953 Reviews
Nepotism is alive and well in Hollywood
Leofwine_draca1 March 2016
I had no idea that M. Night Shyamalan had directed this film until I saw his name pop up on the closing credits. That's because the film has a simple, cookie cutter feel to it, with a look familiar from at least a dozen other recent Hollywood movie and nothing in the way of originality in terms of voice or angle to make it stand out.

It's not that this is completely awful, it's just that it's so, well, undemanding. Will Smith and his real-life son Jaden play a father and son (surprise) who crash land on a post-apocalyptic Earth. Will is injured, so he sends his kid out to activate a homing beacon and thus enable their rescue. Along the way, the boy becomes a man.

It all sounds very sentimental and rather sickening and it is. Jaden Smith is no actor and never has been, but he has made a career of hanging on to his father's coat-tails and that's the case here. Will Smith is a little better, but he seems to be coasting along too. The constant CGI is very boring, and when you discover that the antagonists are rubbishy CGI beasties along the lines of 10,000 BC, well that's the time that you stop caring.
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This isn't THAT bad, why the hate?!
njdaymond8910 June 2013
I must have missed the 'everyone say crap about this film' meeting, After Earth is quite simply NOT as bad as the majority of reviewers are implying?! I'm not biased, I don't worship any of the actors but I do know my films and can appreciate them even when they're not what I anticipated!

I sat and read about 15 reviews before deciding I wanted to go and see this film anyway, and happy I did. I'm a sci-fi fan so when films include the sounds of a spaceships engines... in umm... space, well that annoys me. But I could forgive After Earth for this and it's other negatives because it's not a hardcore sci-fi, even if it somewhat tried to be in places.

Will Smith is very monotone throughout, correct. Jaden Smith is probably a few years away from this role working fully for him, correct. There are some question marks over the uncomplicated and slightly predictable plot and cheap looking set design in places, correct. But it was good escapism fun for an hour and a half and worth seeing on the big screen.

I won't deny, there could have been improvements and big alterations in many places to the point that this could have been an 8/10 from me, but it works on the level it chose to be at. Considering Will Smith had near full control of this project - writing the script, coaching his son's performance, personally hiring M Night Shyamalan (but only for basic directing) - this film is good for what it is.

Had it come before Star Trek, Oblivion and Cloud Atlas this year and if M Night Shyamalan didn't have a bad rep then I think this film would be at the 6.5/10 rating that I think it deserves.
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Is it possible to sue for being tricked into going to see this film?
champjohnson295 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
One time my mom made a pitcher of iced tea. It was the summer and I knew that later in the day it was going to get really hot, so letting the tea chill in the refrigerator was perfect so I could come in the house and have a refreshing beverage. The time came and I poured me a glass, it was nice and cold too. I took a sip and immediately spit it out. There was no sugar or lemon. I never had an experience like that until I saw this movie. Bland, bland, bland. No flavor, no flavor, no flavor.

Now, of course, if you're an A-list actor like Will Smith and you're filthy rich why not make a science fiction movie to help you're up and coming son get better roles and push him into the acting world. That's what parents do, so I'm not mad at that. But I just feel like the movie could have been way better. I don't think it's an acting thing because everyone knows that Will Smith can act and Jaden is good as we've seen in Karate Kid and The Pursuit of Happiness. I believe that when you have a situation where good actors act bad, it's all on the director. Come on people, M. Night Shymalan hasn't had a good movie since The Sixth Sense. When I saw that he was writing and directing this, I just let out a deep sigh.

The film could have been way more epic. An hour and thirty minutes is just not enough time to do every thing that this film could have done. The main storyline about father and son trying to build their relationship after the death of their family member is a good one, but it should have been a subplot to a bigger plot. There were some parts where I was just uncomfortable with the acting and the delivery. There was one part in particular where Jaden's character was running from some creature and he yelled "Leave me alone!" Jaden who are you talking to? Was that phrase in your cadet training? Do the animals speak English or maybe you should try German? When he said that line, it's just confirmed the overall cheesiness of the film and I knew there wasn't a chance in the world that I could take it seriously.

I didn't sense the real danger that we were built up to experience. I think in every movie about being stranded on a deserted island, you encounter some feline creature, a big bird trying to protect her eggs, some poisonous bugs, a waterfall and a very dangerous creature that you better run from because it can kill you. In a nutshell, the movie was very predictable. In any Sci-Fi movie, you have the opportunity to really be creative and come up with some cool concepts and things that the audience has never seen before. It seems as if the filmmakers just settled. IT's definitely a very good idea but overall, not good execution. I didn't see how Earth became a dangerous place for humans, it was just a jungle where some of the animals were a little bigger.

