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Inside the human body, Victorian-style

29 July 2009

The Wellcome Collection in London has a new exhibition called Exquisite Bodies, exploring the often bizarre Victorian approach to medical teaching and public titillation

Ivory Venus

The centrepiece of 19th-century anatomical displays was normally a female figure, which could be stripped and split into different sections by the museum proprietor.

This “Venus” was often beautiful and sexually alluring, its perfection in stark contrast to some of the more macabre exhibits.

(Image: Wellcome Library)

Male anatomical illustration

This image comes from a 1702 anatomical atlas called The anatomy of the bodies of man and woman.

The book was the first to allow its readers to perform virtual “dissections”, by lifting the flaps to reveal internal organs.

(Image: Wellcome Library)

Cutaway of a baby’s head

This model was based on a child who died in 1879 at Guy’s Hospital, of unknown causes.

Among the models produced were several of the developing brain.

(Image: Wellcome Library)

Inside someone’s head

This anatomical dissection of the head and neck is incredibly detailed.

In particular, the teeth, tongue, muscles, tendons and bone structure are accurately replicated.

For visitors to the Great Exhibition of 1851, this would have been the next best thing to looking inside the human body.

(Image: Wellcome Library)

Giving birth

This plaster relief, from c.1900, illustrates assisted childbirth.

The serene expression on the model’s face is rather at odds with the extremely physical processes of assisted childbirth.

(Image: Family Coolen, Antwerp / Museum Dr Guislain, Ghent, Belgium)

Bearded lady

“Bearded ladies” were common exhibits in sideshows of the 19th and early 20th centuries.

Though most would have been faked, it is possible that some of these individuals were suffering from the rare but real disorder congenital generalised hypertrichosis terminalis (CGHT), otherwise known as “werewolf syndrome”.

(Image: Family Coolen, Antwerp / Museum Dr Guislain, Ghent, Belgium)

Poxy pustules

A wax model showing smallpox pustules ravaging a person’s arm.

Smallpox was devastating. Repeated epidemics swept across continents and decimated populations worldwide.

However, after Edward Jenner’s 1796 demonstration that inoculation with cowpox could protect against smallpox, the first successful vaccine was developed.

(Image: Family Coolen, Antwerp / Museum Dr Guislain, Ghent, Belgium)

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