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Violating the First Amendment in Defense of Gay and Lesbian Rights is no Virtue


I think Glenn is completely right about this.  If a business is unwilling to comply with local and state civil rights laws, that’s a different matter.  Boycotts of Chick-Fil-A are perfectly defensible, and indeed if you must have fast-food chicken I would urge you to go to Popeye’s for both political and taste reasons.  But for a government office to deny a business who would ordinarily by eligible for one a permit based solely on the political views of an executive is wrong and illiberal, full stop.    If Chick-Fila-A are compliant with the standards that would be applied to other business, they should be permitted to operate in Chicago and Boston, and citizens in these cites should vote with their dollars if they don’t approve of the bigoted views of the company’s chief executive.

…Much more here.

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