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Creating accessible information and communication resources for health and social care

Mark Chapman in Luton hospital sat with a patient with sight loss.

Mark Chapman in Luton hospital sat with a patient with sight loss

In the UK there is a legal requirement for NHS and social care organisations to ensure that information is accessible, and communications needs are met for blind or partially sighted people.

Meeting this legal requirement reduces the risk of patients failing to attend appointments, improves patient safety and treatment compliance, and supports patient dignity, independence and privacy.

Remember that everyone sees differently. Always ask people for their required information formats and their communication needs. Review these on a regular basis.

RNIB Business Services can support organisations with a range of accessible information services including clear print reviews, transcription services and a complete service of braille, large print and audio at competitive rates to the NHS and social care.

Below we have developed a range of resources you may find useful.

Creating accessible information

Making printed information accessible

For anyone new to writing information in an accessible format our Top Tips guide is simple and straightforward. The remaining guides provide more detailed best practice and if you need further advice and guidance Contact our Business Services | RNIB

Top tips for accessible printed information and communication: Simple go to guide to get you started (English Version)

Top tips for accessible printed information and communication: Simple go to guide to get you started (Welsh Version)

Clear print guidance: Detailed guide with accessibility tips for a range of information including written documents, digital documents, social media and alternative formats. (English Version)

Clear print guidance (Welsh Version)

Colour and contrast for printed materials: Short guide covering the basic design principles. This information will also be useful to anyone designing products or interiors that will be used by people with sight loss.

Colour and contrast for people with sight loss: Detailed guide covering the basic principles and best practice in the use of colour and contrast in printed materials. The guide is also useful when designing products or websites that will be used by people with sight loss.

Colour and contrast for people with sight loss: (Welsh Version)

UK Association for Accessible formats: The UKAAF is the industry association that sets standards and promotes best practice for accessible documents. Their website includes information on braille, large print, audio, electronic documents, office documents and music.

Making digital information accessible

With more people using technology and its widespread adoption across the NHS and social care, it is even more important that digital information is fully accessible.

RNIB can support via its Business Services. RNIB Business Services can provide website and app, design reviews, user experience testing, website audits and the RNIB tried and tested certification stamp so people know your website or app is accessible and usable.

We have also included some top tips and resources which will help you ensure your digital information is accessible.

Top tips for accessible digital information and communication: A simple go to RNIB guide to get you started (English Version)

Top tips for accessible digital information and communication (Welsh Version)

Top tips for accessible email: Quick go to guide with 7 top tips. (English Version)

Top tips for accessible email (Welsh Version)

Top tips for accessible online forms: Short guide to ensure your online forms are accessible. (English Version)

Top tips for accessible online forms (Welsh Version)

WCAG 2.2 Website Guidelines Quick Start-up Guide: Quick start RNIB guide which summarises the WCAG 2.2 guidelines for good practice in website accessibility and inclusive design. The guide focuses on some of the most common issues that occur on websites and gives advice on how to address these.
App guidelines outline: Detailed RNIB guide aimed at app developers and health and care professionals developing apps. The guidelines are based on the internationally recognised standard ISO 9241-171:2008 – Ergonomics of human-system interaction – Part 171: Guidance on software accessibility. These are not technical guidelines, but are based on what the best usability experience should be. (English Version)

App guidelines outline (Welsh Version)

Making social media accessible

Social media is a key communication tool. We have provided a range of top tips to ensure you can reach everyone.

Guide to accessible social media: RNIB introductory guide to the most popular social media platforms, how accessible they are for blind and partially sighted people and where to go for more help.

Top tips for accessible social media: RNIB’s top tips to ensuring your social media is more accessible. (English Version)

Top tips for accessible social media (Welsh Version)

Making meetings, workshops, and events accessible

Co-design is key to improving services, whether it’s working together to ensure heath and care information is accessible or re-designing a pathway.  These top tips will help you create inclusive meetings, workshops and events.

Top tips for accessible meetings and workshops:  RNIB’s top tips co-designed with service users. (English Version)

Top tips for accessible meetings and workshops (Welsh Version)

Top tips for PowerPoint presentations: RNIB’s go to guide to ensure your presentations are accessible.

Making signage and wayfinding accessible

Making signage and wayfinding accessible to everyone is important. Working with people with lived experience makes getting signage and wayfinding right easier. Also  with the development of new technologies,  digital wayfinding  is possible.

Contact our Business Services

Top tips for accessible signage and wayfinding : Go to guide with links to enable you to get your signage and wayfinding right first time.