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Not a bad film at all!
bannonanthony14 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This is the first film of Burt Reynolds' I have seen that he directed as well as starred in. Yes, some elements of the story are clunky but overall STICK is very enjoyable. Reynolds gives an excellent performance as always. Charles Durning is quite good as Chucky but is let down by the very obvious wig he is wearing for the part (at least I HOPE it's a wig). George Segal and Candice Bergen are both good as well, but it's strange how Reynolds and Bergen immediately get into a romance.

Stuntman Dar Robinson also makes a memorable villain as albino hit-man Moke. Since he was a stuntman I guess that means he did all his own stunts for the movie, which makes it even more cool. Very few stuntmen are good actors but Robinson plays the part well. The only problem is we don't see enough of him. The BIG bad guy, Nester, is played brilliantly too, but the actor's name escapes me right now. There's also a lovely song played over the end credits. I'm interested in reading the Elmore Leonard book this film was based on. I'm sure it and the film may be very different, but I still give the movie STICK a thumbs-up. I think it should get a DVD release.
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80's flick, that entertains.
a_genda24 June 2001
The Good Stuff:

Candice Bergen looks gorgeous. Small role by David Reynoso. The late Dar Robinson as the "Albino Hitman". The Albino Hitman falling to his death while emptying his six shooter looks real cool.

The Bad Stuff:

Charles Durning in a blond wig is really hard to take (those crazy looking eyebrows!).

The Verdict:

Typical 80's flick with lots of flashy cars, drug dealers, one colorful hitman, directed by Mr. Reynolds, that even if looking dated manages to entertain.
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Not Elmore Leonard's novel, but still enjoyable
Roel197330 August 2016
When I read the novel I had no problem picturing Burt Reynolds as the charming and laconic ex-con. And supposedly Reynolds himself thought he was perfect for the part. Unfortunately, the studio demanded he re-shoot the second half of the picture, basically trading in Elmore Leonard's scam plot for brutal action. There's always something very satisfying about watching Burt kick ass, so even if I was wondering why anyone would want to trade Leonard's smart and funny writing for a run-of-the-mill action script, I still enjoyed the finale of Stick.

Still, the Ernest Stickley from the novel called for the more lighthearted Burt from Semi-Tough, Hooper and Rough Cut. I would have loved to have heard Burt deliver some of the smart-ass lines Leonard wrote for the character in the novel. Also, some scenes just don't make a whole lot of sense now, like Stick wanting to learn about investments from Kyle or the movie pitch scene. Both of these were pivotal in the book, but just go nowhere in the film.

There's a lot of good stuff though. The scene on the balcony is awesome, the scorpions were a nice touch (not in the book!) and I liked the way the murder in the beginning was handled, with Stick's subsequent getaway through the corn field.

If you like Burt Reynolds Stick is certainly worth your time, just don't expect a faithful adaptation.
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Whadya lookin' at, Mookie?
fredmant13 September 2004
I agree with Chuck O'Leary from Pittsburg. I loved this movie. In fact, in the mid-80's it was one of the first VHS tape productions that made my sorry old Samsung (1973) look good! I ran the sound in "hi-fi stereo" through my stereo rig and this was my first home theater (don't laugh!). Anyway, the story is good and if you like Burt, well, you have to see the movie. Unfortunately, no DVD out yet, nor any great demand. But, hey, if Green Ice can be released on DVD, can Stick be far behind?

Things to look for on the (eventual) DVD . . . the many fine Florida sunsets. There's lots of "perfect lighting" in this movie, with both exterior and interior shots. The bad guys are sufficiently deserving of your verbal lashing. Finally the soundtrack is very mood inducing but not ornate. Think Miami Vice meets Live or Die in LA. I'd give the movie as a whole, 7 out of 10 stars, especially considering its age.

