71 Reviews
Less a movie, more a long sketch
stevelivesey673 June 2021
Nobody's finest hour.

It has some humourous moments but ultimately lacks a tight script and direction to make it work.
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Half Good
gab-6759911 November 2021
This one was just not funny enough to make you satisfied that you watched it. The laughs are far and few between and not just else going on for it. Maybe if you had nothing else to watch it is ok but definitely a one time watch.
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A Painfully Average Stretch of a Sketch that Never Quite Hits the Mark
TwistedContent20 September 2019
I was very interested in seeing what Patrick Brice does next (Creep & Creep 2 are, in my opinion, awesome genre movies) and I'm not happy to say that "Corporate Animals" feels like a flop in each and every way.

Many reviews state the very same flaws and I can't find any better words, because they're right - it feels like a stretched out character sketch with a very shallow plot, uninventive sitatuations, most of the humor is based on archaic social stereotypes & all the social commentary in the script is old and tiring already, which is also the case regarding the characters. You've seen all this or close variations of all this somewhere before. Nevertheless, the actors seemed to do their best with the script they've been given & there are a few crank-out-a-smile moments. The plot never really takes off, never builds up to anything, eventually feeling repeatitive. In other words, there are some pacing issues. In the light of all the negative aspects it's hard to compliment anything else, what we've still left is the visual side of the movie, and, well, it's simply alright. There are a few tiny, cool surprises, one in a form of an animated dream.

"Corporate Animals" is a painfully average 90 minute comedy sketch & the kind of a horror comedy that You can pass on while not missing anything. I recommend it for those who like the cast, comedy on the corporate themes or to those who want to see how Patrick Brice underwhelms You after the Creep duology. My rating: 5/10
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A movie that questions why movies this bad get made.
beammeup-2955426 March 2021
The writing is terrible, take the f-bomb out and the script would be three pages long. The acting is almost as bad as the script. The production and editing is horrendous. Who would put up real money for such garbage! Save yourself... watch anything else.
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tomsdm31 January 2022
One of the worst movies we've ever seen. Couldn't watch the entire movie. Life's too short to watch bad movies. We have a question though. When did Demi Moore become this desperate?
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Makes Leaving Las Vegas seem hysterical (& I hated it too)
cowboywayfest3 April 2022
I can't even believe we watched the entire thing. Not only the worst movie EVER, it's disgusting that anyone ever thought up the concept. 100% debase. Zero redemptive qualities. Exactly what's wrong these days.
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uncomfortable to watch
m68film13 April 2021
The actors are good performers in this. I just didn't like the storyline. Pace was slow, and situation was uncomfortable, but I get that is what the filmmakers were going for. They succeeded. I just felt uncomfortable watching all these adults behave like spoiled brats among each other. Just not my cup of tea. Didn't find it entertaining.
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Decent flick
bakergarrett20 August 2021
The reviews for this movie from other people are scathing. People did not like this one. I did though, I had no clue it was directed by the director of the Creep films, and while this is no where near as good, it is still I'd say a quality flick. The comedy got some legit laughs, the bits of gore are great, and there is fun little animated sequence near the middle. If you like quirky movies check this one out, it's really not that bad.
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Was not expecting this to be good.
I really enjoyed it.

Thought this would be a crap raunchy comedy. I was wrong. It's a sharp shooting dark comedy.

Hilarious in the most subtle of ways.

"Not my arm! It's where I keep my watch" Great cast. And it had a good ending which is rare.
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Wow! What boredom!
jmbovan-47-1601732 September 2020
Not enough plot for even an SNL skit and done with less skill and interest in even the lamest of skits. Non-funny, trite, pointless, and empty. Ugly characters with annoying traits, unpleasant situations, and tired choices to be had. Pointless, waste of time. Don't even bother. I did and it was painful.
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Grossly Misunderstood and Underrated
arriva21 September 2019
It's a very honest satire about our current world and a human psyche and how people still remain animals when conditions force them to. Beware it's not a light comedy, it's a comedy horror. This movie borrows some features from Tucker and Dale vs Evil (2010) and the Invention of Lying (2009) and I cannot say anything else to avoid spoilering the movie.

The trailer doesn't do the movie too much justice. The film is a hundred times darker than the trailer could lead you to believe.

There are some logic issues and a little unnecessary departure close to the end but otherwise I enjoyed the movie quite a lot.