One question, Jaden was wearing a very high tech suit. How come it didn't have anything to help with temperature control? How come the suit didn't have hand coverings to prevent from being bit by that poisonous leech? Why didn't the suit have an oxygen mask? Why did they only have staff? No guns or laser shooters? No shields? I don't know, maybe it was just a prototype. Hahaha okay now I'm being facetious.

Overall, I think it was a good attempt but definitely failed. Terrible choice for a director and the movie could have been more bearable if they cast other actors. If Will wants to bond with his son, they should just go fishing, not make a terrible movie that they're not going to get any profit off of. Save your money.
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Believe the critics!
Gordon-116 June 2013
This film is about a space craft that crash-landed on a dangerous planet called Earth, and the only two survivors have to struggle to stay alive.

The first few minutes of "After Earth" already look not so promising, and it only goes downhill from there. Acting is consistently bad by Jaden Smith, he is so annoying as a teenager who constantly freaks out. Will Smith is supposed to be a fearless commander, but his supposed bravery makes him so wooden as if he was a wax statue.

The plot is simply ridiculous. There are so many plot holes that are so obvious, that they simply should not happen. For example, if Will Smith is such a great commander, how could he not command people to wear seat belts when they were about to hit a meteor shower. And the masks are not even connected to anything!? The whole story, from the macro level to the micro level is very poorly written and makes no sense. The supposed emotional climax is so weak, that I wonder if that scene is really supposed to make me feel proud of what is shown on the screen.

"After Earth" is a terrible mess. This time, believe the critics.
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Kitai Litter
jadepietro4 June 2013
This film is not recommended. Father doesn't always know best, the latest result being After Earth, a vanity project that Will Smith has concocted for his son, Jaden. This wobbly sci-fi tale of survival will certainly test both Mr. and Mr. Smith's star power. Director M. Night Shyamalan, the man who continually keeps falling from grace, one film after the next, is still tumbling further from his talented beginnings, although here the director crashes and burns. This is not to say that After Earth is hopelessly clichéd, it's just hopeless. Shymalan's well- made film has some striking imagery, mostly of panoramic vistas, but his ill-conceived screenplay (co-written with Gary Whitta) keeps this exercise in filmmaking rather earthbound. Adding to that, his main star and one of the film's producers, Papa Smith, pushes nepotism to its limits with this unoriginal dreck. (He is also given story credit for this silliness.) It's not just that this film has no Will power, it just has too much of it, both on screen and off. Will Smith plays the fearless Cypher Raige, a no-nonsense military commando sent on a mission with his newt of a son, Kitai, played by Jaden Smith. Cypher is disappointed with his son's lack of achievement as a cadet and their relationship is a bit strained, just like the acting. The Smiths obviously look the part and act the part with the same stilted delivery. Like father, like son. Unfortunately (for us), they crash land on the apocalyptic Planet Earth. Cypher is injured with two broken legs, but pain is not an option. However a better script would have helped matters. Kitai must now go into rescue mode, wearing his amazing technicolor space suit, fighting beasts and creatures along the way to becoming a man. On his journey of self-awareness, Kitai contends with imminent peril: giant baboons, poisonous leeches, carnivorous tigers, and such. He needs to deal with the fluctuating below-freezing temperatures and an active volcano too. Life is hard. Kitai even battles a monster called the Ursa, a predator that hunts by sensing fear. (If the creature could instead sense the smorgasbord of bad acting on its plate, the Ursa would never go hungry again.) The elder Smith underacts and speaks in annoying solemn platitudes while the younger Smith overacts in a squeaky nasal voice that only a teenager can tolerate. The art direction is mind-numbing. The futuristic sets are bargain basement knockoffs of Disney World's Tomorrowland, circa 1960...very unimaginative with an overabundance of Rubbermaid-influenced interiors and enough flowing linen sheets to make one think that Bed, Bath, and Beyond had given the filmmakers a cut-rate deal for some product endorsements. All of the special effects are barely adequate and not the least bit compelling. After Earth has a strange lethargic listlessness throughout its short length. The film never builds any real tension or suspense. It's just so dull and unrelenting in its stupidity. After Earth is the type of film that gives the sci-fi genre a bad name. Shyamalan and the Smiths might want to use other aliases after creating this debacle. Let's hope they refine their own survival skills when making another film. After Earth is strictly Ursa Minor. So dear moviegoers, heed the film's tag-line: "Danger is real, Fear is a choice". You have been sufficiently warned about the real dangers in viewing After Earth...Fear not, it's still in your control. GRADE: C-
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Disgrace to cinema
old5228 March 2022
Watching Jayden try to act is truly painful. Nepotism at its worst. Jayden and will in the same movie is the cinematic equivalent of black on black crime.
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Lame Attempt to Promote the Non-Talented Son with a Decadent Director
claudio_carvalho5 October 2013
In the future, Earth becomes inhabitable and mankind moves to Nova Prime. However, aliens try to conquer Nova Prime but are defeated by the Rangers under the command of General Cypher Raige (Will Smith). The aliens bring the predator Ursas to hunt down the humans attracted by their fear and Raige develops the fearless ghosting technique to defeat them.

