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Sex & Nudity

Violence & Gore

  • A helicopter crashes on the rooftop and explodes as two women charge towards it; it is later said that the pilots flying the unfortunate copter are dead, but the two women are dragged to safety.
  • Graphic deaths which sometimes show a lot of blood while others are pretty mild.
  • One fireman burns to death as he falls down an elevator shaft. His comrades watch as he passes them from a higher floor.
  • One security man opens a door where the fire is burning. Another man working on the building at the floor pushes him out of the way and is engulfed in flame as the fire spreads taking up the oxygen in the hallway. His colleague immediately runs over with another man, grabs some drapes, and tackles him, smothering the fire in the process. Unfortunately, later on in the film, we find out he succumbed to his injuries.
  • One man runs through a burning apartment and ends up burning to death. Seen from afar so the horror is all visual, just intense music and a scream of horror from his girlfriend.
  • A woman falls 65 stories to her death while her hair & clothes are burning.
  • An elevator opens on the floor where the fire is spreading and approximately 20 people scream in horror as the draft allows the fire to spread into the elevator's displaced oxygen killing everyone. The firemen on the floor immediately react but the burst is very quick. It lasts a few seconds and from the firemen's view afar. A main character is saddened by what he witnessed, but looks on to the job at hand.
  • A man on fire runs out of a burning elevator and collapses.
  • Several men fall 135 floors off of a breaches buoy.
  • A woman falls 110 floors out of a scenic exterior elevator and hits a portion of the building where she dies.
  • Many gentlemen in tuxedos are seen running torched at their back.
  • The ending scene where the watertanks burst, many people fall to their death or are swept away by the rushing water. This scene is less intense than the other death scenes.


Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • Simmons is implied to have a drinking problem; he is also seen drinking an entire bottle of booze out of guilt at one point during the film.
  • Carlos tries to anchor himself from being swept away by water by roping himself to a large case of expensive wine. When scolded, he comically argues, "but it's the '29!"
  • Lorrie drinks prominently on-screen, as do Harlee and Lisolette in a later scene.
  • A home bar is featured in an early scene, showing a large variety of alcoholic beverages. Another bar is later featured in the Promenade Room, manned by a bartender and serving mostly wine and spirits.
  • Some drinking and a few instances of cigar and cigarette use.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • Many major characters die on-screen; this may be extremely upsetting to some viewers.
  • There are quite a few suspenseful scenes of near peril, including a man, a woman and two young children trying to cross a broken staircase over a steep pit a hundred floors below, and a number of people trapped in an elevator car with the doors hanging open, also, Paul Newmans character climbs up a pipe shaft over 130 floors above the ground.
  • There are some very emotional scenes where dating/married couples are forced to be separated as they are rescued. Some are reunited, while others end up dying.
  • Characters like Harlee, Carlos and Duncan are seen cowering in fear as they await an onslaught of water and heavy objects to pour down from the ceiling which may kill them.
  • Two young children and their deaf mother are accidentally left behind on a high floor of the building. A security guard and a woman are able to rescue the three of them; a pet cat is also rescued.
  • Many unnamed firefighters are killed; O'Halloran is saddened to see body bags laid out in the street with their helmets placed over the top of each bag later on.
  • People with a phobia of heights should be aware that this film contains subject matter of a 138-floor-high skyscraper on fire, with people trapped (and sometimes falling) from the upper floors. Multiple exterior scenic shots are also shown of high places.
  • This movie contains very intense and frightening scenes throughout.


The Parents Guide items below may give away important plot points.

Violence & Gore

  • Simmons falls to his death after forcing other men off the breaches buoy, which then snaps with him in it.
  • Bigelow and his mistress both burn to death; the mistress breaks a window letting oxygen into the room, which causes the roaring flames to engulf her as she screams, also the force of the explosion blows her out of the building, where she falls 65 floors to her death.
  • Carlos, the bartender, is crushed to death when a large concrete statue falls on top of his stomach. He is seen staring at the statue as blood drips from his mouth.
  • Lisolette falls from a broken elevator to her death, screaming, her body hitting the side of the building as she falls.
  • An engineer, Giddens, is killed when fire from an opened door hits his body; he suffers severe burns and is removed from the building alive, but dies in hospital not long afterwards.
  • The mayor is killed when an onslaught of water slams against him, carrying his body over the side of a railing to his death while another character cries out for him.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • A firefighter has to be held by O'Halloran to keep from falling to his death almost a hundred floors in the air. As the men descend via helicopter, the firefighter is eventually dropped; luckily he lands on an inflatable pad and survives.

See also

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