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CME Credit & Certificate of Attendance - Digestive Disease Week (DDW)
SSAT Annual Meeting
Be GUTSY, Shape the future of digestive health in San Diego, May 3-6. 2025
SSAT Webinar Series
SSAT Soundbites: A Podcast Series for Surgeons
SSAT Membership Renewal Invoice
SSAT Residents Corner

About SSAT

The Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract

The Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract is to lead in advancing the science and practice of gastrointestinal surgery.

The SSAT is a global community leading the future of GI surgery through innovation, research, advocacy, and dissemination of knowledge to advance clinical excellence.

Learn More Presidential Messages

Taylor S. Riall, MD, PhD and Vic Velanovich, MD
Taylor S. Riall, MD, PhD
SSAT President
Vic Velanovich, MD
Chair, SSAT Board of Trustees

Advanced Practice Providers in GI Surgery

SSAT is an organization inclusive of the entire GI Surgery team, including Advanced Practice Providers - Physician Associates, Nurse Practitioners, and Advanced Practice Registered Nurses. As the involvement of APPs in GI Surgery expands, so does the Society�s excitement in supporting the APP community through resources and opportunities. Learn more about how SSAT supports APPs in GI Surgery and the APP Working Group.

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Residents and Fellows

As Resident and Fellow education continues to evolve, the SSAT strives to be at the forefront of training the next generation of surgeons and surgical leaders. There are a wide variety of opportunities available to surgical trainees to advance their surgical education and knowledge. Top resources include:

See all resources at the Residents Corner.

International SSAT Chapters

SSAT maintains 14 International Chapters, and growing! Learn more about SSAT International Chapters and inquire about how to form a Chapter.

View Chapters

Grants available for application July through September

SSAT International Junior Surgeon Travel Exchange

5,000 USD stipend: This Travel Exchange is for a US early career SSAT surgeon member (< 7 years in practice) to exchange with an international early career SSAT surgeon member for a 4 to 5 day visit in each home country.

More Details
Application Deadline: September 30, 2024

SSAT Resident Research Award

$25,000: This one year research fellowship award will be provided to a resident or fellow SSAT Candidate member to support research being conducted in the research program of SSAT members.

More Details
Application Deadline: September 30, 2024

Latest News

65th SSAT Annual Meeting
2024 SSAT Presidential address

Ranjan Sudan
Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC

Vic Velanovich
USF, Tampa, FL

View Recording

A Medical Student�s Perspectives
of SSAT Lobby Day, May 21, 2024

By Grace Bloomfield, MS
I am a rising fourth-year medical student at the Georgetown University School of Medicine in Washington, DC. I will be applying for General Surgery Residency training in the 2024-2025 cycle with the goal of becoming an academic surgeon. I have had the pleasure of SSAT Membership since early 2023 and have benefitted from many of the society�s programs by presenting at the SSAT Scientific Sessions during Digestive Disease Week (DDW) for the past two years, having a manuscript published in The Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery, attended educational webinars, and most recently, advocated for patients and surgeons at SSAT�s Lobby Day on May 21, 2024, in conjunction with the annual meeting at DDW in DC.

More Details

Join us for the SSAT 66th Annual Meeting
in San Diego, CA

SSAT 66th Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA
66th Annual Meeting
May 3-6, 2025
San Diego, CA

Shackelford's Surgery of the Alimentary Tract, 9th Edition

Available in early 2025: Shackelford's Surgery of the Alimentary Tract, 9th Edition
Stay tuned for the publishing of this new text.

For more than 60 years, Shackelford's Surgery of the Alimentary Tract has served as the cornerstone reference in this fast-moving field. With comprehensive coverage of all aspects of GI surgery. This new edition will offer even more!

Dr. Aurora Pryor and Dr. Syed Ahmad, co-editors of this edition, speak with Dr. Matt Walsh on what you can expect from this new edition.

SSAT Soundbites: A Podcast Series for Surgeons SSAT Foundation

Donate The SSAT Foundation is the philanthropic arm of the Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract. Established in 2000, the Foundation supports the SSAT's missions to develop surgical leadership in the art and science of patient care; to promote and support education and research on the diseases and functions of the alimentary tract; and to foster training and funding opportunities and scientific publications in support of these activities. The support contributed by SSAT members and grateful patients over the past decade have redounded to the benefit of the welfare of surgical patients around the globe. Your investment in the Foundation will help today's surgeons create tomorrow's advances in patient care. Donate today and visit the SSAT Foundation webpage for more information.

SSAT Webinar Series SSAT Webinar Series

View Upcoming Webinars

SSAT Soundbites: A Podcast Series for Surgeons SSAT Soundbites: A Podcast Series for Surgeons

SSAT Soundbites: A Podcast Series for Surgeons The SSAT has developed a podcast titled "SSAT Soundbites: A Podcast Series for Surgeons." One of the aims of the podcast is to bring published research and other topics of interest to surgical trainees and attending physicians in a simple, dynamic, and easy-to-digest audio format. Episode content will be based on interviews by authors who have published articles of interest in the Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery (JOGS). The goal is to release one JOGS Article Review episode every month, with the intention to increase the frequency if there is a demand. View all SSAT Podcast episodes.

Journal of GI Surgery (JOGS) Journal of GI Surgery (JOGS)

Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery (JOGS) Latest Content Best Article Awards

If you do not have full-text online access to JOGS when you view the Table of Contents, and are an SSAT Member in good standing, please log into the Members Only Area to gain complete access.

SSAT Global Outreach Fund SSAT Global Outreach Fund

SSAT Global Outreach Fund The SSAT has established the Global Outreach Fund to support the awards, grants, and educational efforts of the SSAT International Relations and Giving Back Committees. The International Relations Committee has been charged with establishing collaborations with surgeons and surgical societies outside of the US and Canada, while the mission of the Giving Back Committee is to provide education and training opportunities to surgeons in developing countries, to develop opportunities to improve the GI health and well-being of patients living in developing countries, and to oversee the SSAT Traveling Fellowship for Surgeons from Low- and Middle-Income Countries. Additionally, the two committees are collaborating on a new joint initiative to grow the global chapters of the SSAT. Visit the SSAT Global Outreach Fund webpage for more information and donate today.

Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract

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