On the same day that Raige returns home, his estranged son Kitai Raige (Jaden Smith) is not advanced to the Ranger position in the academy. Raige promises his wife that he will travel in his last assignment before retirement and she convinces him to bring Kitai with him. When their spacecraft is damaged by an asteroid storm, she crashes on Earth and only Raige and Kitai survive. Raige breaks both legs and Kitai needs to cross the hostile and dangerous planet to retrieve the beacon and save their lives.

"After Earth" is an awful movie, beginning with the boring story and the lame screenplay. It is laughable that in a society possessing advanced technology, the spacecraft beacon is not automatically activated but needs human action to send a distress signal. The decadent M. Night Shyamalan is the director of one good movie ("The Sixth Sense") only and nothing else is worthwhile in his work despite the available budget. Will Smith is a charismatic actor and most of his movies are entertaining but he is dreadful in this movie.

But the greatest problem with "After Earth" is the non-talented son of Will Smith, Jaden Smith. He is a ham actor, with his wooden face, terrible pronunciation of the sentences and ugly crying face and ruins the movie in the lead role, in a poor attempt of his father to promote his career of actor. Like mentioned in Mr. Michael Elliott's review, "After Earth" worth watching just so you can say you saw the worst child actor in history. My vote is one (awful).

Title (Brazil): "Depois da Terra" ("After Earth")
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In my opinion its a more emotional driven movie than a sci-fi.But still its worth a watch and i enjoy watching this movie.
csumityadav9 June 2013
Today i seen this movie and i don't understand why this movie is receiving so many negative reviews and poor ratings.In my opinion its a more emotional driven movie than a sci-fi.It could be made more better but still its worth a watch and i enjoy watching this movie.Acting of Jaden Smith is okay.But i really wish Will Smith should have contribute major part in this movie.Art direction is not upto that mark, the interior design of space ship is really not that good as compare to those that we usually saw and expect from sci-fi movie but some scenes and cinematography of capturing earth's nature is spectacular.

In my opinion its 6.5 out of 10.
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Toe curling and cringingly dreadful
ianbhunter28 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is a hateful film, I mean it really is nothing more than a platform to launch another 'Smith' super ego from and in that respect it delivers. I found the acting to be so bad from both Smiths I had to push the vomit back in with both hands upon each self gratifying scene.

Jaden Smith is a very unlikeable character who's lack of personality is only surpassed by his incredible lack of acting, he seems like a bit of a brat in the real world and this transfers into what you see in the film.

Ultimately this rubbish film ends in one of the most cringingly awful scenes I've ever had the misfortune of witnessing. The 'salute' scene at the end actually made me swear out loud at the film for mocking my intelligence.

So, in summary this film is; appalling, embarrassing and a vision of an even more arrogant Smith waiting to be in every film for the next twenty years. Let's pray this doesn't happen.
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Worth a watch. But no that bad, as some critics say.
Vyom311 June 2013
After Earth is a Sci Fi survival story of a boy named, "Kitai Raige" (Jaden Smith) who crash landed on a planet along with his father "Cypher Raige" (Will Smith), and have to survive various kinds of dangers that Earth greets the crash landers with.

I have to admit that the trailer when I saw it months ago, did get me excited. But fortunately I saw today that it was directed by M. Night Shyamalan, and all my hopes were out. It was this low expectation that made the movie worth a watch.

Don't get me wrong, I don't hate Mr. Night, but he have a knack of making movies too boring sometimes. But fortunately his last movie "The Last Airbender" wasn't his last movie as a director. So when I say After Earth wasn't a total disappointment, I mean it.

Story wise movie doesn't give much to offer. Except the basic premise of survival and some flashbacks there isn't much to say. Visual effects were also just acceptable. Certainly not that what is expected of this age. The pace of movie was rather acceptable, and father son combo was the selling point.

But what I think lacked much in After Earth, was the fact that Earth didn't seem much dangerous to me. Mr. Night failed to get more dangers for the actor to fight against. And it felt like movie was cut short due to budget constraints at a later stage of production. This is why the time is took to built the pace seemed long, but the actual time devoted to Earth felt short and rushed.

