Libraries of the World
And their catalogues

General Sites


Academic Libraries


National Libraries

Other Institutions


Public Libraries

General Sites

I regret to say that I am no longer regularly updating this site I hope that parts of it will still be useful, but there will be broken links


Academic Libraries

National Libraries

Note that not all libraries will have an English version of their catalogue or website. Also some libraries will not have online catalogues.

I only have links to libraries that have websites.

There is  also a list of National Libraries on the Wikipedia Site

Several African Libraries seem to have lost their websites recently. Useful  information can be found at the National Libraries of Africa site. It is not uncommon for websites to vanish. I should be grateful to hear if they re-emerge

Other Institutions


Public Libraries


Recently added sites

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Compiled by Sylvia Milne (Chester, England)
Updated 23/06/18
Links checked 26/06/17
© Sylvia Milne 1999-2018
I hope you find my website useful. I have been compiling it since 1999. I am delighted when people link to my pages, but it is against international law to copy and paste whole sections without my permission.
I try to link to respectable pages only, but I am not responsible for the content of external websites