Our cotton commitment

100% of the cotton in our clothing is sourced through Better Cotton or with organic and recycled certifications – and it always will be. We’ve held this position since 2019 by working closely with our supplier partners and through industry collaborations

100% of the cotton in our clothing is sourced through Better Cotton or with organic and recycled certifications – and it always will be. We’ve held this position since 2019 by working closely with our supplier partners and through industry collaborations

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M&S and Better Cotton: partners for more than a decade


Better Cotton is sourced via a chain-of-custody model called mass balance. This means that although Better Cotton is not physically traceable to end products, Better Cotton farmers benefit from the demand

Cotton growing in a field

M&S and Better Cotton: partners for more than a decade


Better Cotton is sourced via a chain-of-custody model called mass balance. This means that although Better Cotton is not physically traceable to end products, Better Cotton farmers benefit from the demand

Why Better Cotton is so important

Why Better Cotton is so important

Better Cotton’s mission is to help cotton communities survive and thrive, while protecting and restoring the environment. By partnering with Better Cotton, we’re empowering farmers to be more efficient with water, care for soil health and natural habitats, reduce use of the most harmful chemicals and respect workers’ rights and wellbeing

Why Better Cotton is so important

Better Cotton’s mission is to help cotton communities survive and thrive, while protecting and restoring the environment. By partnering with Better Cotton, we’re empowering farmers to be more efficient with water, care for soil health and natural habitats, reduce use of the most harmful chemicals and respect workers’ rights and wellbeing

Our policy and compliance programme stipulates that we do not work with any supplier in, nor source cotton from, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Xinjiang Province, China. We have formally signed the call to action to address human rights abuses, in line with our long-term commitment that our supply chains are ethical and our workers are treated fairly, with their human rights respected

Our policy and compliance programme stipulates that we do not work with any supplier in, nor source cotton from, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Xinjiang Province, China. We have formally signed the call to action to address human rights abuses, in line with our long-term commitment that our supply chains are ethical and our workers are treated fairly, with their human rights respected

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