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Canelo Alvarez picks Nate Diaz over Conor McGregor ahead of UFC 202

You can add boxing superstar Saul Alvarez, or better known as 'Canelo', to the list of people supporting Nate Diaz ahead of his fight with Conor McGregor at UFC 202.

Sporting Diaz's 'I'm not surprised motherf**kers' T-shirt, the 25-year-old Mexican boxer expressed his support for Nate Diaz in a video with Latin American magazine Fighters Magazine.

"Best of luck [Diaz], but I know you don't need any luck because I know you're going to win," Canelo said. "The preparation, the hard work in the gym is what gives you success. I know what you've done, and you're going to win."

UFC 202 takes place this Saturday in Las Vegas Nev. The rematch between Diaz and McGregor is scheduled to headline the card.

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