Dierdre Robillard is the Bay Area News Group's Community Projects Director.
Community Projects Director

Dierdre Robillard

Dee Dee Robillard is the Bay Area News Group's Community Projects Director responsible for The Mercury News' Wish Book and East Bay Times' Share the Spirit community fundraising campaign. She is a nonprofit professional and grant program specialist who was previously a manager at the Volunteer Center of the East Bay and the Community Projects and Media Manager at Contra Costa Crisis Center, a financial advisor, the Rocky Mountain in PBS Coordinator for Ready to Learn and Super School News, and much more. She volunteers at multiple nonprofits, fosters rescue dogs, and often can be found hiking in the Bay Area open space with one. She graduated from the University of Colorado, Boulder with a BS degree in marketing. Contact her via email for questions about Wish Book and Share the Spirit and how you can donate to the campaigns.

Location: San Francisco Bay Area

Expertise: Nonprofit fundraising, including donor advised funds, (DAFs) gifts through Required Minimum Distributions (RMD) from IRAs, Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCDs), gifts of stock, crypto, foundation grants

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