GOP Strategist Rick Wilson: Don’t Be Fooled By Trump’s Pivot, ‘Verbal Dysentery’ Will Return


Wilson1GOP media strategist Rick Wilson warned voters not to be fooled by Donald Trump‘s latest nominal pivot. The Republican candidate would rebound with his familiar “verbal dysentery” as soon as he got his hands on his Twitter account again, Wilson said.

Trump had delivered a (rare) prepared speech in Charlotte, North Carolina Thursday night in which he expressed “regret” for some things he had said, though did not specify what those things were. He also blamed the media for taking his words out of context.

“It’s the 87th pivot this year,” Wilson told MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell. “And every time this happens you know that there’s a clock running. And that clock is, when does Donald Trump get his phone back and start tweeting again? When does Donald Trump start letting his verbal dysentery spray out all over the world again?”

“This is a guy who cannot be tamed or mastered or controlled by people. And it’s amazing that the American media falls for this because there are a whole bunch of gushing stories tonight, by people who should really know better, even though the speech, as you noted, didn’t really contain any kind of apology,” he said.

“He’s a sociopath, he’s unable to process those things,” Wilson added.

On Twitter he expressed even more skepticism for this, Trump’s umpteenth nominal “pivot” toward being more presidential.

Trump himself has said repeatedly that he is not interested in pivoting. His speech in North Carolina is his first address since the major shakeup of campaign leadership roles this week.

Wilson, a vocal Trump critic, is reportedly working on the long shot campaign of independent conservative Evan McMullin.

Sam Reisman (@thericeman) is a staff editor at Mediaite.

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