32 Reviews
rh8626 January 2007
Probably the best screen adaption of Belgium's most famous reporter, Adventures of Tintin stays faithful to the spirit and stories of original comics. The stories themselves make for brilliant adventures whether it's finding buried treasure, going to the Moon or venturing to a far off land.

The animation is also of very good quality and considering that it was made on a TV budget back in 1991 is actually quite ahead of it's time, for example 'Explorers on the Moon' has one of the earliest of 3D cartoon animation. These shows will appeal to all ages and everyone is bound to have a favourite out of the various crazy characters, whether it's old sea dog Captain Haddock, the brilliant but hard of hearing Professor Calculus or even Tintin himself (not forgetting Snowy).
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Faithful, yet much of the charm is lost
imdb-220515 August 2012
Firstly, let me affirm most of this series IS very faithful to the source. There are times you can follow the show and the book together for pages in a row with every scene and the dialog faithful captured to screen. But for such a faithful adaptation it's astonishing how little of the depth and variety of the comics is retained.

At the most basic level, the Tintin comics are adventure tales with some charming whimsy (sidetracks and double takes) and slapstick comedy... enough to appeal to an 11 year old. But there's intrigue, suspense, irony, politics, and (speaking only for the English translations) wonderful verbal humour also... material that unfolds well through one's teens and continues to appeal to an adult.

So as a repeat Tintin reader for decades I was delighted to find a complete box set of DVDs of the TV series. And subsequently most disappointed with the adaptation.

I've recovered from my initial disappointment to enjoy them as offered. Over the last couple of weeks I've re-watched the series from start to fin, with the books in hand as reference material, and I realise the flavour of the (usually but not always subtle) changes is consistent and intentional, with a presumption of a younger audience.

A BRIEF CATALOG of adjustments in style should serve to highlight what to expect...

  • Plot lines, sense of adventure, danger, and escape are generally well presented.

  • Ironic humour is in general removed entirely or at least dumbed down.

  • Any sarcastic dialog is also removed.

  • Much of the dialog is subtly adjusted to be more straight forward.

  • Suspense and intrigue are significantly diminished. In the comics there is often a slow unfolding as to who the major villain may be and with what motivations, but on screen they've chosen to lay details out for us as early as fit within each story. And sometimes sledgehammer the points home in case we miss them.

  • In a couple of cases, whole major players (individuals or nations) are removed, presumably for simplification... eg in "The Calculus Affair" only the Bordurians appear. The Syldavian's are not mentioned.

  • Political and economic backdrops are left out. eg in the Blue Lotus there's only the briefest mention of Japan occupying China, no mention at all of the "International Settlement", and aspects of the story related to those are simply left out.

  • "Here we are, right back where we started". Or... not. While book- Tintin may experience more or less failed attempts escaping a situation (and we get to enjoy the efforts), on screen they generally show us just his successes to keep the plot moving along.

  • Similarly, almost all the whimsy is taken out. The sticking plaster that won't give up, the Thompsons investigating wrong lines of enquiry, etc. ... I guess to pack the "real" plot into the screen time they've had to drop most of the tangents.

  • Captain Haddock doesn't drink! This significantly alters the character (eg without alcohol he's dependable) and makes for a couple of only semi-successful story adjustments.

  • Snowy doesn't talk! He's a clever and communicative dog, just no inner dialog. This is a shame since in the comics he has some superb lines to offer.

  • The Thompsons' banter is ... simplified to the point of being plain. You'll hear no "Thompson, with a 'P' as in 'psychology'", and while they say "to be precise" a great deal it's rarely followed by the wit of the comic. This one's a real comedown.

  • On a number of occasions, a scene is played out "faithfully" but misses either quite enough setup (due to the above edits) or else adjusts a crucial turn of phrase to be more straightforward ... and thus loses the playfulness or wit that comes out in the comics.

All of the above and more are a consistent editorial style serving what adults perceive would be suitable for the presumed younger audience.

Overall as I say the basic sense of adventure story is preserved, the comic artwork style on screen is a match in almost all detail, and taken as presented the shows are done quite well. On *that* basis these shows are still OK entertainment.

For my own taste though I would have preferred all the sidetracks, irony, charm and wit of the original to be captured even if it meant the two TV episodes per story became three. Oh well.
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As brilliant as the Hergé's comic. Amazingly complex adventures + great characters = good kids' TV!
TVSeriesFTW26 July 2006
Unpretentious, exciting and fun, "The Adventures of Tintin" was great viewing despite the blandness of the title role. Being the only dull character in the team, Tintin and his smart dog Milou were a great contrast to the insane people that surrounded them: the foul-mouthed sea captain with a great vocabulary, Captain Haddock, the somewhat confused but brilliant Professor Calculus, and the always-ready French detectives Dupond and Dupondt.

Throughout his adventures Tintin visited the moon, fought giant spiders, stopped wars, investigated meteorites and huge mushrooms, and unraveled mystery after mystery. And it never got boring, not once! Absolutely amazing show that can be watched again, and whose plot won't insult the intelligence of adults, either!
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Herge would have been proud.
Victor Field11 August 2002
The previous television adaptation of the cub reporter with the Hugh Grant-type fringe and the twisted taste in legwear was in serialised five-minute form (all together now - "HERRRGEEEE'S ADVENNNNTURRRRES OF TINTIN!!!") way back in the 1960s; this newer version was less bite-sized in its presentation, and was much better animated as well as remarkably faithful for the most part to its source material. (Unlike virtually all other famous fictional creations, Tintin's adventures on film, TV and radio have all come from Herge's work - in accordance with his wishes, no one's allowed to concoct new stories now that the original creator is dead.)

Of course, there were a few tweaks made to bring Tintin, Captain Haddock, the Thompson Twins, Professor Calculus, Signora Bianca Castafiore and the rest to television this time, but nothing story-wrecking (in the adaptation of "The Broken Ear," the two villains of the piece are brought to justice alive - in the book they drown and go to Hell). The writers, animators and voice cast preserve the spirit of the tales wonderfully; Tintin may speak with a Canadian voice, but so what? It's not like the series has been thoroughly butchered. Far better than "Tintin and the Lake of Sharks," and one of Nelvana's best.

"PRODUCED BY TELE-HACHETTE AND BELVISION!!!!" (The '60s one, that is. Sorry, I couldn't resist.)
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A flawless adaptation of the comic books
filmismagic15 May 2009
I used to love watching this when I was young. I noticed that with some children/family shows, I hated them when I view them now because I sometimes see them as rip-offs or a way of making kids dumb (some of the playhouse Disney shows for example, and even some of the Asterix films). However, in this case, watching it again after a long time made me like it even more.

Tintin and the Lake of Sharks was a total screw-up!!! An absolute disgrace to the comics. The voices (Captain Haddock sounding like Popeye), the ridiculous music (especially when there is one part when the two kids sing an annoying song, making it a musical), the cheap animation and a number of Tintin-related factual errors like Calculus hearing badly and hearing well most of the time, the inaccurate characters ...all of it made it horrible a movie. The series has none of these flaws.

The visuals remain true to Herge's fantastic drawing style and the animation fits really well with it. The music in the series is perfect for Tintin. The humour remains the same(just as good), with a couple of clever add-ons for the Thompsons. The characters remain the same as in the comic books. The voice-cast is perfect and the voice-acting by everybody makes the characters portrayed exactly like they were in the books. The Thompsons are really hilarious and their voices were a joy to listen to, making the two detectives in the comics really come to life. My congrats to them, the voices of Tintin and Captain Haddock and the rest of the cast.

The stories remain true to the books even though any fans of the books will easily spot a few differences. I am pleased to say that they actually fit really well with the episodes, because picturing some of the edited parts being identical to these parts in the book instead of being altered, just wouldn't work. And hearing me say that the stories are reasonably true to the books clearly means that they are fantastic, matching the clever imaginations and twists that Herge came up with in his books.

