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Martin Jones stacks the pads in overtime on highlight reel glove grab

Tobias Rieder had no chance!

On a day of hockey where we already saw a pretty stretch save in Philadelphia, Martin Jones upped the bar in overtime.

With the Sharks and Coyotes tied 2-2 in overtime, Arizona got a 2-on-1 break down the ice with just seconds remaining in the frame. Shane Doan and Tobias Rieder looked to end it for the Coyotes, but Jones said no with a save for the ages.

Jones not only stacked the pads on Rieder, he caught the puck that was labeled for the top shelf in his glove.

To truly appreciate this save, let’s look at it from the behind-the-net camera.

Oh, wow.

Unfortunately, the Coyotes won the game in a shootout 3-2, but Jones’ save to keep the Sharks in the game is unforgettable.

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