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Welcome to the small brain cancer charity with a big heart

In Sue’s Name was set up as a fundraising charity in memory of Sue Blasotta, who died in 2011 from brain tumours aged just 42, leaving two very young children.

Sue’s devastated father David resolved to cherish her memory by raising funds for research into brain cancer treatments and cures.

David was shocked to discover that despite this disease killing more children and under-40s than any other cancer, only 1% of the total government cancer research spend goes to brain cancers. Our charity launched in 2014 to raise awareness, funds and support for anyone suffering from the effects of brain tumours.

Our target is to raise £1 million by 2027 in order to provide crucial research funds to support the Blizard Institute in Whitechapel – the Brain Tumour Research Centre of Excellence at Queen Mary University of London.

But as well as raising funds for research into brain tumours, we are bringing together families who have lost loved ones from this cruel disease.

Ultimately, we want to create a legacy that will see a cure developed for brain cancers, enabling other families to avoid the heartbreak suffered by so many through this illness.

There are so many ways you can help, including:

  • making one-off or monthly subscription donations
  • attending or participating in our events
  • running your own events
  • sponsoring someone who is taking part in one of our events
  • corporate partnerships or sponsorship of events
  • leaving a legacy to In Sue’s Name
  • putting us in touch with people who run grant or trust funds
  • volunteering to help us with events, admin or marketing

Whatever you can do will be hugely appreciated, not only by us, but especially by those who will benefit from the work we’re doing to eradicate brain tumours and brain cancer.

For an initial chat, call me, David Taylor, on 0800 380 0593 or email info@insuesname.org.uk

Why brain cancer research needs more funding

Brain cancers kill more people under the age of 40 than any other cancer, and yet the research into its cure receives just a tiny fraction (less than 1%) of the government funding that goes to other cancer research.

So, whilst we constantly lobby the government to address this, In Sue’s Name exists to bridge the gap in funding.

Brain cancers devastate young families, leaving parents without children and children without parents.

In Sue’s Name was set up as a fundraising charity in memory of Sue Blasotta, who died in 2011 from brain tumours, aged just 42, leaving two young children.

Our target is to raise £1m by 2027. That will enable us to fund research into treatments and cures for brain cancers which, in turn, will ensure that other families don’t have to endure the tragedy and heartache that has affected so many families to date.

How you can help


We organise lots of events, so come along and have fun! From themed dinners to golf days, from skydives to our annual Walk of Hope, all proceeds go to the charity’s beneficiaries.

So, buy tickets, take part in an event or rise to an adrenaline-filled challenge and get sponsored!

Whatever you can do will be greatly appreciated, and could just make the difference by funding a scientific breakthrough that could save countless lives.

For news of our past and forthcoming events, click here


In Sue’s Name does not receive government funding, so we are keen to connect with anyone who can influence or control the allocation of trusts and grants.

We also believe that a bequest from private wills could significantly accelerate the speed at which we can reach our goals.

We all want to help good causes, but understandably, we have other priorities such as looking after our own family and living life to the full.

But once our time is done, it’s good to know that we can also make a real difference to an important cause, and we’re very happy to create a lasting acknowledgement of your generosity.

Leaving a legacy to In Sue’s Name will ensure that our vital work can continue, and that we can accelerate our efforts to find treatments and a cure for brain cancers.

And by leaving a legacy to any charity, your family may well benefit further from inheritance tax advantages.

For advice on trusts, grants and how to leave a bequest to In Sue’s Name by creating or updating your Will, call David Taylor on 0800 380 0593 or click here


In the fight to identify treatments and a cure for brain tumours, every single penny matters, and it’s an ongoing challenge.

By making a small monthly donation, you’d really be helping us to save lives.

Setting up a subscription is quick and easy; all you need to do to make it happen is click here


We rely on people spreading the word about the importance of our work, so please ‘like’, comment on and share our Facebook page, and tell people about the amazing work our team does to accelerate the search for a vital cure for brain tumours.

For an initial chat, call David Taylor on 0800 380 0593 or click here


Getting your organisation involved with In Sue’s Name is a real partnership, with genuine benefits on both sides (as it should be).

So, whilst our aims can be furthered by the donations, sponsorship and involvement from your team, your organisation gets recognition on our website, through our social media channels and at our events. And you get a warm feeling from making such an important contribution to such an important, life-changing project.

To find out about how corporate sponsorship opportunities can help all of us, call David Taylor on 0800 380 0593 or click here


Getting involved in one of our events as a volunteer is a great way to help the cause and find out about the great work we do.

Even if you can just give up a couple of hours to run, attend or support an event, it’s a huge help.

Or, why not organise an event of your own?!

For an initial chat, call David Taylor on 0800 380 0593 or click here

Money Raised so Far

A huge thank you to everyone who has donated, attended events and volunteered to help us raise funds so far.

At the latest count, our collective efforts have yielded the following amount, getting us ever closer to our target to raise £1,000,000 by the end of 2027:


Our £1m brain cancer research target

With your help, we know we can reach – and hopefully exceed – our aim to raise £1m to save lives and avoid families suffering in the way that so many already have. But time is precious, so please do whatever you can, as soon as possible.

Time left to reach our target


In Sue’s Name Statistics

With your help we can push on to reach our target so we are able to save many more lives.

Fundraising events to date
Volunteers and supporters
Corporate Partners
Years of research sponsored

Latest News

Here are some of the latest stories relating to the research work being carried out at The Blizard Institute at Queen Mary Hospital, and by In Sue’s Name….

The Wall of Hope and ISN’s Memory Book

This section is dedicated to those who have died from brain tumours and have been remembered at the Blizard Institute, the Research Institute which we support with our funds raised.

The Institute’s Wall of Hope (see picture) is a magnetic board onto which are placed tiles with the names of loved ones who have died. Each tile also represents £2,740 donated to support The Institute’s vital work.

Our ambition is to raise £1 million by 2027 to place 365 tiles to fund research at the Institute.

The tiles placed so far, and those that will be added to the board in the future, stay on the Wall of Hope for 3 years.

However, their stories are preserved in perpetuity here in the ISN’s Memory Book.

All the stories posted here appear with the permission of their families, and are a permanent testament to their lives and the impact they had.

Please read their stories and help to keep their memories alive.

The impact of In Sue’s Name

Sign up to help us to help find a cure for brain cancer

There are lots of ways we can help each other, and by doing so, help in the fight against brain tumours.

If you’d like us to keep you posted on our events, activities and news, please just sign up with your name and contact details.

We promise not to bombard you with communications, and you can unsubscribe at any time.

Corporate Partnerships

Join In Sue's Name

Find out how you can help fight brain cancer with In Sue’s Name by joining us today: