Carville quips about Harris flap


James Carville was understanding on Friday toward President Barack Obama’s much-discussed - and criticized - offhand comment about California Attorney General Kamala Harris’ looks, but he did caution the president to be more careful with his words in the future.

“Look, I’m a 68-year- old guy and I do notice honestly the way that women look sometimes, but you’ve got to learn to sort of keep your opinions to yourself,” Carville said on MSNBC’s “Jansing & Co.” “I doubt if he’ll do it again. Not the worst thing that ever happened. Based on the pictures, it’s probably true.”

“I suspect that President Obama’s a little bit like James Carville,” the former Clinton campaign strategist joked. “If I would have said something like that, I would have heard from my wife and two daughters and he’s got a wife and two daughters. I guess when he got home they probably told him that he should stay away from saying things like that.”

( Also on POLITICO: Obama’s ‘compliment’ backfires)

Obama got a lot of flack from remark about Harris he made at a Thursday Democratic National Commitee fundraising luncheon in California. “She’s brilliant and she’s dedicated, she’s tough … She also happens to be, by far, the best looking attorney general,” Obama while introducing Harris. “It’s true! C’mon.”