Lethal Weapon (1987) Poster


Gary Busey: Joshua



  • Mr. Joshua : [Riggs is tied up and struggling]  Why don't you save your strength? You're gonna need it.

    Martin Riggs : Who's the chin?

    Mr. Joshua : Endo, meet Mr. Martin Riggs. Endo here has forgotten more about dispensing pain than you and I will ever know.

    Martin Riggs : Terrific.

    Mr. Joshua : See, Martin, we have a problem. Since we have Murtaugh, we don't really need you. But I believe in being thorough.

    Martin Riggs : Yeah, I've heard that about you.

    Mr. Joshua : Yeah. Well, our problem, and yours too, is we have a shipment of merchandise to deliver.

    Martin Riggs : Why don't you guys just call it heroin?

    Mr. Joshua : It's rather large, this shipment. It would be unfortunate, however, if we showed up to deliver our HEROIN, and were surrounded by fifty cops.

    Martin Riggs : That would be too bad.

    Mr. Joshua : Yes it would be. So, it's essential for us to find out all the cops know.

    Martin Riggs : Hey, we don't know shit. You- you did Hunsaker before he could say...

    Mr. Joshua : No, no! I wish I could believe you. But unfortunately, I don't... Now if you would kindly tell me everything you know, I promise I'll kill you quick.

    [snaps fingers] 

    Martin Riggs : I've told you everything I know.

    Mr. Joshua : Endo...

    [gestures to Endo to 'start the pain'] 

    Martin Riggs : Wha- what the hell is that?

    Mr. Joshua : I'll tell you what it is. It's called electric shock treatment.

    Martin Riggs : Well, I guess we're in for a long night, 'cause I don't know shit.

    Mr. Joshua : We'll see. Endo...

  • Mr. Joshua : General, Mr. Mendez is here.

    McAllister : [turns around to greet Mendez]  Ah, Mr. Mendez. How are you?

    Mendez : Hey, I'm fine.

    [motioning to Mr. Joshua] 

    Mendez : Where the hell did you get him? Psychos 'R Us?

    McAllister : I don't think you're funny.

    Mendez : I don't think this whole goddamn setup's funny. You're using mercenaries, for chrissake, tell me I'm wrong.

    McAllister : No. You're not wrong.

    Mendez : And you expect me to trust these fuckin' bozos?

    McAllister : My people are loyal, Mr. Mendez. They are loyal to me.

    Mendez : Ohhh, bullshit...

    McAllister : Do you smoke?

    Mendez : What the hell does that got to do with anything, do I smoke...

    McAllister : Do you smoke?

    Mendez : Yeah.

    McAllister : Give me your lighter.

    Mendez : My... my lighter?

    McAllister : Your lighter!

    Mendez : Yeah, okay right here... here, take it...

    [thugs grab his arm, General McAllister grabs Mendez's hand, still holding the lighter] 

    Mendez : Hey, man, what the fuck is wrong with you guys? Aw, Jesus...

    McAllister : Shut your mouth! Shut up! And don't move.

    [flicks the lighter on] 

    McAllister : Mr. Joshua, your left arm, please...

    [Mr. Joshua bares his arm, and allows the lighter to be held under his forearm, which starts to burn] 

    Mendez : Hey, you guys are fuckin' gone... you know what I'm sayin'?... Aw, Jesus Christ!

    [looks disgusted, as Joshua's arm continues to be burnt] 

    Mendez : You guys are fuckin' crazy, man. Come on!

    McAllister : [clicking the lighter off]  Have Endo look at that, Mr. Joshua.

    Mr. Joshua : Yes, sir.

    [gives Mendez a look, and walks off] 

    McAllister : [to Mendez]  You wish to do business with us, yes? You wish to make a purchase, yes?

    Mendez : Yes, yes, Jesus Christ, yes... Ya know, you guys are out there like fuckin' Pluto, man. You're gone!

    McAllister : The bulk of the heroin will be here Friday night, we'll make delivery at that time. Have the money ready, and no tricks. If you try anything... you'll have to talk to Mr. Joshua. Merry Christmas.

  • [Endo shocks Riggs with a device] 

    Mr. Joshua : Hit him again!

    Martin Riggs : [Endo does] 

    [Martin groans as his body shakes violently] 

    Mr. Joshua : [soft but enthused]  Hit him again.

    Martin Riggs : [Endo hits him again for longer] 

    Mr. Joshua : C'mon, tell me about the shipment!

    Martin Riggs : [yells and spouts giberrish, then spits at Endo, tries to reach Joshua]  I swear I'm gonna fucking kill the both of you.

    Mr. Joshua : Yeah, yeah, very funny. Now what about the *shipment*?

  • [Murtaugh is holding out a grenade, threatening to kill Mr. Joshua and his gang if they don't give him back his daughter, Rianne] 

    Mr. Joshua : He's bluffing. He wouldn't kill his own daughter.

    Roger Murtaugh : Sure thing, pal! If she dies, she's gonna die with me - MY way, not yours!

  • [Joshua blasts his way into Murtaugh's house and finds it empty. In the living room, 1951's "Scrooge" is playing on the television] 

    Ebeneezer Scrooge : Tell me, what day is it?

    Mrs. Dilber : What day?

    Mr. Joshua : [shoots the television]  Goddamn Christmas!

  • Martin Riggs : How about it, Jack? Would you like a shot at the title?

    Mr. Joshua : Don't mind if I do.

  • Mr. Joshua : Good afternoon Mr. Mendez.

    Mendez : Yeah, how you doing?

    Mr. Joshua : Did you pat him down Mr. Larch?

    Mendez : Aw hey man, we went through this act already...

    Mr. Joshua : [Cutting off Mendez]  Go through it again!

    Mendez : Who are you?

    Mr. Joshua : That's hardly important but if it matters you may call me Mr. Joshua.

    [Turns and motions to follow him] 

    Mr. Joshua : Let's go.

    Mendez : Oh, great, swell, Mr. Joshua, huh?


  • Mr. Joshua : [stealing a woman's car]  Mind if I test drive your Audi?

  • Mr. Joshua : No, I wish I could believe you, but, unfortunately, I don't.

See also

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