Oh one last thing, very important. Hit the mute button when Candice Bergman starts to sing. Life's too short. . . .
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A score to settle
bkoganbing28 September 2016
Burt Reynolds stars and dominates in the title role of Ernest 'Stick' Stickley, newly released from prison who immediately gets right back involved with criminal activities with old prison buddy Jose Perez. A decade later the incident where Perez is killed was almost done word for word in Al Pacino's Carlito's Way.

Unlike Pacino however, Reynolds would like to stay clear of things, but he's got a score to settle over Perez. For a bit of cover and protection he takes a job with flamboyant movie producer George Segal who really overacts outrageously with tongue firmly in cheek. Still the people who did in his friend Perez who are drug dealers Castulo Guerra and Charles Durning are out to get Reynolds.

You have to see Durning in his costume trying to wear those 80s fashions and looking rather stupid in the process.

Fabled Hollywood stuntman Dar Robinson has a nice role as an albino hit man for Guerra. He's one scary dude. In fact for the screen's sake he dies twice. I thought Reynolds had done him in once, but he was back and the second time there was no doubt.

Guerra's character proves there's less than meets the eye with him. You'll have to see the climax to know what I'm talking about. And that hairpiece, send him to Queer Eye for maybe the not so straight guy.

Reynolds has a few cynically comic moments, but he's a lot more grim here than usual. Due to the subject matter no doubt.

Burt's fans will like it, so should others.
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A decent enough vehicle for Burt.
Hey_Sweden25 January 2019
Veteran star Burt Reynolds directed himself for the fourth time in this okay adaptation of an Elmore Leonard novel. It's definitely minor league in terms of the Leonard adaptations out there, but it entertains adequately. Burt is cast as Ernest "Stick" Stickley, an ex-con who hooks up with old friend Rainy (Jose Perez) and accompanies him on a drug deal gone sour. Stick then becomes determined to exact some revenge on behalf of Rainy, taking on creeps like the dorky Chucky (Charles Durning) and the more genuinely menacing Nestor (Castulo Guerra).

Leonard is credited as one of the screenwriters, but wasn't overly pleased with the final results, since Universal ended up removing a fair bit of his trademark humour and replacing it with action scenes - to make it more "commercially viable". The result is a basically watchable movie that increases in interest and entertainment value as it goes along, and the characters become more engaging. Along the way, we get many lovely shots of Florida locales, and an upbeat score by Barry DeVorzon and Joseph Conlan. The film offers some sex appeal and violence, but shouldn't be too ugly for some viewers to take.

Burt is kind of going through the motions here, even as Stick reconnects with his young daughter (Tricia Leigh Fisher, younger half-sister of Carrie Fisher) and attempts to romance beautiful financial advisor Kyle (Candice Bergen, who does look great). George Segal is fatally annoying as motor mouthed rich dude Barry, a guy who likes to hobnob with the criminal element. Richard Lawson is good as one of Segals' employees. Durnings' performance is likewise good, but he looks so ridiculous with that wig, the false eyebrows, and that wardrobe that it's hard to take him seriously. Guerra offers the standout performance as the true villain of the piece.

But the real reason to watch "Stick" is to see the late, legendary stuntman Dar Robinson in an extended acting role, as a psychotic, albino henchman named Moke. He's a lot of fun to watch, and his final scene is memorable.

The Leonard purist might not be too fond of how this turned out, but it's reasonably enjoyable for Reynolds fans.

Six out of 10.
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Another Reynolds dud.
barnabyrudge15 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
A sharp, punchy, colourful Elmore Leonard novel has here been turned into an extraordinarily dull and uninvolving film. The bulk of the blame must be rested upon Burt Reynolds' shoulders, for in choosing to direct the film himself he has reduced it to the level of a vanity project. This is not "Stick" as envisaged by Elmore Leonard; this is DIRECTOR Reynolds trying to make ACTOR Reynolds look as handsome, tough and humorous as possible..... and, in the process of doing so, ruining the excellent potential of the source material. What makes matters worse is that other fine actors have been dragged down too. George Segal and Charles Durning are humiliated by the dumb lines they are asked to say, the ridiculous costumes they are asked to wear, and the over-acting they are asked to indulge in. Spare a thought, too, for Candice Bergen - already a star in two of THE all-time clunkers (The Magus and The Adventurers) - who here finds herself yet again stranded in a film of unbelievable awfulness.

Tough ex-con Ernest "Stick" Stickley (Reynolds) arrives in Miami soon after his release from jail. He reunites with Rainy (Jose Perez), a former Puerto Rican cell-mate who is trying to make a little money by running errands for the local drug lords. Rainy persuades Stick, against the latter's better judgement, to accompany him on a drop-off in the Everglades. Stick doesn't like the look of the deal, but he tags along anyway. His suspicions prove founded when Rainy is gunned down at the rendezvous point, leaving Stick to make a desperate getaway. Upset at the brutal slaying of his pal, Stick plans his revenge. His vengeance quest pits him against albino hit-man Moke (Dar Robinson), paranoid drug dealer Chucky (Charles Durning), and voodoo-worshipping crime-lord Nestor (Castulo Guerra).

A film with a plot like this and a gallery of slimy underworld characters should, at the very least, not be boring. However, "Stick" is an absolute bore for virtually its entire duration. The opening ten minutes provide a very mild amount of wit and excitement, but as soon as Stick escapes from Rainy's assassins (in the Everglades sequence) it's downhill all the way. Dar Robinson's character - the albino killer Moke - is quite interesting, but is used far too infrequently (he does, at least, have a spectacular death scene near the film's climax). The music by Barry DeVorzon is terribly dated and fails to add any dramatic impact to the on-screen action. Reynolds the director seems to have lost interest in the film somewhere along the way, and the whole sorry affair limps towards its soulless conclusion without generating any interest that might relieve the sense of boredom. After this debacle, Reynolds stopped directing his own movies for a period of 8 years (eventually making a directorial comeback with 1993's "The Man From Left Field"). "Stick" this one on the trash heap!
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I paid a dollar for the VHS copy
duke190724 March 2006
A few years ago I was working at Blockbuster Video and bought this movie brand new for $1.00 on VHS. It was worth it. Most people don't like this movie, but I have a certain fondness for it. I am a huge Elmore Leonard fan and also a Burt Reynolds fan so I liked it. I admit that it has flaws like Candice Bergen's wooden performance. But it has two great acting jobs by Charles Durning and the late stuntman Dar Robinson as the albino hit-man Moke. His performance is truly terrifying. It is terrific when Burt taunts him as Bunny Eyes. Durning is also great as a red haired drug dealer. There are a few good action scenes at the beginning and then at the end. The middle of the film drags. If only the intensity of the beginning could be kept up to the finish this would have been a great film.
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Stick Stinks
wbhickok11 February 2002
Poor Burt, he tried so hard. The late 80s weren't kind to Mr. Reynolds, and Mr. Reynolds wasn't kind to the late 80s. He churned out one bad movie after the next, but "Stick" may be the worst of the lot. {At least you can laugh at "Malone.") This film is just dull with post-production problems very evident by the sloppy editing. Dig the opening scene, where after Burt has been just released from jail, when he goes to a bar, and beats up the guy next him, because he made a pass at the waitress! A bad Burt Reynolds movie that began a trend that sent his career spiraling. Dar Robinsons stunt at the end of the movie, is very well done though. Avoid.
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Fairly routine Burt Reynolds action film ................
merklekranz22 April 2012
"Stick' is a fairly routine Burt Reynolds action film. I was never convinced that Reynolds motivation, revenging the death of his drug runner friend, felt warranted. The villains are highlighted by a brutal albino, and Charles Durning wearing a ridiculous wig. Cartoon like violence detracts, and were it not for some welcome humor associated with George Segal's flamboyant character, the movie would be totally forgettable. Candice Bergen as Reynolds love interest is cold as ice, and never convincing in her role as a financial adviser to Segal. The choppy editing and lack of any suspense further detracts. I would say that "Stick" is watchable but has little to recommend it. - MERK
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gridoon1 August 1999
Even Burt followers probably won't be satisfied with this. It's a meandering actioner with too little action, somewhat saved by George Segal's joyous performance as an eccentric millionaire.
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Great thriller with a classic Bad Guy
bobbyf18 February 2009
Step aside Darth Vader. Meet the new best movie villain ever, Moke. Villain Moke is right up there with Vader, the Kurgin, and other great movie villains. For Dar Robinson's performance as Moke, alone, this movie is a must-see. Burt plays Stick, a fresh-out-of-prison con trying to make over his life. He gets unwillingly sucked back into the underworld and has to fight to survive. Dar Robinson, stuntman extraordinaire, puts in a fantastic performance as Moke- an albino hit-man who has it in for Stick. There are some amazing scenes in this movie, and I think it may be one of Burt's best performances- if not the best.
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Could have been a lot better
haythalk17 December 2009
Having read some of the comments from other users and some of the reviews, this film has come in for some criticism. Whilst some of the comments are fair, I think it's important to take into context the life of this film. Another user has already pointed out that Reynolds was suffering with TMJ at the time of the release and had a few flops before hand, so his star was on the wane. However, this movie was supposed to have been released in 1984 and initial filming (judging by many scenes) indicate Reynolds was in good health. Somehow the studio didn't like the first cut of the film,not enough action,too slow,not good for box office. However, the film as a character piece may well have been quite interesting and judging by the first 15 minutes which were excellent,less studio meddling would have more beneficial in this case. Reynolds did not want to make an all out action film but the studios panicked and asked for re-shoots. By this time though, Reynolds had lost a lot of weight due to the TMJ problems and was clearly neither in the physical or mental state to shoot these extra scenes. As a result, we have a number of scenes where Reynolds is markedly thinner than in other scenes. This creates a very disjointed look and obviously doesn't help the film at all. It would be very interesting to see the original cut as Reynolds intended - i'm certain it would have ended up being a far better movie than the result we got. As it stands, I think Stick has some very good moments and some very sub-standard moments. The good are the first 15 minutes,especially the scene with Mokey,Rainy and Stick in the van - nice tense atmosphere in the van, well directed. Other good scenes are when Stick has to remove the ex-driver from the party ('now say goodnight' as he poured gasoline over his face and flicks out a lighter), the mo-key death scene (a superb stunt and not bettered for many years),the scenes with Candice Bergen and Burt (i thought they quite effective). The sub-standard are the poor editing, healthy Burt, v.ill's very obvious.Some of the action scenes,especially where sticks stops and waits for mo-key to catch up? the training sequences - why show that, is this Rocky..bit of vanity for Mr Reynolds there i think. The ending was a bit weak..i don't think it was originally intended to be like that - i haven't read the book, so i could be wrong but again we had ill Burt in this scene. In conclusion, this movie could have been a lot better that it was but due to a number of circumstances it turned out to be an fairly average Burt Reynolds thriller. Could have been another Sharkeys but not meant to be. A shame really, now where is that original cut?
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"Stick" to TV, Burt....
Mister-621 June 2000
Burt Reynolds for the "Miami Vice" generation!

Even though pretty faithfully adapted from Elmore Leonard's book (by no less that Leonard himself!), Burt foregoes the good ol' boy routine to play the mean, tough, down and dirty characters like he did in "The Longest Yard", "Sharkey's Machine" and "White Lightning".

But even though he did everything but sweep the sets afterwards, Burt just doesn't convince as a career criminal trying to settle a score from a drug deal that killed his friend.

Everyone is grim, nasty and vile (stunt-man/actor Dar Robinson comes off best as hit-man Moki - true enough to say he has the best scene!) and with Burt as the lesser of, say, a dozen evils, SHOULD show at least some charisma in the part. But all he does is glower, grimace, threaten and shoot guns. Even love interest Bergen is pretty bland as she plays a character that suggests what would have happened if she never had any "Carnal Knowledge".