Do not watch this movie with kids though older teenagers might be allowed.
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Very offbeat and unusually funny
callmelum27 September 2019
It starts off a bit slow but if you can get through the first 15min, what you'll get is a dark comedy about what happens when a bunch of employees have to pull together to survive being trapped in a cave with their a-hole boss.

It's an offbeat, unusually funny movie filled with a couple one liners that'll make you chuckle. For a quiet night in with nothing else to watch, give this movie a bash.

Don't believe all the poor reviews you see of this film. This will become a cult classic like Office Space in a couple years time
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Reallybad movie(don´t waste your time)
caspercni-218-36558323 September 2019
The premise of this movie could be kind of entertaining, but it all falls to the ground, with a stupid plot and mediocre acting.

Could have used my time better, than to be watching this movie.

Three stars because of Ed Helms
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As bad as the trailer
Horror_Flick_Fanatic21 September 2019
Watch the trailer... Back? Yes, the whole movie really is that bad. You are welcomed.
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Intended Black Comedy is Just Abysmal
larrys331 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This intended black comedy is just abysmal and horribly bad and I would avoid it like the plague.

Demi Moore portrays an imperious company owner leading some of her employees on a team building effort into the caves of New Mexico. But after a cave-in, the team must contend with a lack of food and water, eventually resorting to cannibalism to survive.

I can't even find the words to describe how awful this movie is, but I would say it's certainly one of the worst I've seen in years. I'm a Demi Moore fan and am actually saddened to see that she took the lead role here in this crapola. If you're expecting to see a lot of Ed Helms, he's only in the first 15 minutes of the movie.

Had to use closed captions to get subtitles here. Plenty of raw language throughout as well as many sexual references.
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WOW waste of time
mmenendezyj26 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The only good part was when they tripped after eating newts. The boss lady should have died earlier. And idk why i HAVE to leave 150 character review.
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The Office Becomes a Horror Movie
koltonbrett10 January 2022
After a cave in, a group of colleagues on a team-building outing, get trapped in a cave and struggle to hold it together. This movie is a comedy, but it's a very dark one that wants to gross you out and make you laugh at the same time. It's not super successful in this area. I was entertained and even amused for some time, but the longer the movie went, the less funny and interesting it became. It's full of gore and vulgarity, making this far from kid friendly. It was like a spoof of the survival movie Alive, but shot in a style that reminded me of The Office. It needed less crudeness and more cleverness. While certain moments got a laugh out of me, the entertainment factor was disappointing in the end.
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Corporate Vomit
judydrmitrev11 November 2019
This is absolutely the worst movie ever I wouldn't suggest anybody to watch this I'm honestly even shocked Demi Moore played in such a dumb movie was very disappointed
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something to chew on
ferguson-619 September 2019
Greetings again from the darkness. Filmmaker Patrick Brice is building a career on films that leave us with an unsettled, even conflicted feeling on whether we should "like" them or not. He certainly has little time for 'normal' characters, and heroic behavior rarely enters a scene. His latest is written by Sam Bain (PEEP SHOW, and son of Emmy winning director Bill Bain), and it fits perfectly into the offbeat comedy realm of Mr. Brice's previous two CREEP films (with Mark Duplass) and THE OVERNIGHT (2015).

The film kicks off was an advertisement (in the pre-production stage) for Incredible Edibles, a bio-friendly company that produces edible cutlery (a comical visual). Featured in the ad is the company's ruthless CEO Lucy, played by Demi Moore. Lucy has arranged a Team Building outing for her employees in the mountains of New Mexico. The expedition is led by Brandon (Ed Helms, THE HANGOVER), a Bear Gryllis type who easily evaluates the team's incongruent pieces. After advising against Lucy's demand for the "Advanced" trail, Brandon gives in since 'the check has cleared'. He proceeds to lead the team on a repelling adventure down into a stunning cavern.

Just when it looks like the "advanced" trail was the right call, a cave-in occurs, trapping the team with no escape route, and little food or water. It's at this point when we realize that most of Lucy's management style seems to have originated in a 'get tough' management book from the 1960's. She has no real instinct on how to treat people, and mostly just bullies and tricks them. Ms. Moore's character and performance could easily be viewed as a spoof of her DISCLOSURE role with some uncomfortable laughs. We even get a Harvey Weinstein punchline.

