

Fiction: Looking for Sagittarius


Photo by Peter Burdon on Unsplash
My short fiction "Looking for Sagittarius" is featured in the latest- and all important-Climate Change issue of Nixes Mate publications.

Many thanks to the editors.

Read it HERE.

Fiction: Scab

Photo by Edmond Dantès from Pexels
 My short fiction "Scab" is featured in the latest issue of the American Journal of Poetry.

Many thanks to the editors.

Read it HERE.

Fiction: Fur Babies

Photo by Josiah Farrow on Unsplash

My short fiction "Fur Babies" is featured in the South Florida Poetry Journal's Flash #23, Nov 2021 issue.

Many thanks to Flash editor, Francine Witte.

Read it HERE.


Fiction: God Maker


My short fiction "God Maker" is featured in Bright Flash Literary Review's April issue. 

Read it HERE


Fiction: Coyotes

Credit: Unsplash
 My micro fiction, "Coyotes" is up now at The Drabble. 

Many thanks to the editors!

Read it HERE.


Fiction: Chestnut Street

My short fiction, "Chestnut Street," is featured in Issue 15 of Bending Genres. 

Many thanks to editor, Robert Vaughan and his team.

Read it HERE!


Poetry: In Search Of

Have a new piece called, "In Search Of," in this beautiful collection of poetry, Constellations: A Journal of Poetry and Fiction Vol. 8: Vulnerability.

Thanks, Nina, for including my work in this fine group.

Buy the issue HERE!


Poetry: Week of Diagnosis

Rabbit Remains | by Stefan Neuweger
My poem, "Week of Diagnosis" is up on the Muddy River Poetry Review online journal. Many thanks to editor, Zvi Sesling, for including my work!

Read MRPR's Fall 2018 issue HERE!


Poetry: What Remains

Photo Credit: River Poets Journal
My poem, "What Remains" was published in a stunning anthology, River Poets Journal, 2018 Special Theme Edition: The Immigrants. A hearty thanks to editor and publisher, Judith Lawrence, for seeing merit in my work.

Read the issue HERE, then buy a copy HERE!


Fiction: Post-Op Wishes

Photo Credit: Gumtree
My little ditty, "Post-Op Wishes", is up now at Spelk Fiction. It teeters on the borderline of poetry and prose, and I love it, but I am biased. ;-)

Big thanks to Cal Marcius, Spelk Fiction's editor.

Give it a read, HERE!

Kiss Kiss Review

Photo Credit:
Truth Serum Press
My review of flash fictioneer, Paul Beckman's latest collection of sharp, short prose, Kiss Kiss, is up now at Gravel Literary Magazine.

Thanks Tammara, Gravel's editor extraordinaire.

Read my review.
Then buy his book!


Fiction: A Fool's Dream + Of All the Things Forgotten

Photo Credit: Scars Publication

Honored to have my pieces included in this poetry and flash fiction anthology!

Buy the print edition.
Thanks, Janet Kuypers!