A flawless adaptation is perhaps the best way to describe the series. Forget about that movie which rips off the books. If you want an enjoyable, loyal series, then pick this one as soon as you can.
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Best Adventure cartoon ever.
emasterslake5 October 2007
Based off of the long running comic book series. Tintin is about a young Belgium reporter and his dog Snowy who both travel and experience adventure together around the world. Tintin is kind hearted & friendly. He feels that it's an act of good to help out in other people's business. Sometimes it's a good thing to get yourself involve even if it'll endanger your life. Throughout the series, Tintin will eventually encounter new reliable friends, as well as making new enemies along the way. Life is an adventure when your with Tintin.

Very few adventure/mystery series are comparable to Tintin. The brilliant idea about Tintin himself is that his background is unknown. His name is neither his surname or first name. And his childhood was never mentioned. Making his character so interesting, where you only know him as a friendly Belgium reporter. I never knew the comics existed. But when this cartoon was still new, I was very fascinated by the stories and characters. I never knew much of it's history till years later.

I do know that this cartoon was made years after the creator Herge past away. And it was made because of Herge's disapproval over a non-truthful 5 minute Tintin series made several years ago. However, "Adventures of Tintin" reflects the original books as it was meant to be. Something Herge would of liked to see.

Became an international success like the books themselves in more than 50 countries. Sadly it's coexisted here in America. But not for long, until the upcoming Tintin Movie comes out to shine it's existence. Those who like action/mystery/comedy related animated series will enjoy this series.

Coming to DVD in 2008.
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Even the small amount of censorship doesn't ruin it one bit.
Animany9411 February 2019
In general, The Adventures of Tintin is very loyal to its source material, the art style is straight out of the comics, the characterization is spot on, and the music is amazing!

The theme tune is, hands down, my pick for the most amazing theme tune ever! It perfectly captures the adventure element and the danger Tintin goes thorugh and is accompagnied by a visually engaging montage of clips from the series to show.

Since I know the comics and is a huge fan of the famous reporter and his canine friend, I can tell that some scenes are edited to suite younger viewers, like some of the drinking scenes with Capt. Haddock for example.

But that doesn't take away anything at all and I will always love The Adventures of Tintin on screen as well as on paper. Great show for everyone to enjoy.
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a grand show
atomius7 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
let's forget the comics for a minute, because the story is practically the same. This show features the young reporter turned adventurer tintin and his dog snowy, with the other comic stars Captain Haddock, Prof. Calculus etc. in an animated version of the comics. The animation itself is nice, not elaborating or becoming too modern, and keeping the essentials of the comics in place. The plots, for those who haven't read the comics, involve all manner of events from coin forgery to stolen jewels, and the adventure is as entertaining now as it was when published. The opening credits with the scenes involving the train and instances from various episodes, with the dangerous and anticipatory feel of the music is very nice. All in all a good cartoon.
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bevo-1367816 December 2020
Good remake. Even better or at least as good as the books
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Wonderful animated adventure series
TheLittleSongbird11 March 2010
"The Adventures of Tintin" was another example of a show I used to love watching in my childhood, and I still love it now. The stories are exciting and clever, and the scripts are engaging and funny. The animation is excellent, colourful and just wonderful to look at, and the music is top notch. The voices are very well done, and the characters are appealing. Tinton is likable enough, and Snowy is very cute. Professor Calculus and Captain Haddock are both a lot of fun, with distinct personalities, but my favourites are the Thompson twins, they are absolutely hilarious. Overall, I absolutely love "The Adventures of Tintin", it is well animated and a lot of fun. 10/10 Bethany Cox
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Decent series based on the unforgettable characters created by "Hergé" born under the name Georges Remi
ma-cortes15 April 2019
Charming and worthwhile adaptation about timeless and quintessential European comic book . Entertaining Tintin set rendition with thrilling and exciting adventures whose plots inspired on the popular and famous comic books by the genius Herge . Since his creation in 1930 with ¨Tintin in the land of Soviets¨ the success has been unstoppable . Within the next 80 years Tintin became one of the most popular European comics of the 20-21th Century, due to its well-researched plots, appealing characters, humor, political , thrillers, & real world settings , in which Tintin and friend travelling all over the world to their own backyard . The tales are ordinary Tintin albumes , with adventures in exotic places, on North America , South America , India , China , Egypt , Morocco , desert of Sahara and an other African locations . For those of you not familiar with Tintin, let's just say that every Belgium kids and most European children under the age and grown-up have been excited by his comic book adventures for over half a century . The series will appeal to the fans of the popular animated hero named Tintin and his faithful sidekicks as well as the comic-books nostalgics . As Tintin , Professor Calculus , and Captain Haddock accompanied by the wonderful dog Snowy (or Milu) set out all around the world in pursuit kidnappers, jewel thieves , investigate as well as solve killings , and hunting for a sunken ship commanded by Haddock's ancestor containing a valuable treasure . Tintin and Captain Haddock are usually helped or annoyed by the Inspectors Thompson and Thompson . All of them battling over-the-top bad guys . This series being formed by the following episodes , ordinarily shown in two parts : The Crab with the Golden Claws, The Secret of the Unicorn , Red Rackham's Treasure, Cigars of the Pharaoh , Blue Lotus , The Black Island , The Calculus Affair , The Shooting Star, The Broken Ear, King Ottokar's Sceptre , Land of Black Gold , Flight 714 , The Red Sea Sharks , The seven cristal balls ,Prisoners of the Sun , The Castafiore Emeralds ,Destination moon , Explorers on the Moon , Tintin in Tibet ,Tintin in America , Tintin and the Picaros . The only books to not be given episode retellings were the following ones : ¨Tintin in the Land of the Soviets¨ : that's why it was highly discriminating for the country of Russia giving a sour critique against communists and Russian revolution and its drawings were extremely naif ; ¨Tintin in the Congo¨ : that's why the album had racial issues , bigotry , animal cruelty and set durante cruel empire of King Leopold of Belgium ; and ¨Tintin and the Alpha Art¨ that's why it was the only one to be incomplete due to the death of Georges Remi .

