issue of MIT Alumni News, the alumni magazine of Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Purpose-built AI builds better customer experiences

Successfully improving customer satisfaction through AI means becoming data-driven, prioritizing employee feedback and resources, and letting business goals guide technology deployment, says senior product marketing manager at NICE, Michele Carlson.

In partnership withNICE

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