Talking about performance of Jaden, real son of Will Smith, I have to say he needs much to learn. He is shown to be a boy who gets scared easily. But is later shown to gather courage to do what he sought out to. Its not like this is his fist cameo with Will Smith. He first worked with his father in "The Pursuit of Happiness". But unlike that film After Earth wasn't a Will Smith movie. After Earth can be said as Jaden's role as a first billed star cast.

One thing I liked about this movie was the Soundtrack. It felt immersive enough. After all the music was created by James Newton, the man behind soundtrack of Batman Begins, along with Hans Zimmer.

Overall, movie didn't feel something to drool over. But is worth a watch. Maybe when it comes out on DVD, or TV. But I liked it. It's not a lot of times when you get to see a father and son movie that are father and son in real life.

Review URL: vineetkumar.me/2013/06/after-earth/
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Absolutely Boring and Pathertic
stogyman-702-8003893 June 2013
I have been a Will Smith fan since Fresh Prince, but in the last several years his on-screen personae and talents have been severely lacking. It is with no small amount of regret that I must say this is the bottom of the barrel for Smith. The short version of it is this: Will has no personality in this movie whatsoever, his non-talented son Jaden is absolutely laughable as a lead figure, the plot drags along for seemingly unending hours with little or no excitement or humor or intrigue to keep our attention or interest, and the underlying themes and tone is nothing more that pure hype for the scientology church. I don't say this very often about most movies...but I seriously would like my $10 and 3 hours of wasted time and money back. This one is a serious stinker
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I'm glad I watched this film regardless all negative reviews...
gegembauer-595-34009120 October 2013
I use IMDb for years and always trusted the reviews given by other members when considering watching a film or not. I'm writing this as my first review not only to give a good rate to a good film and say that I disagree with all these bad reviews, but also to say that in my opinion what we see here is a sequence of negative reviews motivated by the opinion of others. I decided to watch the film without any prejudgement to find out that this is actually a very good movie. Yes, Will Smith performance is 'cold', but this is who the character is! And I can't see anything wrong with Jaden Smith's performance, he delivers exactly what is required from the story and the character. I enjoyed the way the story is structured and told. There are all elements that make an action/sci-fi movie interesting and enjoyable. The lesson I learned: Don't always believe reviews and criticism given to a movie. Make your own mind!
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Totally Underrated - Thank you Smiths - Haters gonna Hate
achabanes8 June 2013
i don't get it. critics give awful scores. users follow in kind. Now don't get me wrong this is no star trek or oblivion this is a more emotional story with sci fi dabbed in. I loved it. It was innovative and fresh. Oblivion was technically good but not fresh. Okay example.. the world is not made from huge metal towers or robotic machines and metal metal metal. It reminded me of (as Disney as it was) John Carter. Organic materials and substances and a twangy accent that sets them apart from 'us' as humans. Now im not to compare as this review is to the film itself. Pros: - fresh and innovative - 2 man father-son acting is nice - its not 10000000 soldiers dying - emotion is apparent - characters develop - stunning visuals - tense moments - dramatic scenes - grand dialogue

Cons: - how they arrive on earth is silly - it's 2 man, what do you expect - the ending is predictable but what, did you want your protagonist to fail.

(1 con imo)

I say congrats to the Smiths, i saw the father son connection, the acting was fantastic (for a seasoned and 14 year old) and i hope M. Night Shyamalan gets more credit for his much more offbeat work. Well done, even if nobody ever reads this im sorry the rest of the world is too numb to true work.
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A low point in both M Night Shyamalan and Will Smith's careers, with one of the worst child performances I've seen for any film
TheLittleSongbird7 June 2013
It is not as if I immediately hate on M Night Shyamalan. The Sixth Sense was a masterpiece and Unbreakable was great. Of the movies that get a lot of hate The Village was the least bad, not great but pretty decent(while Shyamalan didn't direct but produced and wrote Devil, that also applies here). Signs was pretty good until it went off the boil in the second half, which really brought things down to a significant degree. The others were as bad as I'd heard. Lady in the Water was well-made generally and I liked Bryce Dallas Howard in it as well as the score but the rest was a muddled mess. The Happening and The Last Airbender suffered mainly from having such potential but falling hard big time, Happening did have some unintentional comic value(mainly because Mark Walhberg's acting was so laughably bad) and Airbender had great visuals and score.

After Earth didn't have as much potential as those two but didn't have any of the things that raised the other two up a slight notch. That of which in my mind makes After Earth worse. It is not the worst film I've seen or one of the worst and but it is the worst film that I've seen so far this year. I wouldn't say that James Newton Howard's score is bad actually here. It does have some beautiful sounds, it's just sparingly used and while well-composed and fitting it is also one of those scores that I came out of the cinema not remembering most of. The visuals didn't do anything for me either, the sets were surprisingly drab and unimaginative and the special effects were very repetitively used. The photography and editing had moments where they were decent but others where they were amateurish, too many times steering towards the latter, the jump cut shots were just annoying and took away from any shocks, tension or suspense. With Sixth Sense and Unbreakable, up until after The Village Shyamalan showed potential but after that point saw him getting lazy. And that was the case with After Earth, I saw little if any heart or character in the directing.

Same with the story and scripting too. The dialogue was so awkward-sounding and clichéd, often I found myself not being able to take what I was hearing seriously. Instead of making me get engrossed in the characters, their situation and feelings, I found that the dialogue and delivery was just distracting. Shyamalan showed with Sixth Sense, Unbreakable and the first half of Signs that he did have potential to tell a good story. Since though, his storytelling has consisted of some good ideas that are executed badly, all too clear here. The already admittedly by-the-numbers story here was incredibly plodding and confused, very little made sense and there was nothing gripping. I found it very difficult to get emotionally invested in the characters either or the father-son relationship(a bad thing considering that this is the driving force really of the film). The acting was very poor, even from pretty and quite talented Sophie Okonedo, who was under-utilised. Will Smith is a likable actor and guy, but has never been this one-note or disengaged before, maybe his character was meant to be like that but it didn't mean that Smith had to take it to extremes.

Jaden Smith, Will Smith's own son, was even worse, and along with the story his performance was probably the worst thing about the film. He had nowhere near enough experience for this type of film and probably in general(though he was not too bad in The Karate Kid), and clearly looked uncomfortable. Along with a very uncharismatic presence and painful dialogue delivery his performance was stilted and (in the voice) very shrill, it is one of the worst child performances on film I've seen personally- that's saying a fair bit too- and I sensed no chemistry at all between him and his dad which for obvious reasons is quite ironic. All in all, a really terrible film and the only film of Shyamalan's that, apart from perhaps the nicely composed if spare and at the end of the day forgettable score, was close to having no redeeming values.

Critics have increasingly gotten an undeservedly bad rap, true there have been a fair number of times where I have disagreed with them but After Earth is one of those times where they got it exactly right. And before anybody who likes it flames me, I did watch After Earth with an open mind and no prejudices, though admittedly with knowledge of its reputation. If you liked it, good for you, I and a lot of other people didn't and for perfectly valid reasons and should be allowed to think what we want. If you can't see that, that's your problem, not ours, and this is in general on IMDb. Sorry for the irrelevant rant there but I have seen a lot of critic-bashing going on lately and lots of accusations like "being pretentious", "pretending to like it", "having the inability to make up our own mind" and "not having a sense of humour" and I'm getting sick and tired of it. And please stop using the racism argument, it is very shallow and it is not fair for people who did genuinely see it, rated it fairly as we thought and for whom racism and bigotry is a pet peeve of theirs.

1/10 Bethany Cox
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Worth Watching Just So You Can Say You Saw the Worst Child Actor in History
Michael_Elliott3 June 2013
After Earth (2013)

* (out of 4)

