Off to a flying start

Downtown Central

Curated by Ami Barak, you'll find a concentration of this exhibition's projects in and around Nathan Phillips Square and Toronto City Hall.

World-renowned artist Ai Weiwei of China will create a new edition of his sculpture Forever Bicycles at Toronto's Nathan Phillips Square.

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  Pick up a map at Nathan Phillips Square.
Hop off the subway at Queen Station.

Curatorial Statement

Off to a flying start

In 2013, we celebrate the centenary of Bicycle Wheel, Marcel Duchamp's first readymade. He combined a bicycle wheel and a stool - and it has become central to the very notion of Art and the artistic attitude towards objects. This century, objects found in the streets, chosen by artists, are displayed in museums. In the context of Scotiabank Nuit Blanche, when the entire city becomes an open-air museum for one night, we will take these objects back to the streets and reunite the public with the ubiquitous nature of the artwork.

— Ami Barak


Ami Barak is an independent curator based in Paris, France. He was the Artistic Director of Nuit Blanche Paris 2003 & 2004 editions. He co-curated the Romanian Pavilion at the 54th Venice Biennale, 2011.

Most recent curatorial projects include: Foreigners Everywhere: works from the Pomeranz Collection at the Jewish Museum Vienna (Austria) 2012; Molecular Gastronomy, Young Artists Biennial 5 (Bucharest) 2012; I am also... Douglas Gordon, at the Tel Aviv Museum of Art (Israel) 2013. He is currently a Lecturer at the Paris I Sorbonne University.

In partnership with the Consulate General of France in Toronto with support from the Institut français as part of the Paris-Toronto series.

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Open Call Projects

To encourage involvement by a wide range of artists – established and emerging – each exhibition includes projects selected by the curators through an open call process.

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