The only one who comes off good is Segal, who plays a loud, crass, banjo-playing millionaire who hires Stick (Reynolds) for protection, little knowing he is just a cog in a serpentine plot to get back at drug mack Nestor (Guerra). Segal even goes as far as telling the "What's-the-last-thing-to-go-through-a-bug's-mind-before-he-hits-a-windshield" joke. (Punch-line? Go ask your Dad).

The worst fate, though, is held for Reynolds steadfast Durning, who has to play a druggie that would look more at home at the circus (Charlie, orange-red hair is NOT your style). How does he intimidate people, by daring them not to laugh??

In the end, you just can't help but figure what Michael Mann could have done with something like this. Well, Leonard's stuff is getting made and remade all the time now. Who knows, maybe in a few years....

Three stars, one for the effort, one for Robinson's last scene and one for Murphy, whose career survived to do better things (hello, "Murphy Brown"!).

Don't get stuck with "Stick".
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Burt Reynolds returns as Stick!
tgreene_msp15 December 2001
This movie is based on Elmore Leonard's novel of the same name, but for those looking for the novel while waiting for the movie to reappear on television or on order from Amazon, don't bother, unless you're a fan of Elmore Leonard's work. While Mr. Leonard should be given more than due credit for his adaptation to movie, the real work was done by Mr. Reynolds, who plays the character true to form.

I have to admit that one reason I love this film is because of its leading lady. Ms. Bergen seems to be able to play her own character in this film, rather than playing off Burt's character. Two of the best scenes are the one where she sums up the movie producer's porposal as fraud, and of course the intimate scene in her bedroom with Burt's character.

I am old enough to remember when this movie came out in the theaters. One review in a popular men's magazine at the time panned the movie, largely faulting Burt's performance (as I interpreted the review). Having been a fan of Mr. Reynolds films for many years, I was glad to see that he didn't seem to take such reviews to heart at the time, and continues to entertain us, even today.
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Your average drug running action comedy with one heck of an ensemble.
mark.waltz6 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Not a great movie by any stretch, but filled with lots of comedy, plenty of action and some great Miami scenery, plus the future Murphy Brown, a wild Rip Taylor lookalike (minus the crazy mustache ant confetti), a former child Broadway star and a delightfully funny valet. I am not much of a Burt Reynolds fan, but he's a complete charmer here as an ex-con seeking revenge for the assassination of his friend (Jose Perez, the one time Puerto Rican child actor who played the young son in the original "South Pacific") and the chase scenes he has with the albino hit man, Dar Robinson, who is not the albino hit man from "Foul Play". Richard Lawson is a delight as the valet to wisecracking George Segal, always making with the sarcasm and stealing every scene he's in. That's definitely the difficult to do with Segal as his boss and a platinum haired Charles Durning in the wackiest wig and Hawaiian shirts.

Being set in Miami, there's a lot of Hispanic characters here, and even though he's on and off in the first 20 minutes, Jose Perez shows a lot of heart as Reynolds' pal who just happens to work for a drug lord. Castulo Guerra and David Reynoso are very good as Durning's rivals, friendly on the surface but completely serious when they hint that Durning will be a dead man if their business dealings go sour. Alec Rocco plays a film director, and Bergen is a reporter, somehow much gentler than Murphy. As for Reynolds, he's no different than he was in many of his other films, but in many of his 1980's films, he was less than charming, something that he has here in abundance.