M. Night Shyamalan's big-budget vanity project for father and son team Will and Jaden Smith turns out to be much worse than the trailer. In the film, the father and son crash land on the planet Earth a thousand years after the people were forced to leave it. With daddy's legs broke, the young kid must go out into the scary landscape to retrieve an item that will allow them to make contact with their own world. AFTER EARTH is without question one of the worst sci-fi summer blockbusters ever made. Part of the blame can go towards the director but his handful of haters can't put everything on him. The incredibly bad screenplay also deserves a lot of the blame but so do the Smith boys. I seem to say this after each of his films but it's clear young Jaden has yet to take an acting class and just keeps getting passes because of his dad. I'm sorry but he's just not got a talented bone in his body and he certainly can't show any type of emotion, which is something the story here called for. The fact that he can't act to save his life really kills every emotion that the film goes for and it turns these scenes into something rather laughable. Mr. Will Smith doesn't come in any better. Although I liked his more quiet, laid back style, it just doesn't work considering the screenplay has him sitting around simply talking to the kid. Where Will deserves a lot of blame is getting his son these type of roles, which he can't do and which will eventually make him one of the most laughable actors in Hollywood history. The first couple films he did were just embarrassing but no one has given him the word that he can't act and apparently no one has seen fit to get him into classes so it's really just getting worse. Still, Shyamalan didn't improve the film any as there's really no drama, no suspense and no tension. It also doesn't help that the screenplay is full of cliché moments as well as being 100% predictable. I will say that some of the visuals were good but certainly not good enough to sit through this thing.
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green1112 June 2013
First, I am a HUGE sci-fi fan and love most sci-fi movies but this was just wrong on so many levels. Bad acting.... No plot.... Story was all overthe place...you couldn't get a good understanding of what was going on in the movie. Graphics & visuals were so,so. I would wait for DVD/Blu Ray and even then I would avoid this movie. I feel like they made a movie just so Will Smith's son could star in it. Save your money. Trust me, you will thank me! I almost walked out of the theater at one point because it just wasn't worth sitting through anymore of its. ..... ..... ..... Nothing else to say. Just save your money! Why Will Smith? You had a pretty good rep on movies now you're starting the Tom Cruise slide into just making a movie cause you think you should.
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After Earth
After Earth should be retitled After Birth, because that is exactly how sloppy and dirty this pathetic excuse for a film is. Gross analogy, I know, but trust me, a delivery room after a woman has given birth is a better produced show then this. I honestly don't even know where to start. The film decided to market itself as a Will Smith film, which was the only way to get people to go because of how silly its plot is. Even the Will Smith fans were let down because all he does is sit in a chair the whole time and speak to his son in an over-serious and unintentionally hilarious monotonous voice. He easily gives his worst performance to date, but it is not quite the worst acting in the film. Jaden Smith gives a Razzie worthy performance as an underdeveloped character with a useless upsetting past and an ear-cringing accent. He whines and makes the most stupid mistakes a film character has ever made in the history, provided by the horrendous Shamylan-Esq screenplay where you can't tell if its supposed to be funny or not. "He let me borrow the book Moby Dick, he even let me hold it.""Hold what?" "The book...dad" Word for word. This comes off as a terrible joke some sixth grader tries to make, and there are many nonsense lines like this crammed into the ridiculous plot with gaping and obvious plot holes. Why is he making a fire when he's right above a geothermic vent? Why in the heck did the bird who just tried to eat him save his life? Why is that oxygen mask working when its not even attached to anything? Why did Jaden need to get higher on the volcano to send out the transmission when he was just getting closer to the "radioactive cloud"(dafuq)? A ton of these mistakes are so obviously scattered throughout the terrible script. It really just makes it funny. If you enjoy being entertained by stupid movies, I definitely recommend you check this out because it is so bad its funny.

GRADE: D- (The only reason I'm not giving this piece of crap an F is because it's still not as bad as Last Airbender, so you need to give Shamylan some credit)
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...Why Will? WHY?!?!
sdfvnfjsnksjf18 July 2013
After viewing this film, I wrote a letter to myself in the past warning me not to watch it. I then threw it into the ocean and hoped that it would somehow get lost in the depths of forever and travel through time back to my previous self.

I'm now waiting on this plan to work but unfortunately I can still remember the film. This may seem like an unlikely thing to hope for, but after you've seen this catastrophe, hope is all you'll have left.

It hurts to think that the fresh prince has done this to himself. His offspring is clearly trying to fill daddy's massive shoes as Will takes a back seat but to be perfectly honest, the apple fell so far from the tree you'd think it's from a different orchard.

Just don't waste your time. Please.
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Haters with goldfish syndrome
john-monne24 October 2013
I honestly do not agree with all the haters on here who heavily underrate this movie and express so much disliking and even hate.. Im not going to put any spoilers in this little review. I merely want to express my disliking to the haters amongst the reviewers of this title.

Review: A solid movie with good acting a good story and good characters. Well done to the Smith duo and of course to the rest of the cast and creators.

To the haters: More and more with a lot of new movies I am left with a bitter tingle on the mind after watching some mayor block busting and loved titles. Movies that get great reviews and a massive loving fan base, while I watched these movies with a growing sense of disbelieve and dis-spare.

It seems that a lot of viewers these days are only happy when a movie is a flipping 90+ minutes of 1 pure action scene, during which good acting, character building, cohesion and things like taste and sensibility are poorly provided. In the same sense often trailers of movies are displayed, A minute filled of action, power and tension.

I am starting to fear that the media industry has generated a whole population of movie lovers who have been brain-tweaked into only being able to cope with a constant stream of such tension and action. And so it seems that anything not complying with that is just hated out as boring, uninteresting and flawed.