This is a funny , moving , action-packed , adventure comic book adaptation with hilarious moments here and there . This series is an enjoyable production, an attractive and straight forward approach to Herge's original source material being professionally directed . It has Tintin and his inseparable friends captain Haddock , Professor Calculus , the botcher Detectives Thompson taking on , as always, against stupid , ruthless enemies and mean international delinquents . It is given an aceptable treatment in this superior TV series . The production values & drawings are both decent , with just enough charming to appeal to the Tintin fanatics , and with great doses of action , case of the potentially thrilling elements . This 90s series upon the popular "Tintin" comic-book magazine brilliantly captures the outrageous adventures , tongue-in-cheek, satire, comedy , roller-coaster action taking the characters and elements from original stories . A marvelous recounting of Tintin stories and filmmakers demonstrate once again versatility in adapting these gorgeous adventures . As usual , captain Haddock really steals the show , at times , he manages to capture pure magic with his stunningly awesome portrayal of the grumpy drunken and it is definitely worth a look , along with the bumbling , botcher detectives . It's enjoyable and faithful approach to Tintin classic character with top-notch characters , amusement and entertainment . A highly recommended series that nobody should miss it especially during holiday time . ¨The adventures of Tintin¨ starred by the young reporter, his beloved dog and intimate friends : Haddock , Calculus , Castafiore , Nestor .. as they travel around the world on risked adventures and still ranks as one of the best TV renditions of the Tintin classic ever . Based on the unforgettable characters created by "Hergé" born under the name Georges Remi , as he was born on May 22, 1907 in Brussels, Belgium. As a child, Herge had a gift for drawing but never had any formal training in the visual arts. He attended both school and the boy scouts during the World War 1 and post-World War 1 era. After he finished school Herge published his first ever cartoon: "The Adventures of Totor". 1929, Herge introduced a cartoon about a traveling Belgium reporter , Tintin , accompanied by his fox terrier (Snowy) traveling the Soviet Union. By 1930 ,Herge published the very first Tintin book: "Tintin in the Land of the Soviets". After that , followed a weekly magazine in 1946 . Later on , it's published successful comic books as ¨Cigarrettes of pharaoh, Treasure of Rackam the Red ,Tintin and the scepter of Ottokar¨. Tintin soon became Herge's "ligne Claire" (French for clear line) legacy. The later adventures of Tintin involved other locations of the world from China ¨The blue Lotus¨ all the way to America as ¨Tintin in America¨. After completing 23 books, Herge passed away on March 3, 1983, leaving "Tintin & the Alpha-Art" (The 24th book) unfinished . Later on , Raymond Leblanc produced the following films: ¨Tintin in the lake of Sharks¨ and 1970 ¨Tintín in the temple of the sun¨. And recently Steven Spielberg produced and Peter Jackson directed ¨Tintin and Red Rackham's treasure¨ by means of Motion Capture technique .The series will appeal to Tintin comic-books buffs. An agreeable , fun adaptation from a great comic book. Full of humor , it's a funny and familiar entertaining for kids and grown-ups .
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Faithful reproduction of the books
cppguy24 April 2012
First, this is basically done in classic Saturday morning cartoon style. After all, that was its budget and target. It's a mistake to expect it to be a Disney movie. Next, it's better than most animations in its class... especially since it benefits from keeping all the plots and comedic details of the original books. The 19th century adolescent delighted to the tales by Mark Twain and those of us adolescents of the middle 20th century got Tintin and related to the adventures in the books. I only recently discovered that this series existed on Netflix and I'm happily reminiscing some of the stories I knew and freshly enjoying some of the stories I missed.