This is filled with a ton of action, gorgeous location footage and even a little bit of romance. A scene with a deadly scorpion crawling up Reynolds is frightening. Of course it's a reunion of Reynolds and a few of his acting pals, most notably Bergen and Durning. It's difficult to say who the standout is because the entire cast each gets to steal a scene or two. I guess the critics in 1985 were in bad moods or simply anti-Burt, and their bad reviews turned this into a flop. So I wasn't expecting to like this as much as I did, and it is one Burt Reynolds film that I'll save to share with friends.
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While Burt is as laconic as ever in front of the camera, he does a good, competent job behind it.
tarbosh220006 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Burt Reynolds plays Ernest "Stick" Stickley. We should just stop the plot description right there. But we'll go on - Stick is an ex-con who gets out of jail and ends up working as a chauffeur for a mega-wealthy dude (Segal) and living at his mansion in the Miami area. While he's trying to romance Kyle (Bergen) as well as forge a relationship with his daughter after his prison stay, nefarious drug dealers and gangsters are after Stick, led by the flamboyant Chucky (Durning) and his remorseless hit man Moke (Robinson). Will Stick Stickley stick to the law-abiding side of life? This was the last movie Burt made before his Not Caring period (discussed in our Heat, 1986 review). Because he still cared (after all, he directed the movie and co-wrote the theme song "I Don't Think I'm Ready For You" sung by Anne Murray), his demeanor is actually pleasant to watch and seems to be enjoying himself reasonably enough, by Burt standards. He gets many personas in the movie - from the "Indiana Burt" of the beginning with his bomber jacket, fedora and beard to the "James Bond Burt" of later on, with "Casual Burt" in the middle, complete with pink Members Only jacket. (We're not entirely convinced that it isn't a woman's jacket).

But the real star of the show is Charles Durning as Chucky. In a role like no other we've seen Durning interpret, he plays a Rip Taylor-like villain complete with loud shirts and bizarre makeup. Durning steals the movie, but George Segal gives him a run for his money with his big, boisterous role as Barry.

While Burt is as laconic as ever in front of the camera, he does a good, competent job behind it, clearly influenced by the popularity of Miami Vice. But the movie is a lengthy production with a very mainstream look. It needed more grit. It also should have been shorter and snappier. Elmore Leonard usually does good work but 52 Pick-Up (1986) remains his best.

Clearly the Nickelodeon character Stick Stickley was influenced by Burt Reynolds.

For more action insanity, please visit:
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Pretty mindless.
planktonrules25 September 2021
"Stick" is a rather brainless action film which I wanted to like more than I did. On the negative, George Segal's talents are mostly wasted, Charles Durning's look is just bizarre and comical, and the writing and direction could have been a lot better. On the plus side, Burt Reynolds' hairpiece looks really good...much better than in movies from around the same period like "Malone".

Malone (Burt Reynolds) is just out of prison when he meets up with an old friend. The friend isn't especially bright and is a drug courier....and soon Malone sees him gunned down by some hoods just for kicks. Malone spends the rest of the film seeking revenge on the several people responsible for the man's murder.