Noticeable right away is the terrific comedic cast. Lucy's team consists of Jess (Jessica Williams, BOOKSMART), Freddie (Karan Soni, DEADPOOL), Derek (Isiah Whitlock Jr, CEDAR RAPIDS), Gloria (Martha Kelly, "Baskets"), Billy (Dan Bakkedahl, SWORD OF TRUST), May (Jennifer Kim, "The Blacklist"), Suzy (Nasim Padrad, ALADDIN), and intern Aidan (Calum Worthy, "American Vandal"). This is an exceptionally talented group of funny people who know how to deliver a line. Some of the funniest moments are the 'throwaway' lines being uttered in between the main dialogue. That's where the real comedy gold is buried, so listen closely.

Although the film is a comedy, it also boasts some elements of horror and suspense. Lucy's twisted idealism is the basis for some of this, as is the team's situation as things become more dire (think ALIVE blended with any workplace comedy). We learn the company is teetering on financial failure, and as one might expect in a confined area, workplace resentments and true feelings begin to rear up. The script never quite takes on business satire, focusing instead on personal reactions to a bleak situation. Even Gary Sinise and Britney Spears are included in the comic elements, and while some will find this to be a fitting midnight movie, others will once again be left wondering what to make of Patrick Brice's films. And maybe that's the point.
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A star for the promise of the beginning but that's all
mafdenver6 October 2020
I loved the beginning with the boss I used to have before I retired. In fact, retired early to get away from her. While I wanted bad things to happen to her, the movie got a little carried away. Plus - every character had to have their turn in the spotlight so they could A-A-A-CT and that got really boring. The end? The movie started as an anticlimax about 30 minutes in and fizzled down from there.
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Delicious Satire
ashishagupta23 September 2019
Corporate Animals is a modern day satire that may not appeal to everyone. If you have worked in corporate America for any length of time, then this movie is worth your time and money.

Being a satire, the movie is obviously not to be taken literally, since every sketch or scene in the movie is a metaphor. The script is excellent and there is a lot of good content.

Those of you who have watched "Welcome to the jungle (2014)" will recognize some similarity in overall plotline. The characters in Corporate Animals are colleagues on a 'team building' exercise with an activity instructor. Similar to "Welcome to the jungle", things go awry and the characters are thrown into an impossible situation that sets the stage for the rest of the film. The difference being that the characters in 'welcome to the jungle' are in a jungle on an island and here the characters are in a cave in the middle of the desert.

Importantly, Corporate Animals delves into several pertinent contemporary social and economic issues. For example, there is commentary on the so called 'trickle down economy' and what it really means to the average joe, and many many more.

I can't say more without giving away spoilers, so I'll just say that if you do or have ever had an opinion about Capitalism or Corporate America, then this movie makes for excellent catharsis for you.

Repeat viewing for a movie like this should be rewarding since I am sure I've missed several good jokes and references in the first viewing.

Ironically, everything in this sometime over the top satire could be factually true, except for the ending, which certainly is fiction ... it's a happy ending!

If there is a message from this movie, I guess it would be: "Dear Average Joe, Not all problems can be solved by a tax break; so break a leg."
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Under appreciated and different
UniqueParticle25 December 2019
A bit whacky, slightly brilliant, and wildly entertaining! I appreciate Patrick Brice's projects they're always peculiar and have elements of horror which to me is icing on a nice cake! Not much to say except Corporate Animals is effed up while being highly underrated. I also wanna say one location films are always great.
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Definitely NOT Blue Sky Thinking!
brenjamesuk5 April 2022
One of the worst films I've ever seen! It has no redeeming features! It's totally unfunny. It's not clever or interesting, has no decent or even likeable characters. It's just pathetically pointless! How does stuff like this even get made!! (Are some of the reviews here paid for or something? How can anyone give this 7, 8, 9 out of 10?!!)
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Pretty rough
bgar-809324 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The movie is short so you're not going to lose much watching it but it's pretty bad. It's not funny. My favorite part is the cave guide trying to abandon ship and dying. The overall plot isn't bad. A sinking company's boss tries to take the team on a team building exercise to try to get something but it's just not funny.
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mat123-129 April 2020
What a shame for Demi Moore accepting this kind of role. It's a C movie, made by morons for morons. "Misunderstood" said the moron. Yeah right.
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