I for one from here on will stigmatize these kind of viewers as being down with the goldfish syndrome. A 30 second attention span with the emotional and emphatic development of that of a child. May this hype be short lived!
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Worse film of the decade
rb-baylis5 June 2013
I watched this film with my girlfriend expecting to see another great film by Will Smith. After you have seen him in films like I am Legend, I robot and other great films. I thought this would be yet another. I was poorly mistaken, the acting was terrible. from both Will Smith and his son. I cant help but feel his son only gets parts in films due to his fathers fame. Maybe if the boy were to sell popcorn and soda to people, his contributions to the film industry would be more welcoming. As his acting is far below par. The film was so shockingly boring that my girlfriend and I left the cinema 20min before the film ended. As a few other people had done before us. Avoid this film like the plague. If I could have given it no stars I would have. Bad story line, bad acting, bad film.
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good, enjoyable, but lacking something
matty_prictor12 June 2013
I did enjoy the film very much, i thought it was action filled and the idea for the film was a very good one. It kept me entertained for the full time and left an enigma as it was quite difficult to predict how it was going to end. Although the plot seems somewhat thin and it just seems to be missing that something special; although i enjoyed will smiths performance as the cold disciplined father figure. I thought Jaiden smith did well in the circumstances as he was almost the only active character throughout the film. I also feel that the film did not have enough background and more background knowledge would've enhanced the experience. Also the film ended before they got back to there home, i dislike it when this happens and these sort of endings are never fulfilling. Also i believe that it was fairly graphic for a 12A and would not recommend to younger viewers.
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Fear is a choice...so is making films like AFTER EARTH
bushtony22 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Apparently, 130 million dollars was burned through to achieve this. I can only imagine the studio must have insured it for a billion in order to make a huge claim. It has to be a scam. I can discern no other explanation for it. I am a firm believer that hardly anyone would deliberately set out to make a bad movie. But...to green light a project that was clearly potentially financial and definitely artistic suicide from the outset is either unparallelled lunacy or a caper of some sort. Evidence being that the script alone could not have been any more of a monolithic flop indicator if it came with giant neon signs spelling out M-E-G-A T-U-R-K-E-Y in flashing twelve-foot high letters.

At this point I'm not going to go into the plot in any depth but I am going to raise the issue of the atrocious acting from both father and son. Papa Smith needs to drop the kid. I mean, I know blood is thicker than water and all, but this child is never going to be an actor and he's just going to stink up any project he's ever involved in. Yes, I know, I know it's really hard for any parent to accept that their child is truly useless at something as easy as a running and jumping game of pretend in front of a green screen, but we all have to face facts. Kid is a dead loss. Find him another career or just pay him to stay at home or, maybe even let him find his own way in the world. He has no acting talent whatsoever. Accept it, get over it and move on.

The same might soon be said for Papa Smith if he can't turn in something better than this these days. He played his role with all the animation, charisma, presence and dramatic expression of a plank of balsa. I accept that he was portraying someone who is an expert at controlling their emotions, but he achieved the nigh-on impossible feat of making Keanu Reeve's moribund turn in THE DAY MY FACE STOOD STILL seem a master-class example of the thespian art. Smith senior stares intensely into the camera a lot, grunts and puffs a bit when his legs are broken and goes to sleep every so often then wakes up again looking a bit groggy. All the time those trademark jug-ears make him look like an Easter Island head with satellite dishes on either side. Smith Junior, meanwhile, has his stunt double run and jump about the place until he gets a close-up wherein he wildly furrows his brow, loses control of his jaw, pops his eyes and telegraphs episodes of respiratory failure with all the conviction of a burned-out porn star simulating an orgasm. Both father and son should pause for thought and take stock.

Here's another thing – career moves born out of personal obsessions are sometimes not the way to go. I get that certain Hollywood types feel the need to voraciously ram their pretentious hobbies and eccentricities into the eager faces of their audiences, but just go make an advert or take out a page in a paper if you feel the need. Frittering away 130 mil on an extended propaganda piece for your favourite sci-fi mock-religious cult baloney is nothing short of obscene. Travolta had a shot at it and bombed. Smith's attempt may make back some of the dough, but even so it's truly awful cinema. Should Cruise ever step up to the plate marked "Egocentric Vanity Jerk" I expect the results to be pretty much the same.

Performances aside, along with the Scientology mumbo-jumbo, if the film had been any good I would be much more forgiving. But it's a predictable CGI drag from beginning to end that boringly rehashes some sci-fi iconography from other much more creatively original sources. The core philosophy/message is the simplistic mantra of "you have nothing to fear but fear itself." Whoo-hoo! Ya think?

M. Knight Charlatan directs in a listless and linear way and the narrative has no twists or turns – it just ploughs the same one-note furrow from beginning to end. Some of the CG eye-candy grabs the attention for brief periods, but it's mostly dull and drab. The dialogue has no spark or life and consists of daisy chained clichés or terse blocks of hilarious cod-philosophical speech. "Danger is real, but fear is a choice." Yeah, well "Bowel actions are real, but toilet paper is a choice." Next?

