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Royalty free icons and stock images

Icons are everywhere. We see them on our phones, at websites, in software applications — even on the touchscreens in our cars. They're essential to life in the digital age. A good icon can create an excellent interface, and a bad one can kick people right out of the experience. Scroll down to explore our curated collection of icon images from Shutterstock's global network of visual designers. We've got every icon you can imagine, and then some.

About royalty free icons and stock imagery

Icons are simple images that stand in for more complex ideas. They're a form of visual shorthand, and designers in every industry use them in every service you can imagine. We're surrounded by phone icons, people icons, money icons, and food icons. On our phones, we use calendar icons, clock icons, health icons, and website icons. Our e-readers use book icons and arrow icons, and we send each other heart icons and people icons as a quick way of sharing some love. Business icons, education icons, technology icons, medical icons, and data icons — they're in every facet of our digital lives, and we're all experts on what makes a good icon just from interacting with them so often.