Note: I own several of the books (including a couple in Esperanto) and I felt the animation was quite faithful to the original art. I'm not quite sure why others are saying it's not.

At the time of this writing, the series has an 8.5 rating on IMDb with over 4000 votes. If it were a movie, it easily would be in the IMDb top 250. If you're not yet a fan, have a watch of the TV series, recent movie, or any of the books. You'll soon be hooked.
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Faithful but toned down adaptation of Herges masterpiece
cameron-burn7 August 2008
First things first, I am an avid fan of the Adventures of Tintin by Herge. What makes them so great is the intriguing world that resolves around Tintin the intrepid reporter and the Brilliant characters that portray different types of people, the hero, the drunkard, the mad scientist, opera singers, detectives and even insurers! The stories appeal to everyone as they can include humour, excitement, detective, sci-fi and just downright fun. The books are exhilarating stuff to say the least, but this is a review about the show, not the books.

The adventures of Tintin could never disappoint as long as it kept to the original stories, which thankfully it did. However, there are still some unnecessary changes to characters and plots including the complete eradication of the international settlement in "the blue lotus". But what stops what is an exciting and interesting show from being a cult phenomenon is the child-friendliness of it all. I could go on for ages about all the changes they make to tone down the darkness of some of the books, but I'll narrow it down to the necessaries.

Firstly, the fact that They've toned down Captain Haddocks drinking obsession is intolerable. And they've also taken out anything which might for a moment seem the slightest bit prejudiced. Another major disappointment is the toning down of using guns and fistfights. But now on to the portrayal of the characters themselves. Tintin being Canadian is rather annoying and Haddock sounds peculiar as well. Calculus is probably the only amusing portrayal out there but does sound too squeaky at points. The Thomson twins are fine but not perfect and Bianca Castafiore sounds more like a Scottish man than an Milanese nightingale. Because the animation was timed to the English soundtrack if you watch it in French the voices are way to rushed.

Overall a great few seasons none the less with no bad episodes due mainly to Herge's craft but could have been perfect had they not intended it to be watched just by kids.
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"Very loyal to the comic books"
simon-trek1 December 2004
I can't imagine Tintin or any other characters from the Tintin books played by actors, I just think it would botch up the characters. I can only imagine them either as comic book characters or cartoon characters. This Tintin cartoon series is as close as you could possibly get to the Tintin comic books. The characters all look and sound exactly as they do in the comic books. Each episode of the Tintin cartoon (either one or two part episodes) has basically the same story as in each of the Tintin books. Not just the same story, the same characters the same settings even some of the same quotes. I've enjoyed the Tintin cartoon

series as well as the Tintin books ever since I was a child. Tintin is basically meant for children but a number of adults like Tintin as well. Some episodes of the Tintin cartoon have been available on video but I wish all the entire series was available on DVD.

