Get connected with a counselor today!

Debt is real and it isn’t forever.

You have choices. Regain control of your finances and connect with a nonprofit, certified credit counselor.

Or call 800-388-2227 for support.

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A trusted resource since 1951

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1,200+ NFCC certified credit counselors

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35 million served since 2006

Photo credit: Tinnetta Bell

Who we help.

A trusted source, NFCC Member Agencies are here for you.

Everyone. Debt doesn’t discriminate. We make it our mission to help all types of people who want a more secure financial future. You are not alone in your journey—we are here to help pave the way.

How it works.

NFCC-certified credit counselors are ready to help you with a personalized action plan and resources regardless of your income or financial status.

  1. Connect with an NFCC-certified credit counselor for a confidential consultation
  2. Participate in a one-on-one review of your financial goals and budget
  3. Create a personalized financial action plan

Clear Benefits.

  • Stop collection calls
  • Lower interest rates
  • One monthly payment
  • No hidden fees
  • Affordable solutions
  • Improved financial health

Beyond our credentials and our decades of service as a nonprofit financial counseling organization, what we offer is hope. It’s the kind of hope that allows you to envision a bright financial future that is achievable and sustainable.

Get Help With:

Managing Debt

Budgeting Assistance

Getting Mortgage Ready

Avoiding Foreclosure Eviction


How Much Should You Spend on Utilities Each Month?

When it comes to your monthly expenses, some are more important than others. Your budget might have 100 different spending categories, but the most important ones — your necessities — are the ones critical to your health and safety. That includes your rent or mortgage, food, medical expenses and utilities. When money is tight, some […]

The True Cost of Early Holiday Shopping, and How to Stick to a Budget

It’s happening earlier and earlier every year: Summer hasn’t even ended and you start seeing Christmas decorations pop up in retail stores. These not-so-subtle reminders tell you it’s time to start spending money for the holidays.  “Shop early to get the best deals,” say our newspapers, economists and social media feeds. But the result of […]

Simple Tips for Eating Healthy When Food Prices are High

Many of us worry about improving both our finances and our fitness. When it comes to what we eat, it can feel like those two goals are in conflict: we have to choose either affordability or good nutrition. However, eating healthy doesn’t have to break the budget. In fact, fitness and finances have a lot […]

Five Tips for Overcoming a Financial Emergency

Most of us will face a financial emergency at some point in our lives. Perhaps your income isn’t enough to cover your basic needs right now, or you have an unexpected expense that you can’t cover. Whatever you’re facing, you don’t have to push through it alone. Here are some tips and resources you can […]

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Creating a plan today for a brighter tomorrow.

Creating a plan today for a brighter tomorrow.

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Your work and business vision have changed the trajectory of my life. You’ve impacted my legacy, how I walk, how I talk, how I live, parent and love. I am different. I am free.

Johnika Dreher
Client, NFCC Member Agency Money Management International

We realized that we had more expenses than income. My counselor helped me prioritize my expenses and informed me of options to handle my debt. She provided suggestions on how to balance our budget.

Apprisen Client

My daughter referred me! This program will help me pay off the debt faster and free up some money to start putting toward my retirement fund.

InCharge Debt Solutions Client

I am only in the beginning stages but, so far, everything in my “plan” to financial stability seems to be going smoothly. I feel more prepared to handle my financial situation.

GreenPath Financial Wellness Client
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Happy mom and daughter

Better financial futures for all.

Ready to get started? We’re here to help. Fill out the form below to connect with us.

Ready to connect or learn more about us?

Call us at 800-388-2227