I think the film could have been a lot better....and deeper. Instead, it's mostly action, shooting and folks falling off well as cartoon gun physics (a man is shot by a handgun and flies about 15 feet as a result!!). If you like cartoon physics, one-dimensional characters, non-stop action and Charles Durning sporting a mumu, GIANT red eyebrows and a silly red wig (looking almost exactly like Baron Harkonen in David Lynch's "Dune"), then by all means watch it. Otherwise, you could do a lot better.
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"You got some balls."
lost-in-limbo3 January 2011
Burt Reynolds's really made an impression with his smartly catered cop thriller "Sharky's Machine" and four years later he churn out another directorial crime outing. Maybe not as effective and complete, but still acceptable time filler. The story is penned by the reliable Elmore Leonard, who has a knack for building crime and character interactions within a busy framework. That's were I found it to peter out at times, as there seems too be so much going on and from that it can get a little distracted. It starts off strong, but then it goes wayward and stalls too often. Reynolds' sober direction seemed rather uneven in trying to balance out the explosively grimy moments with the uneasy comic relief. The film was more character driven (likeable relationships are struck or quick fuses erupt) and held together by its plot developments, but the script just didn't bite hard enough and its ending is quite lousy. Gladly the performances stand-up; namely that of the support cast. Where the bad guys are truly vile. Dar Robinson (who's mainly a stuntman) is magnificently threatening as the albino hired killer. A true scene stealer. While he hands out some nasty punishment and the gravel voice strikes fear. Alone just looking at him is frightening enough. Charles Durning playing a scummy low-life crook sticks out with his loud, bright Hawaiian shirts, feathered hair and wild bushy eyebrows. It's hard to take your eyes off either one. Leading the way in the bad guys is a dashing Castulo Guerra. You know the man with the power… the one you don't want to get on the wrong side of. To go with that, he's quite spiritual, but with a mean-streak. Burt Reynolds' character finds himself stuck in the middle of this trio when after getting out of prison he joins a buddy on job involving some of Miami's lowlife criminals. However it's a set-up, where his friend is killed and he is soon targeted. So he seeks payback, but on the other side of the coin he wants to go straight so he can catch up with daughter. Reynolds plays it with that laconically tough shade and knowing attitude, letting his charm carry him along. His weapon of choice seems to be his smartarse lines… physical wise gasoline or matches… that you only get disappointed when he can't get a hold of one of these objects. The next best thing was death by scorpion. Another scene stealer would be George Segal as a cheerfully naïve millionaire that loves the company of criminals. Some sequences with him were priceless. Also showing up is Candice Bergen (the love interest), Jose Perez and Alex Rocco. Clunky, but amusing.
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A weak weasel of a movie
Rodrigo_Amaro30 May 2020
As a director Burt Reynolds is a fine actor and "Stick" takes the prize of being a sleeper of all sorts, confused, slightly manageable with some nice actions sequences but this adaptation of Elmore Leonard's work (written by the man himself which makes it even more disappointing) made me sick and tired the more the story progressed.

I usually go the extreme lenghts to talk about movies but this one didn't get anything else from me except the feeling of confusion about the characters, their motivations and how they connect with one another. Charles Durning colorful and weird characterization of a villain is probably one of the dullest I've ever seen and one that I will not forget so soon; on the other hand, the menacing bad guy played by famous stunt man Dar Robinson was pretty good, heavy and he's the one you'll always want to see more while Reynolds Stick is just a smart but unappealing hero.

As for the late Robinson, it's isn't the characterization of this albino-looking killer that gets the highest credit but his excellent stunt performance in a pivotal moment of the film - though by the time you probably feel asleep or gave up hope of watching. I remember seeing a documentary on Robinson's work and the making of "Stick" was presented with Burt giving lots of credit for the man's work in creating devices and a safety emvironment during the shooting of the movie, specially the falling of a building. The scene is jaw-dropping.

It seems like a nice gathering of good folks (George Segal and Candice Bergen are also here) making a pitiful experience that isn't relelvant neither entertaining, almost a waste on their resume. The plot is wrapped with cliches that I've seen work better in other things. Here it just doesn't work properly. It's embarassing. 3/10
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Good, often overlooked Burt Reynolds movie
dworldeater29 November 2023
I didn't see this back in the day, but I recently had a chance to grab this on Blu Ray. I'm glad, I did. Burt Reynolds was a versatile and talented actor, he also is a pretty good director with Stick being among his few directing credits. This is a southern noirish action thriller that has Burt as Stick(a ex con who loses his buddy in a drug deal gone wrong, barely escaping himself). Burt plays it cool and tough as antihero Stick and get s embroiled in the criminal Miami underworld. The film does have some continuity problems, most likely due to the studio forcing Burt to reshoot parts of the film . A directors cut is currently unavailable and with Burt Reynolds gone it's unlikely that could ever resurface. I still enjoy Stick, but Sharkey's Machine is a better example of the talent of Burt Reynolds as a actor and director. Even so, Stick is a good crime film and I still would recommend it.
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Elmore Leonard is a superb storyteller
buzznzipp199512 July 2006
I know that many people have mixed feelings about this story. Once I saw a comedian on the cable comedy channel using 'stick' to slam in his act, of the worst Burt Reynolds movies ever. But I contend, even so with Burt at the helm of this 'ship', that the story was told by a master at story creating and telling. He (Leonard) has not liked almost all the adaptations to the screen from his books with the exception of 'Get Shorty' which, do you beat that one??? At any rate, the story I liked, there was enough to keep me 'into it'. Even though I like a lot of different movies, I don't like every movie I see.