For those who aren't familiar with Tintin, the main characters in the Tintin saga isn't just Tintin the intrepid reporter and adventurer and his clever little dog Snowy. Tintin has friends who are often with him on his adventures. They

include Captain Haddock the grumpy sailor, Professor Cusburt Calculous a

genius scientist but at the same time a rather stupid person, and Thompson and Thomson the clumsy detective twins.

Captain Haddock is a rather bad tempered seaman, most likely because he

drinks too much whiskey. He often uses exclamations like "Blistering

Barnacles!" or "Thundering Typhoons!" or if he was really outraged or amazed

he would say "Billions of blistering blue barnacles!" or "Ten thousand

thundering typhoons!"

Professor Calculous is an amazing inventor. He's invented some amazing

things for example a "shark-proof submarine", a drug which makes alcoholic

drinks taste disgusting to cure alcoholic addicted people and a rocket ship to travel to the moon. But he's also rather stupid because he's deaf and always

miss hears what people say. He also ignores non-verbal communication and

pretends that he doesn't understand how angry Captain Haddock is which really drives him mad.

Thompson and Thomson or "the Thompson's" as they're usually called are both

rather stupid detectives and often have clumsy accidents. One of the

Thompson's is often saying "to be precise" correcting the other Thompson and

since they're identical twins and always wear the same clothing you've no idea which Thompson it is. They think they're the worlds best detectives but Tintin always proves to be a much better detective then they'll ever be.

So the the Tintin saga is more than just great adventure and detective stories for children but also a combination of rather humorous characters which will delight audiences of all ages.
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Purely fun and enlightened
peterparkert-4150731 August 2021
This kind of fun and knowledge, I don't often see in these days tv show.
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The best Tintin animation
yecryvhk6 November 2021
The series stays very true to the original books and is by far my favourite adaptation of Tintin. I spent many happy Saturday mornings watching this. Give the movie a miss and enjoy the real Tintin experience.
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Excellent Movie
geraldhanswy17 January 2007
I bought this series when I was on in Singapore. I bought this Complete Season 1,2,3 in DVD Format and cost me around US$ 80 including the TAX from Indonesian Gonverment . When I watched this series for the first time whoa Its a really nice movie. Thats on the local Indonesian TV and it was dubbed in Indonesian so I wasn't enjoy the movie. I completed watched this movie in 2002. Because Now I was 17. And I Got some idea why the director of the films not make this as an movie. Example "The Adventure of Tintin :The Movie:. Just like Final Fantasy series that can turn into a movie. I really wanted see Tintin become a movie (wether it animation or real people playing).

I hope so

(Rating) Music:A Story: A+ Character: A Story Line : A+ Character Design : A+

OVERALL TOTAL: A Comment: Must WATCHED movie/series
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The most faithful animated depiction of Herge's work.
CallEmLikeISeeEm24 May 2014
Compared to the Belvision series of the 60's, this series is the most faithful adaptation to Herge's timeless comics. Not only are the stories very faithful to the books, but they are also animated in Herge's characteristic 'ligne claire' style. The show's musical score and theme song are great (and often catchy - I still find myself humming them). The voice actors in both French and English versions are very well chosen (even though Tintin sounds too Canadian at times in the English dubbing).

A couple of criticisms though, as a die hard fan of the books and of Herge's masterpieces. Many of the adult themes Herge tackled in his stories are altered - eg. the conversation between Tintin and Chang on stereotypes in the Blue Lotus was removed (in fact several themes in that book are missing in the episode), Captain Haddock's drinking problems are toned down. My other criticism is that the 'Tintin and the Picaros' episode was the least faithful to its' book, differing in the era in which the story was set, and neglecting Tintin's own character development (physical and internal).