Just as most filmmakers don't deliberately make bad films most film-watchers don't deliberately want to dislike or not enjoy the films they watch. And I'm of that ilk. But I am struggling to find much positive to say about AFTER EARTH. Even so, globally it took around 243 mil at the box office and there are rumours of a sequel. If the sequel is real then my fear definitely isn't a choice. In that case I'll overcome my fear through avoidance. Works for me.
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I don't get the hatred
Robert_duder9 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The outpouring of hatred over this movie makes no sense. This week I had the opportunity to see four of the current big movies in the theatre and this was by far the best of them. The same petty arguments are being made by people that claim this is awful. Jaden Smith, M. Night, and even Will Smith. So I went in with very low expectations...I mean the film has a 4.7 rating right now which is atrocious. So thank you all for the meagre expectations because I thought the film was great. Not amazing, not life changing but great. Then again I have disagreed with the masses on an M. Night film before. I thought Lady In The Water was superbly brilliant. Then again this is also the guy that made The Happening, easily one of the worst films I've ever seen. Still I found this film to be entertaining, decently acted, very good special effects and a generally well made, well produced film. M. Night really is a brilliant story teller, we've seen it before with his successful movies (and in my opinion his less than successful ones.) Whether he hits or misses he tries very hard and I saw the fantastic imagination that went into this movie.

Will Smith has always been THEE personified movie star. Nearly every film he made was a huge hit. The guy has an undeniable incredible charisma and yes he has a big ego but somehow it works for him. In this film he is almost a supporting actor. He spends nearly the entire film laid up and on a com headset. Still he brings a certain intensity to the role and is certainly believable as a man who has learnt to eliminate fear. I'm nearly as sick about hearing how much people hate Jaden Smith as I am about people hating Justin Bieber. I don't understand the hatred for the kid. Yes he has an ego, just like his Dad but I think he's reasonably talented, he is still pretty young to really know if he has the acting chops that his Dad has. I thought he actually did a great job in this film. He didn't show the ego that he tends to have in person and him and his Dad worked very well together. Both roles were solid and carried the film just right. Jaden was a full on action/sci-fi hero and it worked and was believable and bravo to him for that.

Somewhere along the line M. Night Shyamalan became a joke and that's unfortunate. I don't really fully understand why he became such a joke. I mean, he has made a few stinkers...one horrendous stinker (The Happening) but he has also made some amazing films. I wouldn't put this into his amazing movies but I wouldn't put it anywhere near his stinkers. This was a great, entertaining, emotionally charged sci-fi flick and I enjoyed every minute of it. I admit I was caught into the M. Night hoopla and expected a twist ending but this one is just a straight forward mainstream adventure flick. One of the final scenes between father and son was near brilliant and almost brought tears to my eyes. The special effects were very well done and some of the monsters and beasts they created were epic in stature and should be looked at as being fun and well done. I guess I just don't understand the expectations people had from this. It seems that people have a real grudge against young entertainers like Jaden Smith but I am not one of them and I encourage you if you love sci-fi to watch this and simply enjoy it. 8/10
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Much better than expected.
atc28uk12 June 2013
After reading such negative comments about this film I entered the cinema with an air of caution "Am I about to waste my money" was the thought in my mind... I am pleased to say I didn't waste my money and was pleasantly surprised... Is will Smiths acting a little wooden, Yes but only because thats the way his character is, Strong-Stern-Militarian in approach, he does that extremely well in this role. Jaden Smith is maturing into a very bankable actor, he shows the right emotions at the correct times to convey the difficulties he's had in his relationship with his parent, never looking wrong in the role and in my opinion suiting it quite well... Your not going to watch an epic saga your going to watch a special effects extravaganza with an ecological undertone, don't expect anything and you'll probably enjoy you 90 minutes, I did....
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Jaden Smith is not a good actor...And is father a terrible manager
sincado-494-8530668 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
That Will Smith chose Shyamalan, a abysmal film maker for years, is distraughtly. Or maybe he had no choice??!!! Anyway, I was in the mood to watch a good Will Smith's movie (hey, 5-7 years ago, this guy was so much GOOD....). But then the space ship crash, Will is disable, and try to direct is boring son (Jaden the worst) into so alien planet to find to transmitter.....

So most of the spotlight is this movie is on an actor whose capabilities are not quite good, Jaden, the spotlight directed from one of the most fast diving into mediocrity film maker ever known to Hollywood, Shyamalan....

I don't think there is much more to say After! Si Cadaver
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