Russian tycoon Boris Berezovsky was left a "broken man" after losing his bitter legal battle with Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich, his inquest has heard.

The oligarch was depressed for months and talked of killing himself, his bodyguard Avi Navama said.

He found Mr Berezovsky's lifeless body slumped on the floor of his ex-wife's luxury property in Ascot, Berkshire, on March 23 last year.

His death came months after his lengthy private litigation case with billionaire Mr Abramovich ended in defeat - costing him millions of pounds and altering his personality, the hearing was told.

Avi Navama, Mr Berezovsky's bodyguard of six years, told the inquest at Windsor Guildhall that he was "very low" and "depressed" in the last four months of his life but seemed "different" in the final two days before he died.

Speaking of when he last saw him, the night before he died, Mr Navama said: "He looked at me with very low, tired eyes.

"Like he doesn't know what to do."

He said that later that night he collected Mr Berezovsky's son, Gleb, from school and got a text from his boss thanking him, which he thought "strange".

Police confirmed the Russian exile's cause of death was "consistent with hanging".

Mr Navama's wife, Zoe Watson, also described changes in Mr Berezovsky's behaviour.

In a witness statement read before the court, Mrs Watson said: "The Mr Berezovsky (I) knew was a dynamic, larger than life personality who became someone who withdrew into himself and became a shell of the man (I) once knew."

She said the former Kremlin insider had been a "welcoming, very generous and kind" man before the court case, which found in favour of Mr Abramovich over a £3 billion debt dispute.

She said that, following the case, employees at the Ascot estate became concerned about the impact the case would have on them, speaking of concerns for their jobs in the wake of the legal battle's crippling effect on Mr Berezovsky's fortune.

In her statement, Mrs Watson said her concerns deepened on a trip with her husband and his employer to Israel.

The hearing was told: "Mr Berezovsky regularly went to his room.

"His head was in his hands. He was pale and shaking.

"He looked broken. I saw he was taking strong anti-depressant medicine.

"He was having panic attacks and heart palpitations."

Mrs Watson said she had become aware Mr Berezovsky, 67, had discussed suicide with one of his children at that time.

She said: "He asked about how to do it."

Berkshire Coroner Peter Bedford said he acknowledged that the witness had only met her husband's employer "about eight times", and added: "Her knowledge of Mr Berezovsky is very limited but it is interesting to note the change of personality."

The coroner opened the hearing by stating he discounted theories in some press reports that Mr Berezovsky had faked his own death.

Mr Navama said he phoned the ambulance at around 3pm on March 23 after getting no response from his employer all day.

The bodyguard said he had concerns that Mr Berezovsky might have harmed himself based on previous talk of suicide, and said he wanted a member of the emergency services with him if he was to make the grim discovery.

He told the hearing: "I worked with him for more than six years - I spent more time with him than my wife.

"I considered him family.    ��       

"When he talked (like this) I was very worried to see him in this state.

"I had a very bad feeling that he might have killed himself."

Mr Navama said there were "30 activities" on Mr Berezovsky's phone when he went to his room, and assumed he was locked in the bathroom.

After deciding to break down the door, the bodyguard said he found his employer "lying on his back".

He told the hearing: "He looked purple.

"I checked to see if there was any kind of pulse. I put my ear next to his mouth and was looking at his chest.

"I couldn't find a pulse."

Mr Navama said his boss had "financial worries", when the paramedics arrived some time later.

The inquest continues.