

ABartel Alex Bartel
I currently have two Ph.D. students, and will be looking to take on new ones. If you liked your courses on algebraic number theory, Galois theory, and representation theory of finite groups, and optionally elliptic curves, and are considering doing a Ph.D. that combines these topics, then feel free to contact me. You can also have a look at the papers on my web page to find out more specifically what kinds of topics I am interested in.
Jim Jim Belk
I am interested in supervising PhD students in geometric group theory or geometric topology, and my research has significant connections to complex dynamics, fractal geometry, automata theory, quasiconformal geometry, and symbolic dynamics. Please see my web page or contact me for more information.
Gwyn Bellamy Gwyn Bellamy
I am interested in taking on additional PhD students. If you might be interested in doing a PhD under my supervision, please just send me an email. I am happy to suggest topics in representation theory, geometric representation theory, or on the interface of representation theory and algebraic geometry.
Profile   1 (1) Rachael Boyd
I am interested in taking on PhD students in algebraic topology. My research has connections to geometric topology, geometric group theory and algebra, take a look at my website for further details. Please feel free to email me if you would like to work with me, or discuss my research.
Brendle2 Tara Brendle
Possible PhD projects include a variety of topics in geometric group theory and low-dimensional topology, with a particular focus on structures related to surfaces, such as mapping class groups and braid groups.
Aarhus Ruadhaí Dervan
I am advertising two PhD positions to work with me to begin in September 2024; please email me if you might be interested (current deadline 15th December). One of these positions is in algebraic geometry, while the other is in differential geometry: my research interests are in complex geometry, and my current and previous students have worked on problems at the intersection of algebraic and differential geometry. A benefit of my field is that it's quite outward looking: it uses tools and ideas from many different parts of geometry. My website may give a better sense of my area and the sorts of problems I find interesting, but I also welcome emails about this. I currently have two PhD students working with me, one based in Glasgow and the other (jointly supervised) in SISSA Trieste.
Vaibhav Vaibhav Gadre
I currently have one PhD student. I am looking to take on new students. To get an idea of my mathematical interests please go to my webpage.
Me2 Damián Gvirtz-Chen
I am looking to take on new PhD students and am happy to be contacted via email. You can have a glance at my personal webpage for the type of problems around rational points on higher-dimensional varieties that you could be working on. If you are broadly interested in employing a combination of techniques from geometry, algebra, number theory and topology, quite possibly with a computational twist, this is a great area to work in!
Ana2 Ana Lecuona
I have two PhD students finishing their program (Tanushree Shah and Lisa Lokteva) and two starting in 2022-2023. Currently I am not planning on taking new students, but if you want further information or discuss about it, please do contact me. My main field of interest is low dimensional topology. You can get some idea of the type of problems I think about by taking a look at my webpage (link above, on my name). You can contact me at this address.
Xl Xin Li
I am interested in taking new PhD students. I am working on C*-algebras and their connections to other mathematical disciplines such as topological dynamics, group theory or number theory. Please feel free to contact me if you are interested!
Dinakar Muthiah Picture Dinakar Muthiah
I am currently taking on PhD students in Representation Theory and Algebraic Geometry. If you are interested, please take a look at my website for more details and feel free to email me.
Brendan Owens Brendan Owens
I am interested in supervising students in smooth low-dimensional topology and related topics. Please see my home page linked above for more information about research or send me an email.
336205 Mark Powell
I'm accepting students in 2024. My name above links to my website; I suggest browsing it to get an idea of my work. In particular see this page, and please get in touch if you would like to work with me.
336739 Anna Puskás
I am looking to take on PhD students. My interests lie at the intersection of representation theory, number theory, and algebraic combinatorics. Generally, I like thinking about objects coming from representation theory or number theory in terms of algebraic combinatorics. If you think you may be interested in working with me, please send me an email! For further information, you can also have a look at my website, and/or my papers.
Sofos Efthymios Sofos
I currently have two PhD students (one jointly), and am interested in taking on more students. If you are interested in a PhD in analytic number theory or arithmetic geometry, I can be reached here. More information on my research is in my website.
Chris2 Christian Voigt
I’m always interested to speak to potential PhD students, and I’m happy to suggest topics in noncommutative geometry, operator K-theory, and quantum groups. Please check my Christian Voigt or contact me for more information on my research.
Andy Photo Andy Wand
I currently supervise/co-supervise several students in various topics across low dimensional topology, focusing mainly on contact topology, aspects of knot theory, and mapping class groups of surfaces. I am happy to discuss potential supervision, and can be reached here.
Michaelwemyss Michael Wemyss
I currently advise seven PhD students (five in Glasgow, two in Makerere), so I won't be taking on any students this upcoming year (for Oct 2023 start). I will be taking on students again the year after. To get a feel for the types of mathematics I think about, you can check out my graduate lectures, or my papers on my webpage, arXiv, or Google Scholar.
Whittaker OperaHouse Michael Whittaker
I am interested in supervising additional PhD students, and have a wide range of projects available. My recent focus has been on self-similar groups, aperiodic tilings, and C*-algebras arising from topological dynamical systems. For more info on my research interests, see my webpage.
RXia Runlian Xia
I currently have two PhD students jointly with Joachim Zacharias, and I am open to taking more PhD students. I have wide interests in topics related to interactions between operator algebras and harmonic analysis. My recent research focus is on Calderón–Zygmund operators/Fourier multipliers on non-commutative Lp spaces associated with von Neumann algebras (non-commutative counterparts of measure spaces). If you are interested in any of these topics, you could reach me here.
Joachim Joachim Zacharias
I am interested in supervising further PhD students in the field of operator algebras and related topics. Please contact me by e-mail if you would like to do a PhD under my supervision/co-supervision. I am happy to suggest topics in C*-algebra theory and dynamical systems, classification of simple C*-algebras, approximation properties of groups and operator algebras, K-theory and related topics.

Biriwa Chris Athorne
Currently I have no research students but am interested in applicants with a background in algebraic and differential geometry.
Default Avatar Misha Feigin
I am interested in supervising more students in the areas of my research interests: quantum integrability, Frobenius manifolds, Cherednik algebras. Please feel free to get in touch for more details including possible projects.
IMG 0923 Christian Korff
PhD projects for prospective research students can be found on my personal webpage. My research is between mathematics (representation theory and algebraic combinatorics) and physics (low-dimensional QFT and lattice models in quantum and statistical mechanics). Possible projects can vary depending on taste, please contact me if you would like to know more. By clicking on my name you will be sent to my personal homepage where you can find more information and how to get in touch. Some projects can be found here.
Kitty Photo Kitty Meeks
I am currently supervising several PhD students, but I am always happy to hear from more prospective students interested in algorithmic applications of discrete mathematics; some aspects of my work also have applications to more applied areas including statistics, social network analysis and precision medicine (visit my personal webpage for more details). As I am based in the School of Computing Science the application process is slightly different, and in particular a research proposal is required - see the webpage or contact me for more information.
Image002 Ian Strachan
I currently have two PhD student (one jointly supervised with Dr Misha Feigin) and I would be very interested in supervising more students. An informal description of my research may be found here and my research papers may be found on arXiv and on ResearchGate, but if you are interested, please just contact me directly.

Page last modified on Wednesday, 1 November 2023 13:54:04 GMT