All in all, this series is definitely worth watching and buying. It's fun, and for a Tintin lover it's heaven. It's also a great introduction to perhaps the greatest comic creation of the 20th century.
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Mysterygeneration23 January 2022
This fantastic cartoon series, which is not only children's animation, follows the journalist Tintin in many countries of the world. The accents of the voices are also very beautiful. People speak English, but you can hear which country they are from.
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Loyal to the Comics
s-244819 October 2017
This series greatly exemplifies the greatness of the Tintin comic books. I have always loved the Tintin comic books and this show treats the stories well. From the animation to the personalities of the characters, the show is true to the comics. I do agree that Herge would've been proud of this series.
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The Adventures of Tintin
jboothmillard19 April 2005
A bit of a boring young man, but quite a good cartoon based in the second world war. Tintin is a reporter looking for stories and always thinking of his friends. His friends are the very good Captain Haddock, Professor Calculus (who just loves his umbrella), and twin Detectives Thompson and Thomson. Tintin has many interesting and dangerous adventures with his cute dog Snowy. These include episodes with tanks, speeding trains, boats, rock climbing and many more. But it's Captain Haddock that stole the show for me. With his good voice, sometimes selfish, helpful to Tintin, and a lot of ways to make you laugh. It was number 77 on The 100 Greatest Cartoons. Good!
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Wonderfully entertaining
grantss2 January 2022
The global adventures of young Belgian reporter Tintin and his faithful dog Snowy. Often assisting him in his endeavours are his friends Captain Haddock and Professor Calculus. Bumbling detectives Thompson and Thomson do their best to help.

A wonderfully entertaining TV series. Very faithfully to the original comics written by Hergé. I loved the comics as a kid and, while it has been a while since I read the comics, the adaptations here seem very unadulterated, like exact moving picture replicas of the comics. The artwork is pretty much exactly like the Hergé's originals.

While it is meant for kids, the stories can easily be enjoyed by adults too. There's great creativity on display plus some wonderful light-hearted moments too.
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My opinion
robted31 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Sorry, but you're wrong. The 'Moon mission' sub-plot, finding the Inca temple, and the mission to the Metorite in the Arctic? Solving crimes, I think not! Best thing you can do is read the books, man! Sample plots(not in chronological order): 1) Picaros- A little adventure during a coup with Gen. Alcazar. 2) Moon sub-plot: The moon mission and the attempts to sabotage it. 3) Incas: The disappearance of Claculus, resulting in the discovery of the last remaining Inca temple! 4) The Calculus affair: Another adventure in Syldavia, following on(I think) from King Ottakar's Sceptre. 4) The 'Red Rackham' sub-plot. A story of the hunt for a pirate's treasure, which Captain Haddock's ancestor recovered.
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Another great animated TV show
Atreyu_II23 May 2008
This animated TV is the adaptation of the famous Hergé's comic books. Generally, it makes a good adaptation. Some episodes do better than others, but the adaptation is reasonable. Even so, the books are clearly better and more complete. In the animated TV series, they usually miss lots of parts that should be included.

I own some of these comic books. I used to watch this TV series as much as I used to read the books I have back then, but I always liked the books better. Anyway, about the TV series, I used to watch it both spoken in french and dubbed in Italian (on Rai Uno, in the case of the Italian dubbed version). Of course that I prefer the french version for the simple fact of being the original version.

The stories of Tintin are (the majority of them, apart one or another) quite entertaining, thrilling, great fun, simple and delightful. They are, without a doubt, good adventures with classic humor. It should satisfy most everyone: children, teenagers and adults.

The characters are interesting: Tintin is a cool and intelligent chap; his dog Milou is really cute and fluffy; Captain Haddock is grumpy, sarcastic and humorous; Professor Tournesol is the eternal distracted who doesn't listen and understand a word of what the others are saying and, as such, always understands everything very badly. There are also the two police detective twins (Dupond and Dupont), who are absolutely stupid, silly and hilarious.

The song that plays during the opening credits and the final credits is great.
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Tintin & Snowy Save The Day!
strong-122-47888510 December 2017
If you happen to enjoy reading the Tintin comic-strip, which was originally created way back in 1929 by Herge (aka. Georges Remi) - Then - You are most certain to be entertained by these 13 coloured episodes of the animated TV series from 1991.

Overall - I'd say that this British production (which was filmed in 2-D animation) remains quite faithful to Herge's original comic-strip stories, and its memorable characters, as well.

"The Adventures of Tintin" closely follows our brave and likable young hero (and his faithful dog, Snowy) as they travel the globe, making friends, solving mysteries, and dauntlessly searching for truth and justice wherever they go.
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