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Sex & Nudity

  • One character is revealed to be the child of an incestuous marriage.

Violence & Gore

  • One of the film's antagonists, a corrupt deputy sheriff who is also a member of the Ku Klux Klan, savagely beats his wife in front of several other men after he learns that she revealed the location of the dead bodies of three missing civil rights activists to the authorities.
  • One of the two main characters grabs another man by the testicles, and then releases his grip, and the other man falls to the floor. The man subjected to this whimpers in pain. Give or take, this scene goes on for a minute.
  • A man, an FBI agent, threatens to castrate another man, the mayor of the city, if he doesn't divulge who is responsible for the murders of three civil rights workers. During the run-up to this, the man issuing the threat graphically recounts the story of a young black boy who was castrated by some racist thugs. This scene is very unsettling and is not for the faint of heart.
  • This movie is very racially charged. There are lots of beatings administered by both white and black people. A person is shot in the head at close-quaters. (offscreen) Black people are hung, we see the nooses go around their necks and they are then lifted up by white people.
  • A child is kicked in the face by a member of the Klu Klux Klan.
  • A church full of black people is attacked by the Klan who assault many of them, some even with weapons.
  • A stable is burned to the ground during a scene where a man is lynched and hung from a tree in front of his son. The next day, the charred bodies of the animals inside are shown.
  • A car drives through a busy part of town and throws out a black teenager who has clearly been beaten by the men in the car.
  • A reference is made to a teenager being abducted by the KKK and taken to a remote location where his scrotum was removed using a razor, and that his body looked as though it had been dipped in blood from the waist down.
  • One of the protagonists attacks one of the leaders of the gang in a barber shop, cutting open his cheek with a razor and beating him, which leaves him weak and moaning in a chair.


  • 8 uses of hell
  • One man says to another that he is "living proof that cousins shouldn't fuck."
  • 10 f-words.
  • 14 uses of 'Shit' 13 uses of 'Goddamn' 10 uses of 'Ass' 1 use of 'Son of a Bitch' and 1 use of 'Bastard'
  • There are many racist statements, "nigger" is said many times.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • There is lots of smoking and drinking.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • This movie is very intense, and portrays the time period and event very accurately.
  • This film is anti-racist and pro-tolerance so it's morals are in the right place. However, there is a lot of extreme racist behavior and the KKK are very eerie.

See also

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