This was a right-cut for Burt Reynolds I thought. He pulled the character off, in the manner in which he does, in 'waves'. He's had mono-tone performances and out and out wild ones too.

Whatever the critics think or say, there was a great cast and the location was perfect as well. I can live with this Burt-directed story from 1985, heck why not, it was the eighties.
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Enjoyable action flick that fizzles out threw its second half.
b_kite12 September 2018
So Burt decided to return as "Bad Ass" Burt from pre-1976 in this Elmore Leonard adaptation. "Stick" starts out great, but, fizzles out in the second half when Burt literally shaves his beard off. Apparently the whole film was suppose to be like the first was, but, studio meddling prevented that. Its a shame because there's a nice cast on board here. Including Candice Bergen, George Segal, Charles Durning (sporting some ridiculous outfits), and Dar Robinson (who makes a great bad guy). "Stick" still is a good movie, but, its a shame it couldn't have all been like that first half.

R.I.P Burt
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Burt Reynolds comes back to the top as Stick!
ary12 November 1998
Burt Reynolds has in Stick the opportunity to come back in interpreting the kind of character that consecrated him:the cynic,charmous and irresponsible anti-hero.Once the movie was based on an Elmore Leonard's book,whose works are known due it's unics,rotters and ambiguous characters,he has the possibility to exaggerate on the creation of the movie's protagonists.The simpleton plot offers a simple and passing diversion.Burt Reynolds is Ernest Stickley, an ex-com who just have been set free and who gets involved in a hard situation after going with his friend to accomplish a drug transaction in a desert place.His friend is murdered,but he escapes and now he wants revenge.He ends up becoming an employee and protected of a millionaire,and,while weaving his revenge,he gets emotionally involved with his boss'secretary,Kyle(Candice Bergen).If this film has a trump card,it is adapting faithfully the Elmore Leonard's book.The film counts with a terrific final climax,stuffed with shooting and a beautiful final scene,underlined by a beautiful music called Ï don't think I'm ready for you"...
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What do you call a boomerang that doesn't come back?...
FlashCallahan24 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Ernest 'Stick' Stickley returns home from prison, and very soon he gets involved with his old friend in a drug deal that goes sour.

Hired by a rich investor, he tries to go straight, but trouble follows him as he tries to collect a debt and make up for lost time with his daughter.

Stick also finds a new flame with a financial wiz and gets set to enjoy a new life, but Chucky and Nestor, the two hoods who owe him the debt, have other plans to stick it to Stick.

Stick, say the word a few times over, and it doesn't sound like a word anymore, and it's uttered so many times in this film, that it becomes chucklesome after a while.

Reynolds is great as the titular character, and you know he's tough because he jumps off a train and his hat stays on, and he also sets a mans bottom on fire.......and this in the first ten minutes.

The film is a pretty serious affair, and could have done with some of the humour that the studio demanded to be cut, but Reynolds throws a few one-liners in the mix.

As a director, Reynolds keeps the narrative tight, and the characters are very fleshed out, and Stick has a wonderful relationship with his daughter.

The action and the score feels a lot like Friedkin's 'To Live And Die In L. A.' but that isn't a criticism, as that film is one of the finest films ever to be made.

It has a real eightie's feel to it, and it has been locked in that decade, everything from the clothing, to the houses, it douses us with the eightie's and it's all the more watchable for it.

It also features one of the finest stunts ever filmed, and special equipment was made for the film, and it's worth every penny.

It's not going to be for everyone, but if you like the decade, and the synth score, and of course, Reynolds, you have a tailor made movie for you..
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