Lesson Plans
SNCC Freedom School

with Dr. Bedour Alagraa

SNCC Freedom School Course
Securing the Ballot
SNCC, MFDP, Political Power, and the Meaning of the Right to Vote in Freedom Summer

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SNCC & Grassroots Organizing: NEH Discussion Series
SNCC 2023 Accomplishments & 2024 Vision PDF
Freedom Summer 60 Program Book

Freedom Summer 60 Conference, June 21-22, 2024

60th Anniversary of 1964 MISSISSIPPI FREEDOM SUMMER PROJECT in Sunflower County, Mississippi

Black Power Community Conversation

SNCC and Black Power Community Conversation
Monday, May 13th at 7pm EST, this is a part of the NEH SNCC & Grassroots Organizing Discussion Series

Special Thanks to:
SNCC Veterans Jennifer Lawson, Judy Richardson, Courtland Cox, and Scholar Emilye Crosby. Facilitated by Educator and Scholar, Jessica Rucker. Special Thanks to the Franklin Institute at Duke University and the SNCC Legacy Project.

SNCC & Grassroots Organizing Black Power

SNCC & Grassroots Organizing: Black Power
Friday, April 26th at Howard University

SNCC Founding
Sit-In Movement
Mississippi Freedom Party (MFDP)
Freedom Summer Project


SNCC Digital Gateway website
Black Chronicles website
Civil Rights Movement Archive (CRMVET)

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SNCC: The Importance of its Work, the Value of its Legacy

SNCC Staff singing a Freedom Song in SNCC’s National office (Atlanta,1963). They are wearing coats because there was no heat. L-R: Mike Sayer, MacArthur Cotton, James Forman, Rick Manning, Marion Barry, Lester McKinnie, Mike Thelwell, Lawrence Guyot, Eric Jones, John Lewis (behind Jones), Julian Bond (far right rear with cigarette), Judy Richardson, Jean Wheeler. [Photo: Danny Lyon]
March On Washington

The March On Washington for Jobs and Freedom



Protest: Origins, Resistance, Legacy
Middle Passage and Transatlantic Origins

Atlantic Ocean - pathway of the Middle Passage

“If the Atlantic were to dry up, it would reveal a scattered pathway of human bones, African bones marking the various routes of the Middle Passage. But those who did survive multiplied and have contributed to the creation of a new human society in the Americas and the Caribbean. It is a testament to the vitality and fortitude of the Africans that ten to twenty million lived through the heinous ordeal that many consider the greatest crime ever committed against a people in human history.” --- John Henrik Clarke

SNCC Legacy Project DMP banner

SNCC, along with the local NAACP and CORE chapters, SCLC and many local organizations ended barriers to voting rights, beginning with the work of people at the grassroots levels who registered to vote and who challenged white supremacy at risk to their own lives and violence to their friends and family.

2023 Accomplishments & 2024 Vision

The accompanying document details the various SLP 2023 accomplishments and its work plans for 2024.

SNCC 60th Anniversary – Policing and Changing The Mission of The Criminal Justice System

What some see as a solution, others see as a problem. This paradox is at the heart of many issues related to policing, community safety & criminal justice.


SNCC, along with the local NAACP and CORE chapters, SCLC and many local organizations ended barriers to voting rights, beginning with the work of people at the grassroots levels who registered to vote and who challenged white supremacy at risk to their own lives and violence to their friends and family.

Black Voter Suppression

Reading Introduction: A COMPREHENSIVE LOOK AT THE HISTORY AND LEGACY OF VOTING RIGHTS IN AMERICA The Shape Shifting face of Black Voter Suppression. In this article,...

Voting Rights Act: Beyond the Headlines

Reading Introduction: A COMPREHENSIVE LOOK AT THE HISTORY AND LEGACY OF VOTING RIGHTS IN AMERICA Grasping the power of the SNCC Legacy lies in our ability...

AFTER 1970

After 1970, the struggle for human and civil rights continued because of the early organizing work in the south. This work gave SNCC Organizers the confidence to continue their contributions in many different areas, including culture, education, administration, and politics.


Movement History

SNCC was originally founded to coordinate campus groups who were engaged in sit-ins across the country. Within the period of two years, it evolved into an organization focused on the negation of voting rights for millions of Black People throughout the South. As an organization of organizers, SNCC engaged in a range of activities, including Freedom Schools, Labor Organization, Poor People's Corporation, Free Southern Theater, and other creative ways to solve the problems of the Black Community.

In addition, some students left their colleges and universities to become full-time grassroots organizers. It’s important to note that Ms. Ella Baker’s vast body of experience and extensive the NAACP network opened up access to those working in SNCC.

SNCC Photographers

SNCC, through its photographic and research department, documented like no other organization in the history of the movement for human and civil rights during the 1960s. This area features ten SNCC Photographers’ Work.

Clifford A. Vaughs
Clifford A. Vaughs
Danny Lyon
Danny Lyon
Doug Harris
Doug Harris
Doy Garton
Doy Garten

Culture Of The Movement

SNCC helped expand the environment of freedom that had existed since the first Africans were offloaded and sold into slavery. The 1960’s Movement helped tap into this energy. Through Movement culture for freedom was expressed and expanded in song, poetry, dance movement, visual portrayals, literature, and written and spoken word.


Provides access to the files, work, oral interviews, photos, and documentation. SNCC, as a result of its focus on documentation, has available 250 + archives. No other organization has documented the history of the movement and struggle to this magnitude. Without this documentation, this portion of history would be unknown. This Archive enables SNCC to pass on information wealth to young people, organizers, scholars, and organizations looking for guidelines to see struggle on a comprehension level. It allows ordinary people to see the efforts of SNCC and take control of their lives.

SNCC Digital Gateway website
Black Power Chronicles
Civil Rights Movement Archive (CRMVET)
SNCC 60th Anniversary Conference website
Hands on the Freedom Plow / Book Talks

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